Chap 1. Welcome to Transylvania!

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I was supposed to be travelling to Budapest from Istanbul for work, but no, my boss can't bother spending an extra few dollars for a plane ticket, now I'm stuck in some town in the middle of absolutely nowhere and they have been celebrating this Monster-Fest thing all god damn month, thankfully I have enough cash to crash for a few nights in the local inn on the outskirts of town so the celebrations aren't as obnoxious.

Still not entirely sure what my boss want's me to do around here anyway, first it was the forests of the US and Canada, then it was Australia, West Virginia and now I'm essentially stranded in a small town in Transylvania. He refuses to elaborate on what I'm doing and keeps telling me to drag around this big, heavy and annoying metal suitcase BUT I can't open it. Maybe he's using me as a smuggler?... I should probably check the suitcase.

My finger was just centimeters from the unlock hatch when my phone buzzed. A text.

"Don't think about it" - Mr. VH (aka Boss man)

"How the fuck-" I questioned loudly before tossing the suitcase under the bed, now trying to ignore it.

The day began to turn to night, and without much to do I decided that a brisk walk might be a good idea, the woodland track nearby seemed good enough. And after an hour or two of strolling through what seemed to be Halloween themed forests for the event I began to hear construction noises, I strolled over to it to see a bunch of construction workers in zombie costumes... they really like Halloween here huh?

I decided that the sight of costumed construction workers was enough for the night and began my walk back to the inn, that and also a bat kept swooping me and it's red eyes are kinda disturbing.

Once I got back I threw myself on the bed and began to nod off.


A few hours later, in a Monster Hotel


"Look, honey, I know you're excited, but everyone has gone to great lengths to come see you on your birthday" Dracula said to his daughter, who was currently wearing a Hawaiian shirt with the eagerness to get out into the world.

"I know. They always do" Mavis sighed as she turned into a bat and sat on the window seal.

"But aren't I getting a little old for these parties? I love them, but, I really want to see new things. Maybe meet somebody my age" Mavis continued with a pout growing on her face.

"Come on. No, no, don't do that. Don't give me the pouty-bat face... Fine, okay, there is a human village just a little ways past the cemetery. You could go there and be back in, like, 30 minutes or so. It should be plenty for your first time" Dracula said happily, knowing full well that it was a ruse.

"Well, it's not Ha-wee-wee, but I guess it's still technically out there!" Mavis squealed with excitement, giving her father a hug before thanking him for trusting her.

And after a chat with her Father's friends she was off, heading towards the cemetery... on a misty and windy night.

Mavis may live here, but due to the sudden change of weather she had lost track of where the cemetery was, but she saw a single light off in the distance of the fog and flew for it. Her Father who was trailing her at the time had also lost track of her due to the aggressive mist, obviously he was not exactly thrilled to know that she hadn't found the fake village... but she'd return to the hotel... right?


Back to the inn, a few seconds before Mavis got lost

Human Culture | Male Reader X Mavis DraculaWhere stories live. Discover now