baking cookies on a wednesday at 2 in the morning

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Sunny woke up in a frenzied panic from all the screaming. "Oh, you're awake! Good, good." Kel said brightly, in a way calmer tone. "W-What..was with all the yelling?" Sunny asked, pretty annoyed. Kel tilted his head, thinking. "Hm...I dunno. Anyways! I wanna watch a movie, pleeaaasee come watch it with me. No one else is awake." He begged, shaking the tiny black-haired boy lightly. Sunny glanced at his alarm clock, the only bright red light source in his house. "It's 2:00 AM...wait. Kel, what are you doing in my house?"

Kel looked to the side, sort of embarrassed. "Well..I might've......kicked the door down." He replied sheepishly. "You WHAT!?" Sunny yelled. "Look, I'm sorry! I just really wanted to see you because I love you and I don't want you to leaaavee!!" Kel whined, gripping Sunny's bedsheets. "Kel. I have 2 more days. You didn't need to kick my door down at 2 in the morning and lie about wanting to watch a movie with me." He put his hand on Kel's head endearingly. "I'm going to be honest with you, the fact that you literally broke into my house is kind of concerning. But, if you're that desperate to hang out, I guess I could stay up a little longer." He said, smiling at him.

Kel gasped, his eyes lighting up. "Really!? Really really!?" He asked, shaking Sunny again. " don't shake me too much, otherwise I'm going to vomit." Kel let go and stepped back as Sunny shakily got out of bed. "Aye aye, captain." Kel responded, bowing. "Pfft. Still convinced I'm a pirate?" Sunny questioned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and heading to the living room while Kel followed behind him like a puppy. "Yes, because you are. You can't hide it from your own boyfriend." Sunny's face heated up and his stomach squirmed, now that he'd been reminded. Yes...they were dating now. He still questioned if it was real or not...thinking about it made him want to squeal into a pillow.

Kel opened the front door for Sunny and grabbed his hand as gently as he could, guiding him in the darkness. "Are we going to your house?" Sunny asked him. "Mhm.." Kel mumbled lightly in response. Sunny almost walked into the basketball hoop that was out in the road for some reason, and Kel had to pick him up by the armpits and steer him out of the way. On the way there, (literally a 2 minute walk) Sunny kept getting distracted by cats and pretty leaves. He'd also stop randomly to stare at the stars. Kel eventually gave up and gave Sunny a piggyback since he could not focus at all.

Kel opened the door with Sunny still on his back to see Hero waiting for him. (Cue Hero cheering on his gayass brother-) "Welcome back, Kel! Got your new boyfriend on your back, I see." He teased. "W-Wait- how did you know!?" Kel asked, letting Sunny down. Sunny clinged to his back while he awaited an answer from Hero. "Well...I may or may not have seen you at the playground." Hero admitted.

"Oh- FUCK!"
"Kel! Do not say that!"
"I'm sorry! Do mom and dad know?"
"No- I wouldn't out you like that."
"Okay, okay, good. That's great."

Sunny listened to them talk, uninterested. He didn't understand most of the terms they were using anyways. "Alright! I better let you two go, then." Hero stated, giving a little wave. "Don't burn the house down," he said, heading up the stairs as Kel gave him an annoyed look. He huffed, then turned to Sunny. "Sunshine! Let's go. Do you want to watch the movie, or..?" He questioned. Sunny's face went red again because of the cute nickname he'd gotten. "Sun...shine?" He mumbled quietly. "Yeah! Like your new nickname?" Kel asked, shooting him another bright smile. "'s..adorable." Sunny told him, rubbing his eyes again. Man, was he tired.

"Okay, I'm glad! Now, what do ya wanna do?" Kel repeated the question once again. "Hm...Well...I mean, we could watch that dumb movie. But that would be boring....Oh, I know! We could bake cookies." Sunny suggested, smiling slightly. "Yes! Yes, that's a great idea! You're a genius, Sunshine!" Kel praised him, giving him a big hug. "Aw, thanks, but I only thought of this because I rewatched Nailed It! for the sixth time this week." Sunny remarked, changing his usually blank facial expression slightly. "I should really find something else to watch."

Kel was concerned, but decided to ignore the comment. "That' Um, anyways, how do you bake cookies again?" Kel wondered out loud. "Oh...I don't actually know. I mean, I've watched them do it before. It should be easy." Sunny mentioned.

Spoiler alert: It was not easy.

Sunny sat there, struggling to tear the dough apart, as Kel aggressively smashed it with his palms. "Stop that, you dumbo. We're supposed to roll them into balls, not commit dough-icide." Sunny scolded him. Kel just stared back blankly. "I don't know what that means, and I don't think I want to." Sunny sighed in fake annoyance, pulling Kel's ear. "Owww! Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Kel whined. "It's okay. Just don't commit dough-icide next time." Sunny whispered quietly, lifting his head up and kissing his nose.

Kel went red again. "T-That was just an excuse to kiss me, wasn't it?" He asked. Sunny shrugged and resumed what he was doing. "Not telling." He replied, not taking his eyes off the dough. Kel rested his head on his hand. "Dough-icide, was it? How long did it take you to come up with that banger?" He teased. Sunny rolled his eyes. "You have no clue what you're talking about. I'm amazing at naming things." He stated, flicking his forehead. "Owww! Again! What is it with you and assaulting me unprovoked?" Kel groaned. Sunny shrugged once again and smashed another piece of the dough into a stiff ball. "That's probably fine." He told himself.

"I think we put it into an oven next? For how long?" Kel asked. "Uhh...I have no idea. Let's just set a random time and see what happens." Sunny suggested. "Sure, why not?" Kel agreed. He set the stove at 400 degrees and grabbed Sunny's hand once again, as they now had to figure out what to do before the cookies were done.

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