Chapter 3 : wands doesn't like me (skippable)

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Just yesterday was my birthday, I'm eight now, Aunt Cassie and Cissa decided to invite my friends and family members, it was a small gathering inside the Black Castle, it was snowing a lot outside.
We played games and everything, but that doesn't matter, what matter is that Aunt Cassie decided to woke me up at 5am to bring me to gringotts with ,surprisingly, Arcturus coming with us.

"Greetings Goblin, may your word stay sharp, and you good multiply.
-May your Coffers flow and your enemies fall before you , madam Cassiopeia, how can I help you ?"

Cassie was right, Goblins are in great mood in early hours ! She asked for me to access to my vault, shouldn't I be older to access it ?
The goblin brought us to a different room where was sited another goblin call Egrast, he whisper something to him and Egrast take out a paper and a ... dagger ?

"I am Egrast, the goblin in charge of the potter vaults and finances, for miss Black-Potter here to access her vaults, we need to verify her identity and give her the inheritance rings.
-Yes of course, come here Aria" said Aunt Cassie.

She sit me on the chair before Egrast and took the dagger to withdraw a small amount of blood from she put on the paper, she took great care of removing all the blood from the dagger before giving it back to Egrast.
The paper before strat forming words, Egrast took it before giving it to me.

Asteria Lily Dorea Black-Potter
20th January 1977 (eight years old)

Daughter of :
James Potter (deceased)
Lily Potter née Evans (deceased)

Harry James Potter

Sirius Orion Black III

Magical gardian :
Arcturus Black III

Magical affiliation:

Magical gift(s) :
Parseltongue (unknown origin)

Eligible Heirships :
Heir of the noble House of Potter
Heir of the noble and ancient house of Black
Heir of the noble and ancient house of Peverell(through necromancy gift)

Ineligible heirships :
The noble house of Gaunt
The ancient and noble house of Slytherin

Unknown origin of Dark Magic, the cause of the gift "Parseltongue" and the ineligible heirships

It's seem I'm the one you became the horcrux, or perhaps it was divise between Harry and I ?
Also I'm an elementalist, it is a quite common gift so I'm not that surprise, the only thing that change is controlling elements would be easier, the art of controlling elements is something everyone can learn.

Looking at the paper in front of me, I'm stun by how a small amount of blood can show so many things about someone, well it's not the blood that show this, it's the magic in the blood.
From my lessons, I learned magic flow in all of our bodies, from our hair to our finger nails, that why for wands core we can use Veela or Unicorn hair, this also mean magic flow in our blood, it's magic main way of movement in our body, thus why we can use dragon heartstrings, it's the same for animal like magical birds, magic flow also in there feathers, this lead to using phoenix feathers for magical wand.
So technically, we can use a wizard fingernail to know who he is, it must be in the DNA, we use blood because the paper can absorb it quickly, or maybe the wizard didn't found another way to absorb magic.

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