1 Moving to California

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Before reading!
This is my first story ever. So please excuse the mistakes and please comment the correct form if you ever see anything wrong (I'd really appreciate if you could do this, I'd improve so much!). The verb tenses may get confusing. This is due to my main language not being English so if the mistake is stupid don't be too mean and please point it out.
Besides, I've never been to California or the U.S. so any information that may be wrong inform me as well. Google may not be a 100% reliable source. Thanks. I'll try not to write too many author's notes because I find them a bit annoying, but this one was necessary.
This story will contain strong language and maybe sex scenes but I'm just writing as I'm thinking about this so I don't know for sure. I'll write ate the beginning of the chapter a warning for sex scenes when they appear. If you feel offended by any of these I suggest you don't read the story or the chapter containing sex and I'm sorry if I have offended you.
Feel free to like, comment, share, vote etc. I may not write any notes thanking it but I do appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it.

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Everyone spends their high school career dreaming about the day they'll finally move abroad for college. I'm not any different. I studied hard so I was able to choose which college I wanted to attend. I got accepted in my number one choice: the UCLA. California was a state I had always wanted to move into, I knew how crazy those college parties could get. It was perfect for me.

The day had finally arrived, I waved goodbye to mom, dad and my home in Phoenix, Arizona. The five-hour lonely drive in my red Chevy SUV fully packed with my clothes and belongings was the only thing keeping me away from the college life, there was nothing like the great choice of music on my iPhone to keep me entertained during the road trip.

I would get there a week before classes started to get settled in on my new apartment and get familiar with the city, the campus, the people and most importantly, the parties. The welcome freshmen party would be tomorrow and there was no way on earth I would miss it. I didn't know anybody in California except for an aunt who didn't have any interest in spending time with me other than when I requested it. So I wouldn't request it.

College parties were the best way for me to get to know people I'd be around for the next four years or embarrass myself in front of people I could bump into at any time.

After arriving at my new apartment and carrying all the boxes upstairs, I found myself really tired and fell asleep on the couch before even having dinner.


With everything in the apartment settled, I decided to grab some food before heading to the party in one of the frat houses. I chose a diner I'd found through some website that was close to the party. Since I would have to drive myself to the flat, I couldn't get drunk or at least I would have to be sober when I decided to leave the party.

After ordering, I sat down in a table near the window and ate in silence up until the moment someone sat in front of me loudly.

"Hi there. I'm Dan, starting UCLA next week as I hope you are too, otherwise I'm just being a creep." He smiled nervously.

"Hey, I'm Alison." We shook hands. "I'm taking Psychology, yeah. So don't worry, I'm not running away yet."

"It's a start! So, are you a local?" I always believed asking questions to a random stranger was more awkward than it was a good way of getting to know them. You'd only know what the person wanted you to know. I decided to simply answer his question instead of going into a deep conversation.

"No, I just moved here yesterday and I don't know anyone or any places. So, don't try to kidnap me while pretending to give me a tour." I smirked. I have a way with sarcasm and strange humor and if people can't take it then just leave.

"I should probably just go then, if there's no way I'm kidnapping you." I was starting to like this guy. As he answered I finally took a close look at him. He is cute, muscles defined (I must remind myself not to stare at those awesome defined arms and shoulders and... shit!), blue eyes and messy black hair. His skin was tanned probably from going to the beach often. After my evaluation taking a bit too long I finally managed to say something.

"So, I'm guessing you're from town?"

"Wow, now you're sounding like you want to kidnap me." I laugh at that. Then he added "Stalker much? I have lived here my whole life."

"I like reading people. Or at least trying. Psychology remember?" He nodded. "So what's your major?"

"Economics. But I'm just in UCLA for the football team, I hope I get into a team and go pro instead of continuing with Econ."

So that explains those awesome arms and probably insane abs underneath that tight polo. A polo that could be so easily removed. Fuck. Just focus on his eyes. His ocean-blue eyes and his lips. Oh god what a psycho. Just stop already.

"So, are you attending the welcome party?" I asked hoping he hadn't somehow read my thoughts.

"I wouldn't miss it! It's always a challenge to meet new people and I want to see if everyone is as nervous as I was when I was the freshman." And here I thought he was in the same shoes I was in.

"You're not a freshman?" He looked a bit surprised maybe it was obvious he wasn't? The confusion in his eyes was replaced with a smile.

"I've been a freshie. I'm all grown up now! I'm a soph." He had this drop dead gorgeous playful smile planted on his face. Were all the UCLA students this gorgeous? I hoped not otherwise my ovaries wouldn't take one whole year.

"Oh, sorry you're a really big boy. So, any tips for the newbies?"

"Attend all of the parties accompanied by a sophomore football player."

"All of the freshmen? I highly doubt that's possible."

"Oh, no. You can't give away tips like this one. Otherwise everyone would go through college so easily. Where would be the fun in that?" He questioned, with the same playful smile he had moments ago.

I laughed at that. This guy was funny. And cute. And flirting with me. For this was my first night here, this would be a promising year.

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