A little help from The Past

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Skylar's POV

I never thought that I would ever call this number in my life but I had to.

"'Ello who is this?"

"Hi James it is Skylar"

"Skylar! What a surprise to see that you are out of your cage. Who knew Garret would let you leave the pen."

"Well lets just say Garret is in a pen worse then the one I was in."

"What did you do you little b*tch?!"

"I didn't do anything Garret just got sloppy with his skeems. Lucky for you I was the only one home that day. But not so lucky for Garret that he was home." I said with all the anger I had been building in the past years about burts out of me.

" I will find you and you will pay for what you did to my brother you know that right!"

"I would hold your horses there James. I am working with the Feds now so I would be carefully about what you threaten me with because I can lead them right to you. But if you don't want that to happen I need some names about a Branch in  Minnisota."

"Are you black mailing me? Well my my my what has my Little Brother taught you?"

"He taught me enough to know how to work the system. So do you wanna start talking or shall I?"

"Fine I only know of a few people who are still buying down there but I do know who is running it and boy will you be surprised...."

I listen to everything he tells me. I was shocked to find out the one person I least expected to be running it was....  Amanda... My Best Friend.

Reid's POV

I quickly rushed out side to see Skylar still on the phone I snathc it out of her and And demand the person on the other line to state their name.

"Reid It's Garcia" I hear a familiar voice tell me.

"Oh Garcia I'm Sorry... I didn't..." I handed the phone back to Skylar and I walked back to the car shakeing my head at my stupidity. I can't belive I just did that what came over me...

Reid Get your Head in the Game you Are Not Falling for This Girl!

>>>>>Authors Note<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Hey guys this is a filler my computer has been stupid and wont really let me post anything. So I am really glad to atleats get this Up!

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Hope You all like it and please Read my New Book

The DJ's Playlist when I add it!

Love ya ~J-lee

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