-Chapter Two-

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I gripped Peter's arm, waiting for the impact that never came. I peeled open one of my eyes and peered at the man launching himself out of the car.

"Are you both okay? What were you doing in the middle of the road? I almost hit you!"

Peter explained, "We went to the police to get help. The bad people chased us and we ran out here."

"Where are your parents?" The man approached us but kept a fair distance away.

"Mama was killed. I don't know if Papa is too," Peter says. The man watched Peter and me, studying both of us as if he was trying to figure us out with one look over.

"What are your names?" I turned my head to Peter who looked back at me. Mama had told us not to trust people we don't know. Some of them are bad and will want to hurt us.

"My name is Peter. This is my sister, Anya."

"I'm Glenn. I can help both of you get out of here. We can go look for your Dad..." He glanced back at his car and then scoped the surroundings. "It would probably be safer to take my car." I tightened my hold on Peter's arm. What if he takes us away and hurts us? Glenn noticed my change in mood and his eyes widened slightly. "I won't try to hurt either of you. You have my word." I glanced up at Peter once more. He was staring at the car deep in thought. If we get into Glenn's car, there is a fifty-fifty chance we will be saved or no better than we are out here.

Peter squeezed my hand and led me towards Glenn. Peter is smart when it comes to protecting us. He scares away all of the bullies at school because he's not afraid to fight someone. He could scare away Glenn if Glenn is a bad man. I know he could. Glenn opened up the back door for us, Peter leading me into the car and buckling us both in.

"You guys can guide me back to your house and we'll check for you Dad." Glenn started the car and Peter gave the directions back to the house. I took this time to get a good look at Glenn. He appears to be young. Younger than my Mama and Papa. His hair is short and black, matching the color of his eyes. Glenn had a blank expression on his face, but the mood in his eyes didn't reflect his emotions. His eyes were soft and full of care and worry. He must be as scared as we are.

By the time we made it back to our house, no one was around. There was a large puddle of blood that stained the driveway along with other scattered splotches all over. The puddle was from Mama, but I don't think the rest of the blood stains were. I peered up at the window that led into my bedroom. My pink butterfly curtains were sitting neatly on either side of the glass. Next to my window was Peter's window which was curtainless, then below were the Living Room windows. No one was home.

"Our Papa left." Glenn looked at us through the rearview mirror. The car fell silent as we all gazed upon the house. Where will we go? We have no other family in America.

"I can take you both to Atlanta. I'm going to find my parents Maybe your Dad went there to look for you." Papa would have tried to find us. Maybe he thought the police took us to the city.

"We would like to do that. Thank you, Glenn," Peter leaned back into the seat, eyeing the house one last time. Glenn started up the engine and we set out for Atlanta.

We rode quietly as Glenn muttered the directions to himself. It was growing late and the roads, aside from the wandering bad people and debris, were empty. Why are these people so mean? Are they sick? I held onto Peter's hand as the hole in my gut tore open more. I want to cry and be sick at the same time. Are we going to die?

"Are you two hungry?" I glanced at Peter before nodding. Peter's eyes lit up and he sat up, both of our stomachs grumbling together. Glenn reached into his bag sitting on the passenger seat, pulling out a sandwich bag full of trail mix. "When we get to Atlanta, we will find some real food." Peter and I gratefully took the snack mix and dug in.

"Thank you," Peter smiled with his mouth full. Glenn grinned as well and continued down the dark lonely road. What if Papa isn't in the city? Where will Peter and I go? I stared at the section of the road lit up by the headlights as I pondered about all the places we'd be sent to live. Would Glenn let us stay with him and his family until we found Papa? I wanted to ask Glenn, but my tongue tied itself in a knot. I glanced back at the bag, only one-third left after Peter gorged through the bag. I don't mind. I lost my appetite.

"You can say what is on your mind, Anna."

I frowned. "Anya."

"Anya," Glenn repeated before he looked back at me in the reflection of the mirror. My eyes fell to my lap as I tried to form the question.

"If Papa isn't there, where will Peter and I go?"

"Do you have another family?"

Peter replied, "In Russia."

"Nowhere near here..." Glenn went quiet for a moment, then he said, "You both will just stay with me until we can figure something out." I moved my attention to Peter who was preoccupied with the view outside his window. I shifted my thin-strapped backpack closer to my chest as I watched the houses zip by. If this is the end of the world, how long will we be alive?

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