Chapter 5

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Author note :
If you are not comfortable with the mention of death and/ the manipulation of death, stop this book. The protagonist is a necromancer, I haven't touch this subject a lot yet but it is highly relate to the manipulation of bones and dead peoples. I repeat, if you are not comfortable with it, stop the book.


I can't believe I am doing this. I am currently in the middle of my summer holidays and I came up with a plan to get Sirius out of Azkaban without having Dumbledore suspecting anything about my involvement. However it is very fucked up.
I am currently waiting in the cemetery of dark woods, some lost place, this morning I was out with grandfather Arcturus at the ministry and that when I got the perfect plan, the moment Felixes Korz, one of the higher rank in the DMLE (department of magical enforcement) came into the room I was in, it was just the two of us, and I imperio him the moment the plan finish in my head instructing him to found me where I am currently at midnight and acting normal for the whole day.

My plan is... clearly not morally acceptable.

Ah he arrived. He is looking at me with a blank face. Pointing my wand at him, I told the two words that would made sure I want come back on my plan. These two irreversible words.

"Avada kedavra"

I need to do it, this is the easiest way to have an eye in the inside of the ministry and not being suspect by Dumbledore when Sirius get out of Azkaban.
Felixes Korz fell to the ground, dead, so much to being a DMLE official, not even capable to sense an imperio coming his way.
What made me choose him for my plan is mainly because he has no life outside of work, no wife, no family, no children I don't even know if he has friends. He lived for work.

Let's start the plan, I took out an ancient book about necromancy from the potter's oldest family vault then go to the page I wanted.
The creation of puppets.
I start using my necromancy magic.
A puppet is a being with no soul that follows every instructions given to it by it's creator. It can either be create from the start, or being made from the base of the freshly dead  body of a living being. The last one can only be made by a necromancer, I need to use my necromancer magic to preserve and give power to the body for it to fonction, it is not the first time I create a puppet, but it's the first time it's a human puppet. I have prepared a mechanism that will provide magic h24 to the puppet.

A good two hours later the puppet is done, standing up I check that the link between us works greatly by instructing it to stand, it works.
Looking at the puppet, the only thing that gave away he was a puppet was his eyes, it was the same shade as the original owner, the only difference is the green halo around the pupil, it can be mistaken as the eye natural eye, perfect.
Now for the next step of my plan.

"Look at this rat" I show him the rate, Peter Pettigrew, I stun in a sealed glass,
"Take him back with you to the ministry, the story of how you find it was that you were taking a stroll when you notice the animagus, it was at the closest magical city beside the Weasley house, it's a detailed, mention it if ask, when you notice this rat odd behaviors you checked if it was an aminagus and saw it was an unregistered one, so you take it back to Madame bones, now you let things unfolded. Understood ?
-good, you will live your life the same way as the man from whom you get your memories, do the same things, react accordingly to his character , you will be this man, and you shall instruct me on all the moves in the ministry about the case of "Sirius Black", understood ?
-yes, I shall be Felixes Korz and follow my master commands.
-Good, let nobody know of what you are, now take the rat and do as told."

He does as instructed and teleport away, I messed up enough with Pettigrew mind that he remember nothing of me. Now I shall just be a simple side character watching while this whole scheme orchestrated by me unfold as if it is just another movie.

[Domina Mortis]

Strolling through knockturn ally waiting for my little brother to show up anytime soon.
Oh there he is. Walking fast to him before Hagrid appear I take his arm and hide him with me under my cloak (the normal not the invisible one).

"Hello little brother, you know it's not the best place to be.
-Aria ! Oh I Uh I mess up with the powder thingy in the fireplace, I was supposed to be with the Weasley.
-Ah I see, it no problem, you're lucky you find me before someone else more sinister does" I gave him a bright smile, he looks at me with a small but happy smile. We arrived at diagon ally and I get him out of my cloak and vanish it from my shoulders.

-Harry there you are ! I've been worried sick, and— oh my, I'm so sorry to have cut you during you're sentence." Hermione looks at me all flustered, I gave her two pats on the head, deepening her blush.
"It's alright Hermione." After hearing me say her name she blushed even more, is something wrong with her ? Looking back at Harry he looks...done with Hermione ? I think he knows why she is blushing so much and heard the reason many time, anyway not my problem.
I reached my hand to his broken glasses and with a single touch it is back as new.
Starting to walk to the store where I know the Weasley are, I am followed by a silence Harry staying at my left and a full of questions Hermione at my right.

Oh gosh so this is Lockhart ? What a jock might as well paint a clown make up on his face. After untiring the shop Molly start fussing around me telling me I am to thin and blah blah blah, Harry is still beside me but he is trying to see who is at the front.

-Oh might is it me or is it Harry and Asteria Potter that I see other there ?" Bloody hell this is not my day

I am being punch to the front with Harry before being put beside Lockhart and having all the flashlight in my eyes, great just great.
I tune out most of the things said just going along the flow.

After some time I am finally at the front of the store again with all the book for today's year, for free.
I freaking need quills. Why just why do I need to go through to pain of the crowd again ?

Ok now I got all I need I can go back to the front of the store say goodbye to my angel of a brother than leave to go home.

"Oh my, Asteria, it has been a while."said I voice I remember all to well, at least one almost normal person outside of my family that I meet, well as sane as having a garden full of peacocks goes. Looking up I see Lucius Malfoy and his son with the Weasley.
Oh ? Oh ... I remember this scene now.

"Lucius, yes it has been a well, how is doing Cissa ?
-Very well, like always, you must have been quite busy this summer to not have come over even once.
-aha yes, I'm entering my OWL year after all I need to accumulate as much knowledge as I can.
-A brilliant young witch destine to great thing
-thank you Lucius you are being too nice.
-well on these good notes, I shall bid you my farewell, Weasley, see you at work." After this line Malfoy tell the almost same line to Harry and then the two leave.

"What the bloody hell was that ? I didn't know you knew the Malfoys so well ?!" Ron said, turning to me
"Draco's mother is apart of my caretaker's family, I was bound to meet them.
-Still that cursed."Ron continue, I really want to leave otherwise I will strangle someone, starting with Lockhart.
"Well it's seems it's time for me to go back, I will see you at school for those I can and whenever I can for you, Miss and mister Weasley."
Molly started to tell me to call her Molly as well as Arthur and the other told me a simple simple see you at school, with a twist for the twins, but it's the twin, I went to my brother to give him a hug, and to sleep in his hand a simple two ways mirror. I whisper in his hear "if you want to talk or anything, take this mirror and call my name, I will answer as fast as I can" he looked down at the mirror and gave me a big smile I reciprocate.
I went to Ginny to wish her a great sorting at Hogwarts, she beams at me....with a small blush, oh well Ginny blushed all the time.
Now I can go back home.

At least I haven't forget to sleep the necklace in Ginny's back where I clearly saw the Tom Riddle diary, that good news. Well for me not for Ginny.


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