Depression and Saddness

873 20 29

TW: Self Harm (ish?)

"You don't know?! That's even worse!"I was confused, but was stunned by what he said next....

"Your parents.. they got into a plane crash..."

"WHAT?!" I started to tear up. I was breathing really fast, my heart felt like it was gonna burst open, and all these things kept running through my head! 'What if they don't make it???' 'What if I have to own the business??'.. My vision faded and I blacked out.

I have no idea what happened, but I woke up in a hospital bed. Someone's arms were around me. It took me a little bit to comprehend what happened. I turned to my side, and found Jake here with me. He was cuddling me.

Wait, WHAAAAT- me face went red. Jake had just mumbled "your ok, drew.." and he woke up. When he realized what he was doing, he just froze, and his face was as red as a tomato.

"D-drew your awake!" He said
"I'm so sorry about that! I just thought you looked lonely and cold!"

Then it all came back to me. My parents. I immediately jumped out of bed
"L-look at the time! I better get going!" I said.
I heard Jake telling you "waaaitt I have to pay for the medications????"
Yep, I realized I had left him to pay for it. Oops 😅

(The Next Day)

I wasn't going to school today. I feel really depressed about the whole thing. I still can't believe it. I didn't even bother waking up for them before they left. I didn't tell them I love them, or hug them goodbye!.. I feel so ashamed.. I started to bang my head against the door. I don't know why, but I just didn't feel so good.. My mind was spinning like crazy, and I felt lost. I managed to ask Jake if he wanted to play Minecraft, and he accepted. As we were playing, I decided to tell him I wasn't feeling good. He went..AFK? I don't know what happened, but he left the game and he was offline. Probably simping for daisy. Hm, daisy. He did the whole band competition for her, yet I don't remember her being there. Did he leave the music club and is he with daisy? I was about to ask, when I suddenly heard a ding on my door. I was really hoping it'd be Jake, but it was just a delivery person. She seemed kinda familiar. Oh wait, she's the girl who sang before Jake at the band competition. I don't think I've ever seen her around? Jake texted me.

Jakey 🍑: Hey sorry I left. My battery died, and I don't think I can come online. I don't think I've told you, but me and daisy started dating!

So my suspicions were correct..

Drew 🐻: oh. Congrats man!

I was dying. I was hoping at least a little bit daisy would reject him. The delivery person was still here. I had ordered a few big packages. I went out there to start conversation

"I will help you~" I said
"Uh thanks?

"Hey I haven't seen you around. We just met, but want to be my girlfriend? I have lots of money~"

Word Count: 542

Note from author: Hey y'all! I know this is unrealistic to the main storyline, but I don't really care so like-
Also, I am gonna make pages whenever I want instead of every 2 days :]

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