Chap 4. Healing Process

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I'll admit it, I've had better food then this. Not that it tastes bad it's just that I morally question myself every time I take a bite of a "scream cheese bagel", the rest is usually stuff that Mavis attempted to cook herself to make it human friendly but you can really tell that she's lived off of whatever was cooked by her Father or the Hotel's cooking staff.

My phone is beyond repair, my knee requires me to use a crutch to hop around and I have a vampire nurse who comes in every few minutes to check on me and it's only my first day here.

Pretty sure if I wasn't still a bit high from what was put in me I'd be either screaming or constantly afraid the wrong monster would walk through Mavis's door-

"Mavis? Ya there?" I heard an unknown male voice call, I stay silent as I lay in the bed.

The door opened slowly, I quickly closed the lid to Mavis's coffin bed and controlled my breathing. The sound of loud footsteps came into the room and my heart dropped as I saw a set of large fingers slowly open the coffin.

"UNCLE FRANK! What are you doing in here?" Mavis asked excitedly as I heard her hug this "Uncle Frank".

"Aw shucks, I was gonna leave you a birthday present on your bed for when you came back, it was mainly Eunice's idea" Frank admitted, my heartrate calmed as I heard Mavis usher him out of the room and close the door, I slowly opened the coffin to see the present sitting on the bedside.

Birthday? She said she was born in 1894 back at the inn so she'd be like 118 now right? Guess it's her big 18th but like in Vampire years.

I pull myself out of the bed and hear the door open again, my heart dropped but quickly calmed when I saw Mavis.

"Sorry about that, I came as soon as I heard my door open. He didn't see you did he?" Mavis asked me as she sat beside me.

"I don't think so. Happy Birthday by the way" I congratulated, handing her the gift from Frank.

She smiled and opened it, a potion sat inside with a note.

"We remember when you were a small bat, you would hurt yourself so much when trying to fly or walk on walls. Of course nowadays you have your vampire healing but back then it was slow and we'd always give you some of this elixir from our creator to speed up the process. For the memories - Love, Eunice & Frank" Mavis read aloud as she smiled happily at the potion, then something seemed to pop into her head, best guess was an idea.

She popped the cork on the bottle and poured a bit onto my knee, it stung a bit but ultimately it did nothing. She sighed as she put the cork back on the bottle.

"It's alright Mav, the elixir was probably intended for monster genetics anyway" I tried to guess, another idea seemed to of come to her.

She bit her lip till it bled, had a mouthful of the elixir and mixed it in her mouth before spitting it onto my wound, and surprisingly it worked well, I could see my knee slowly heal back to normal.

Mavis silently cheered to herself as she kissed the bottle in success, I smiled as she put it on her nightstand and offered me her hand to stand up. My knee still felt a little off but it was gently going away as I walked from one side of the room to the other.

"Wow! That worked like magic!" I exclaimed as I hopped on the spot a bit.

"Like your 'phone'!" Mavis laughed as she looked over to the shattered device, her smile faded a bit.

"Did you lose the pictures and 'videos' on it when it broke?" Mavis asked as she put some of the elixir on the shattered remains of the phone.

"Nope! It's all on the SD card, which is like... books in a library! Except I can only open the books in a library and not out of it" I tried my best to explain how I can't just pull the photos out of the card.

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