-Chapter One-

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Have you ever stopped to look around and take note of what your life has become? To notice how everything in your life changed within a few blinks of an eye? Stop to notice that the world you're living in is no longer the same as it was ten years ago? Five years ago? Or even ten seconds ago? Trees and buildings flew past the car window, left behind with the crumbling memories of family, love, and a long-forgotten civilized society.

"What's on your mind?" I turned to my driver, offering him a smile.

"Nothing important." I looked back out the window. Ten years ago, all television channels stopped playing. Ten years ago, the world's population dropped by the millions. Ten years ago, society as we knew it wasted away like its denizens.

I sat in front of my dollhouse with Peter, minding my own business. He was occupied with his plastic soldiers.

"Can I have one of your doll dresses? My soldiers need a blanket," He explains.

I frown. "My doll clothes are not for you to use with your plastic soldiers."

"Anya, please." He stuck out his bottom lip and put on his "puppy dog eyes". I tore my gaze away so I wouldn't fall victim to his trick. He crawled back into my view, pouting even more. I attempted to hold my ground. However, in the end, I wasn't able to remain stubborn. I always give in. I handed over one of the dresses to him and in return, he kissed my cheek and went back to playing.

"When do you think dinner will be ready?" I ask. "Mama and Papa have been talking for a really long time."

"Maybe Mama is making dinner while they talk about their adult stuff." I haven't eaten all day. Or, well, it feels that way. I was trying to distract myself with my toys so that I could push away the hunger. What adult things could they be talking about?

Peter and I played for a little longer until Mama began crying and a lot of running around. When Mama and Papa talk about adult things, Papa usually yells. He wasn't yelling this time. He was trying to calm down Mama.

"What is happening?" I had my ear pressed against the door as I listened in. They were rapidly speaking in Russian and with the door closed, it was hard to make out what they were saying.

I replied, "I don't know. They are too muffled and talking super duper fast." We both kept our ears to the door to listen in until Mama crashed into the room we were in and took Peter and me by the arms and dragged us to our room.

"What's going on, Mama?" I never noticed how much better Peter's Russian is than his English.

"I need you both to help me pack. We are going to see one of my friends in the city." She pulled together our bags.

"Why are we going to see your friend?" I inquire while putting toys in my bag.

Mama replied, "It is hard to explain my dear, but just trust your Papa and me." Peter and I didn't ask anyone questions.

Once we were packed up, Mama shoved us out of the room and outside towards the car. Papa was still trying to get some food and other supplies in the bags. Why are we taking that stuff if we are going to a friends? Won't they have food there? Peter ran over to the car, leaving Mama and me behind. On the streets, many people ran around in a panic. There were cars speeding down the road, hitting other people. I flinched at the sight of bodies flying around and blood exploding all over the road.

I gripped Mama's hand and I was about to tell her we have to help them before watching one of those people that got hit pull itself up and stumble over to another person, tearing the flesh off their arms and sinking its teeth into their neck. Why are they hurting each other?

I grew so distracted by the people that I nearly jumped out of my skin at Mama's shriek. Her hand jerked out of mine and by the time I looked over at her, there was one of those bad people biting into her neck. Blood sprayed out all over us as she continued to wail in agony. I froze in place.

"Vera!" Papa bolted out the front doors and shot the man in the head. "Anastasia, get back!" I couldn't move. My feet were glued to the flood. Everything was moving at a snail's pace. Papa was holding Mama as the blood poured down her neck. Papa started talking to Peter, but I didn't hear any of it. My ears were still ringing and everything was fuzzy.

Mama wasn't breathing anymore. Did the man that Papa killed, kill Mama? Why would he kill her when she did nothing wrong to him? Someone snatched my hand and yanked me away from Mama and Papa.

"We have to go, Stasia! We have to go to the police station." I followed next to Peter, still not processing what's going on.

I questioned, "Is Mama dead?"

He continued to look ahead. "I think so." Would the police help us? Would they all be dead? Are we going to die? It's going to be dark soon.

By the time Peter and I got to the police station, it was already night. There were no police cars and the streets were filled with bad people.

"We have to go!" Peter looked back at the road. They are going to eat us! Peter gripped my hand and pulled me down the road again. The bad people continued to follow us. We ran through the road as we tried to find help. Help quickly came when a pair of headlights shone on us and tires screeched to a halt. 

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