Chap 2. The Hired Hunter

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"Yeah I have no clue what that's about" Mavis said as she looked at the video for the 100th time, we're both still puzzled by the pink glitter that appeared in our eyes. Mavis had been asking a few questions about humans, most of them were just to make sure we aren't toe eating, monster hunting creatures. I even let her wear my hat which has patches that reference pop-culture things, like a spider-man logo, Rebellion logo and a bunch more. I tried to teach her what each was from but it's kinda hard to cram a whole franchise into something that an 118 year old who hasn't seen the internet before can understand.

"Wait, how long have I been here for?" Mavis added as she jumped up off the bed.

"Like 40ish minutes" I replied after glancing at the phone's clock.

"Holy rabies! My Dad's gonna ground me for decades!" She yelped as she opened the window, the stormy winds now gone with a clear night sky in it's place.

I was half-way through saying goodbye when she leaped out the room and flapped away as a bat towards what I can only assume is her home. It was almost 2 in the morning and my mind just started to crash from all the thinking its done in this short time. Vampires being real? Seemed mental if it wasn't true.

Wait. She took my hat... I liked that hat.

I pushed the theft to the side of my mind. My bed took my focus as it was a bit of a mess due to a bat shuffling on it and a vampire using it as a chair but it still looked comfortable nonetheless, and so I passed out on it.


Mavis returns to the castle... Late


Mavis managed to find her way back to the castle, passing by a small clearing where a few of the zombie workers seemed to be taking apart some false buildings, she assumed her Father must of had a small event on for the guests.

She couldn't wait to tell him all about the human she met, and how much different he was in comparison to what her father preaches to her and his friends.

With a swift dive into her window, Mavis was now home in her room... Her father stood at her door with an unhappy but also worried look.

"Where were you sugar-bat?" He said as he seemed to push away his unhappy nature, just being glad his daughter was okay.

"The village remember? I think your years are catching up to you dad" Mavis joked as she went over to her bed and flopped onto it. Y/n's hat dropping off her head due to the movement.

Mavis instinctively grabbed it before it could role off the bed.

"What is that?" Dracula asked his daughter who was now looking at the many patches on what Y/n called a 'Cap'.

"Oh it's what humans call a cap-" Mavis began to explain before her father's voice powered over the room.

"Humans?" He spoke loudly, as if he was surprised to know she ran into them.

Mavis could feel the way her father felt, he was worried but ready to kill whoever might of hurt his daughter.

"It's okay Dad, he was kind. He didn't want to bite my toes!" Mavis spoke up, but her Dad didn't seem to listen to her words, he simply stood up straight and made one demand before leaving the room.

"You are never leaving the Castle again" He spoke.

Before Mavis could even respond he had left her room, Mavis was confused by her Father's reaction considering he was more then happy to let her visit the village, so why was he so ticked off by it.

She decided to talk to him about it, but first she hid Y/n's cap under the bed. A patch that was poorly sewed on had fallen off onto her hand, a bat shaped patch that Y/n said represented some guy named 'Batman', she liked the fact that it kinda represented her too due to it being a bat so she quickly stashed the patch into her sleeve.

Human Culture | Male Reader X Mavis DraculaWhere stories live. Discover now