-Chapter Three-

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By the time Atlanta popped into distant view, the moon was dead center in the sky. Peter and I had never gotten to stay up this late before. Cars were lined up for miles on the road that fed into the city. Everyone must have wanted to reach Atlanta's safety as well.

Glenn pulled up behind the last few cars and leaned forwards to get a good look at the line of cars. We were too far to make it into the city anytime soon. Peter unbuckled his seatbelt and crawled over to my side, peering out my window with me at the darkened city.

"I suppose everyone had the same mindset we did..." Glenn thought aloud. I watched a couple of helicopters hover over the city skyline before flinching at the beating sound of the helicopter propellers above us.

"How will we get into the city if everyone else does too?" Peter questions, looking over at Glenn.

Glenn cut off the engine. "We will just have to wait." I sat further back in my seat and observed the other civilians hovering around their cars. I could see the trepidation and dubiety in their sullen expressions. "I'm going to go talk to some people. Both of you, please stay in the car."

I leaned forward and pinched his forest green T-Shirt sleeve. "Let us come with you." Glenn turned around to us, shifting his attention between Peter and me before nodding in approval.

"Stay right by my side." We all climbed out of the small white car and quickly stretched our limbs. Glenn took our hands and guided us through the crowds of people, urging us to avoid bumping into someone. Are we going to be okay now that there are more people around? Are people ready to fight the bad people?

Peter and I hugged close to Glenn's side as he jumped from person to person to gather intel on the situation. Many people had as much of a clue as we did while others claimed this was a punishment from God. I bit my bottom lip to fight back the stinging tears of confusion. I want to curl up underneath the blankets of my bed and forget this night. I want to frolic through the endless fields of dreamland.

"I want to go back to the car," Peter whimpered.

I squeezed Glenn's hand and peered up at the giant man. "Yeah...can we go back?" Glenn bobbed his head and led us back to his car to wait this out. I sunk into the seat again, my eyes watering with the brink of sleep.

"Glenn..." Peter yawned and rubbed his eyes. "When can we go to bed?" Glenn watched us from the rearview mirror.

"You both can lay down on the seat there." Peter and I glimpsed at each other before we shifted to fit together on the back seat. I snuggled up against my brother and closed my eyes, wishing for sleep to come quickly. I don't want to die. Not yet. I prayed away death for a few more moments before falling asleep.

I woke up to being bounced around on the seat with the thundering rain beating against the windows. I pried open my eyes and stared at Peter's sleeping form. There was no sign of sunlight which meant it was still nighttime. I turned my head back to look up at Glenn. His attention was fixed on the road as he drove. Where are we going? Are we finally making it into the city? I remained to lie next to my brother, staring up at Glenn. Wherever we're going, he will keep us safe. I turned back to Peter and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep once more.

The next time that I woke up, the sun was shining through the car windows. Peter was still fast asleep, but Glenn was nowhere in sight. I sat up straight, fixing my clothes and scanning around the car before noticing Glenn outside.

He was talking with an older man standing next to a big house car. There was a fire pit with a few chairs around it, a makeshift outdoor table, and a couple of tents. Was this where Glenn was driving last night? To go camping? I pulled away from Peter and exited the car. They still had no knowledge I was awake. I approached the two men and gently tugged on Glenn's shirt.

He turned to me and beamed. "Good morning, Anya. Did you sleep well?" I looked up at the old man and my knees began to wobble and my mind turned fuzzy. I quickly hid behind Glenn and focused on the backside of his shirt. Both of them howled as Glenn pet down my messy hair. I was hungry again and I wanted food. I glanced around the camp for anything before being startled by two blonde women exiting the big house car. Both of the women looked our way and with bright smiles, walked over to where we were.

"This must be Anna. I'm Andrea and this is my sister, Amy," Andrea crouched down with a smile, holding her hand out to me. I gripped Glenn's shirt and hid my face in his side. I don't like meeting new people.

"She's a little shy," Glenn chuckled while smoothing down my reddish-brown rat's nest.

"I will go grab them something to eat." Amy rushed back into the vehicle. I turned my head back to Glenn's car, examining a sleepy Peter wiggling his way outside. He ran the back of his palm over his eyes before shuffling over to Glenn and me.

"Good morning, Peter," Glenn smiled at him. Peter repeated the greeting and leaned against me.

"Kogda my buden yest'?" Peter rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Soon." Glenn raised an eyebrow at Peter before he sat both of us down by the dead fire pit as Amy brought over our food on two disposable plates. I shoveled the food into my mouth while Peter took the time to thank Amy. We hadn't eaten in close to twenty-four hours and my stomach was starting to tear itself apart for it. I scarfed the rest of my food down until the plate was bare before setting the plate by my feet and resting against Peter. We may never see Papa again. Will Glenn become our new papa? I stared into the burned ashes of the firepit where the charcoal lay decaying away.

Kogda my buden yest' - When are we going to eat

(I figured it would be easier to read than Russian characters.)

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