6 : The Hope

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When I got to the hotel I couldn't get Carlos out of my head. I couldn't understand why he had reacted like that, it was so sudden.
Without realizing it I see a hand moving in front of my face. I notice that it is Hannah trying to get my attention.

Hannah: You're still with me. She laughs.

Me: Sorry Hannah I was thinking about Ferrari's performance and... She cuts me off.

Hannah: No stop, now it's time to rest, we'll talk tomorrow. If you can't think of anything else, find an activity to take your mind off it.

Me: Yes, you're right, I'll go and enjoy the gym a bit.

Hannah: Good choice. She says goodbye and heads for the lift.

When my things are ready I head for the gym on the way I meet Pierre and I guess by his clothes that he goes to the same place. We decide to do sports together as before.

I had forgotten that pilot training was so hard. I had gotten used to it by doing it, but now I realize how hard it is. After finishing our training I sit on the floor, red as a tomato.

Pierre laughs out loud and takes a picture. I jump on him to take his phone but it is much too big for me. But I manage to make him promise not to share it on social networks by threatening to post much worse pictures of us.

Pierre: I'm going to the simulator with Yuki. And that way we can let you try the simulator for a while.

He immediately understood my answer in front of my eyes that sparkled with impatience. I quickly took my shower and changed my clothes to arrive in front of the hotel where Pierre was waiting for me.

I arrived in the simulation room. I see Yuki already practicing. I am amazed by the huge machine. After one hour the two Alpha Tauri pilots turn to me and tell me to try it.

They give me a short lesson on the steering wheel which was nothing like the steering wheels I was used to but I was so excited.

My first race was a disaster but as the races went on Pierre gave me advice which helped me a lot. The steering wheel was so complex but after an hour and a half of hard work I understood how it worked and my times were, according to Pierre, a great achievement. Both pilots said that they had only obtained these times after many hours of simulator training.

Pierre told me to keep going for a while and that he would look for something. I thought it was strange but I didn't pay attention. After two races I don't see Pierre coming back. Yuki is looking at his phone since Pierre left and keeps telling me to go on. Their weird behaviour starts to annoy me.

I decide to use my feelings in this race that I had decided to be the last one. I was completely focused on the simulator. I felt like I was in a real grand prix. After the end of the many laps I did the best time of the day.

Yuki stood up to applaud. I laughed at him and got out of the machine when I heard a voice behind me.

Christian: Why didn't you tell me about your driving skills?

I turn around and see my boss right in front of me Pierre right next to him with a big smile on his face. I stay without saying anything in front of him for a long minute.

Me: Because I gave up the idea of being a pilot after waiting 3 years for a team to contact me in vain.

Marko: So you gave up all the work you had done.

I can't believe my eyes when I see Helmut Marko standing next to Christian.

Me: Mr. Marko I just don't have the strength to chase a dream that will never come true.

Marko: Did you really stop dreaming? If you did, why did you get into the simulator?

I did not answer this question. It was too hard to admit it. Helmut Marko was very good at figuring people out. Of course I wanted to believe and I still want to believe that there is a place for me in Formula 1 but reason catches up with me every time.

Marko: you missed this feeling, didn't you?

I don't answer that one either. Of course I missed it. More than that I had finally found myself. I was a pilot and that's what's written in my DNA forever but it's just not possible. The only response I give Helmut is to clench my fists and close my eyes.

I was powerless in front of him. He was reading me like an open book.

Marko: That's what I thought. So I repeat, are you a pilot or a strategist inside?

I didn't answer his question, I was too afraid of the consequences and if I said pilot what would happen.

Marko: If you don't want to answer I won't stay.

I see Marko turn around and walk towards the door. My blood runs cold and I don't think about the word that comes out of my mouth.

Me: a pilot. I shout the words with a gasp. Helmut, who had his hands on the handle, turns to me. I look down at him. In my heart I am a pilot and I always will be, but as long as there is no room for me then I will be a strategist. Because I will do anything to stay in this world. This is the only world I belong to the only world that fits me so please by revealing my feelings don't fire me and let me stay in this world, in our world.

My heart beats so fast as I wait for Marko's answer. I feel drops of sweat running down my forehead and back as I see Helmut Marko smile at me.

Marko: That's what I wanted to hear little one. Keep training as a driver and working as a strategist if you can do both then maybe you'll get a place in an F1 car.

I am petrified on the spot when I hear these words. I see Helmut Marko turn and leave the room followed by Christian who smiles at me. I didn't have time to answer him. I look at the door when I hear a noise behind me. I turn around and see Pierre and Yuki smiling at me.

Me: Tell me I'm not dreaming and that Helmut Marko has just offered me a job.

Pierre: You're not dreaming, you're one of the pilots now in Helmut's eyes

I look at him and jump into his arms. The three of us shout and dance.

Yuki: We're going to celebrate, guys, but we can't say anything, it's not official yet, so we're going to walk out of here like it never happened.

Pierre and I nod to him that we understand before we leave. We each go to our room to get ready, Pierre had invited Charles and Lando and then the five of us went out.

At least I thought there were only five of us....


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