11: The restaurant

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I'm driving a beautiful Honda that the team has lent me for this weekend. It's just beautiful. Of course, the car is midnight blue, which I think highlights the curves of the car even more.

My best friend next to me turns up the music in the car and we start to sing and laugh together.
When we arrive at the car park of the big hotel where we are going to stay, my best friend starts clapping her hands.

Morane: Carla, look at this! At least it's a 4 star hotel !

Me: What did you expect? A low-cost hotel?

We laugh and get out of the car. When we get to the reception hall, I hear my best friend exclaiming at how beautiful the place is.

I walk towards the reception, keeping an eye on my best friend who has already taken out her phone to take pictures and put them on social media.

She's totally hooked.

I get our card to unlock our room and head towards her.

Me: Here is your key you are in the room next to mine. 393 and mine is 394.

She nods and we head for the lift. I see Morane typing on his phone with a wide smile.

Me: Who are you talking to with a big smile like that.

Morane: Pierre. He told me he was coming in an hour, they just got off the plane.

Me: Who is he with?

Morane: Yuki, Charles and Carlos. They were all in Monaco.

I feel my heart miss a beat when I hear the Spaniard's name.  We hadn't spoken since the last time on the plane. The images of my head on his shoulder come back to me, along with the video, which makes me instantly blush.

The shrill sound of the lift pulls me out of my thoughts and we head out. When we get to our rooms, we put our things down and look at both rooms before going to mine.

I start to put on some music and we both sing along. Morane makes a little video of us.

Morane: I'm going to send it to Pierre so we can see if he's coming.  I laugh with her.

Me: Give him the room number, it will be quicker.

Morane: No, it's too explicit and if he wants to know, he only has to ask me.

I laugh at this thought and take his hands and we start dancing. A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door. I open it and see the two Alpha Tauri drivers and the two Ferrari drivers.

Pierre: Charles also wanted to see Morane so we all came.

My eyes keep turning to Carlos' smiling eyes.  I move over and let them in. Morane, at the sight of Pierre, jumps into his arms, then she does it again with Charles. I introduce her to the other two. But when I say Carlos' name, my best friend turns to me and raises an eyebrow.

Morane: Nice to meet you Carlos. After this insta-post, I've been dying to meet you. She holds out her hand and I put my hand on her shoulder.

Me: Stop the nonsense. Is she joking or is she just a little jealous that I'm making other friends.

Carlos and I laugh and Morane decides to let go and go to Charles and Pierre. I take a breath and we start talking together.

After half an hour everyone goes back to their rooms to rest. I take out my computer and start working. After two hours of hard work, I hear a knock on my door. I open the door and see Lando with a big smile.

THE FERRARI BOY | CARLOS SAINZ [ AN ] Where stories live. Discover now