Epilogue/the afterwards

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The sun was shining high over the continent of Pyrrhia and high over Jade mountain where Silky was in the History cave helping Webs reorganize all the scrolls in the cave into it's right sections and Silky loved to help. "Thank you for helping me Silky" Webs huffed as he hauled up a big wooden crate of history books but then fell over and the history books came tumbling onto the floor of the cave "Webs! Are you okay?" Silky asked, she helped Webs back onto his feet and put all the history books back in the crate and Webs chuckled and thanked Silky again. Silky helped Webs carry the crate into the Library where Starflight placed the books into their right shelves.

Silky was still in the Jade mountain academy because she now worked there as a helper and a teacher for a new cave that had been set up called the Hybrid cave where all the hybrids in Pyrrhia, Pantala, and Prophenia could gather up in the Hybrid cave with Silky and they could learn about how to use their powers like enchanting objects, seeing the future, fly with power and learn about themselves and others. Silky had one of the biggest caves in the Jade mountain academy because a lot of hybrids were around now since Queen Wasp sent out an agreement to Queen Sequoia to end the war between all Hivewings and Leafwings and from that day forward the hives and wildlife had been merging together for days now. Silky had heard a lot from Sundew, Willow, Cricket, Blue, and Swordtail who went back and forth to visit everyone and tell them about more good news.

Silky was busy putting stuff away in her cave after greeting Tsunami but then someone knocked on the cave side and Silky poked her head out to see Sundew and the others from Pantala at her door but with a giant Hivewing behind them. The Hivewing was yellow with stripes of black, she had black spikes and black top horns, and she had an underbelly of yellow fading into black, and she had black eyes with a sharp pupil of white. The Hivewing also had a crown made of gold that went around her horns and there were three twisted sharp things sticking out of her crown and it also curled around her front horn on her forehead while a small gold ring curled around her snout horn and it was all covered in small rubies, a small gold earring was in her ear. It took Silky a moment to realize who was standing in front of her but when she did realize she was surprised because it was Queen Wasp, Queen of all Hivewings! Queen Wasp looked happy and pleased as she asked Silky to take a fly with her. Silky followed Queen Wasp out of Jade mountain and into the wide open areas of the sky and as they glided Queen Wasp talked to Silky. "Silky, you deserve an apology for what I've done to you and your family so with that being said I want you to know that your allowed to come back to the Pantala continent whenever you want and attend to any royal meetings" Queen Wasp smiled and Silky was so surprised! "Of course I'll come visit! Are my parents still there?" Silky asked "of course they are" Queen Wasp said.

Silky went up to Queen Wasp and hugged her as tightly as she could before letting her go. "Thank you Queen Wasp! Thank you so much! I will never forget this deed ever!" Silky cried "your welcome Silky, why don't you come with me and well take the easy way there" Queen Wasp said and created a portal to Pantala. Queen Wasp was able to create hive portals since Paradise gave her so much more power and the Leafwings had a lot of power too. Silky and Queen Wasp entered the portal and it took them straight to the castle where Queen Sequoia was waiting for Queen Wasp to return. "Queen Wasp! My lovely Queen, I see you've come back with Silky and Silky we have a gift for you" Queen Sequoia poked Silky's nose. Queen Sequoia opened the entrance door and two Silkwings came in and when they saw each other they quickly hugged tightly and Silky started crying.

"Mom! Dad! I've missed you!" Silky wailed "darling! I thought we would never see you again!" Silky's mother cried "thank you Queen Wasp and Queen Sequoia for returning our daughter back to us" Silky's father said with tears in his eyes. Queen Wasp and Queen Sequoia smiled as they watched Silky and her parents hug but then Silky's parents noticed her big Leafwing wings and gasped. "Your three aunts were right!" Silky's mother said and then Silky had remembered what Tamia said about FateVision and Isra being her aunts but when they had met Isra she hadn't really talked to her that much but maybe she would in the future. "Mom, dad, I know about FateVision and Isra" Silky said "what... How?" Silky's father asked "Tamia told me and I can show you to her" Silky said and asked everyone in the castle to follow her. 

Silky led her parents and the two Queens to Tamia who was perched on a cliff staring at the sky while her tail wagged back and forth. Silky's parents were amazed by the dragonet in front of them because of her huge body, her sparkling black and white scales, her big wings, the way her horns were shaped, and when she turned they stared at her abyss black eyes and her hour glass pupils. "Who knew such a dragonet could have a strange appearance" Silky's father said out loud and Silky's mother shoved his body a bit with eyes and gave him and angrily stare but Tamia's ears pricked up meaning that she had heard. Tamia might have had the power of future telling and mind reading but she also had the power to hear very well with her pointy ears and see very well with her sharp eyes. Tamia got up and walked towards Silky and stood in front of her with a smile on her face. "Y-your the one who told Silky about her two other aunts?" Silky's mother asked "yes I was... Lilac and Silk" Tamia had known Silky's parents names but Silky thought it was no big surprise.

Tamia told them that she had a special surprise for them and then all of the sudden huge wing beats cut through the area. A giant Nightwing flew up towards the sky but then back down to where Tamia, Silky, and the others were and they perched right beside Tamia and the Nightwing was bigger than Tamia but dear god was she beautiful! The Nightwing was black but under her black scales was rows of whitish-purple before those scales hit her underbelly which was gray and she had blueish-purple horns and huge blueish-purple wings with white dots. On their face they had a thick line of light orange under their eyes and under the light orange was light pink and they had blue eyes with black surrounding the blue like the abyss. Lastly she was wearing earring with purple jewels, a necklace of silver with another purple gem, and a thick silver bracelet with white gems going around it. This was FateVision, the auntie of Silky...

FateVision smiled at Silky, Lilac, and Silk then Silky's parents ran up to FateVision and hugged her tightly and started talking about how they hadn't seen each other in years. FateVision laughed a bit then looked at Tamia and back at Silky like she was signaling Tamia to do something and that's when Tamia pushed Silky into her aunt and her aunt hugged her tightly, her long and thick tail wrapping around Silky like a blanket. "Auntie...? Is this truly you?" Silky asked and FateVision had tears streaming down her face "yes, it's me my love and I'll be here for quite awhile" FateVision sniffled a bit "auntie!" Silky cried as she hugged FateVision more tightly. Silky had come all this way to surprisingly meet her auntie or her long lost auntie. FateVision and Silky began to talk about what has gone down in Pyrrhia. "You wouldn't believe it! I fought a huge dragon and met Paradise and Isra and other tribe dragons!" Silky exclaimed "just like how it was supposed to happen" FateVision whispered. Silky showed FateVision to Jade mountain and how she helps around the Jade mountain academy and teaches hybrid dragons and FateVision was quite impressed. "I used to teach Nightwings when I was younger, I used to teach history and told old legends" FateVision said while looking in the History cave.

Webs had walked in and saw the huge Nightwing looking at the many different scrolls and maps there was and he jumped while dropping some of the new scrolls he was carrying. FateVision turned to Webs and snickered "are you okay?" FateVision asked as she helped him up and picked up the dropped scrolls "yeah, just that I never expected to see such a huge Nightwing in my cave" Webs said "it's alright" FateVision smiled. Silky realized that FateVision was not only smart and old but caring, funny, and helpful and she loved to teach the dragonets as much as Silky does meaning she was like her just a Nightwing version. FateVision soon had to go and she said that she must attend back to her duties in the ravine. "Do you really have to go?" Silky sighed "yes, my duties are important as a Nightwing and I have to leave but I will be back soon, I promise" FateVision said then hugged Silky, Lilac, and Silk goodbye then she went over to the exit and flew off into the air.

Silky waved to FateVision and FateVision waved goodbye back but then she disappeared into the sky. Tamia nudged Silky and all of a sudden everyone came along beside Silky and they all made Silky feel more okay about everything that has happened but night began to fall so everyone slept in the Gold winglet cave and huddled up next to each other because of the cold breeze. Silky was relaxed and had very good dreams about lushes flowers and beautiful blue skies and hanging around the others while flying high in the air. This was where she belonged, this was her home, her life, her family and she would do anything to protect it and she thanked Paradise, Isra, and FateVision for bringing this life to her.

𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒾𝓈 𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝒾𝓉 𝒻𝑒𝓁𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝑒...

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