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"DREW!" I yelled. He had doughnuts?!

"Uhhh" he said, while stuffing his cheeks with doughnuts.


Drew kept running around the house. I am very out of breath right now. I still can't believe he didn't share! I got a message from my phone. It was.. Hailey?

Hailey 👸: Jake! You're late, again!

..wait a second..I check the top of my phone. It is Friday?! Bruh-

Jakey 🍑: Wait, I didn't come to school today-

Hailey 👸: Seriously?! We were gonna set up Sean's graduation since he is going to college next year!

Jake 🍑: I didn't know this! Hailey, can we just do this tomorrow?

Hailey 👸: Fine, but you have to come!

Jake 🍑: Yeah, yeah, I get it, "don't be late, jakeyyy"

Why do I keep forgetting these tiny things? This is probably another reason why Daisy broke up with me. I need to get better at these things!

"Jake! Are you coming?" Drew yelled

"Wait, where?" I yelled back

"Well, you we're looking bored so I was gonna head to Rosie's Diner. Maybe get some breakfast?"

I sighed

"Fine. But I'm still mad at you about the donuts!"

Dre chuckled

"To make up for it, i will pay. How about that?"

"Eh, I can't pass on free food!"

We went into Drew's car and left for Rosie's Diner.

At Rosie's Diner (Drew POV)

Jake had just ordered some doughnuts. Speaking of that, I am stuffed from doughnuts, so I didn't get anything. A few minutes have passed, and the waiter just came back. Although, he looked familiar.

"Sean?" Jake had said.

Wait, that music freak?

"Hey Jake! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" Sean had said

"Well, me and drew kinda slept in!"

"Speak for yourself.." I mumbled under my breath.

Sean and Jake were talking about music stuff, and that kinda made me feel left out. Why did he have to be here?

"Y'know, instead of talking, can you just give us the food?" I snapped

"I-oh right! Sorry about that! I gotta be on my way now!" Sean said as he was giving us jakes food. Now I was starting to get a little hungry. Jake had looked up at me before eating. He snapped his doughnut in half and gave me some.

"You looked kinda hungry, so you should have some!" Jake had said softly. My face went red

"Are you ok?" Jake said concerned.

"Y-yeah! Thanks for the doughnut.!"

Jake POV

Me and drew have been sitting in silence. I can't believe I did that! That was cheesy and embarrassing. His face probably went red because he was embarrassed of me! Ugh, I'm so stupid. But to be honest, I'm starting to feel different about drew.. I am feeling the same way I felt about Daisy but towards drew. And when thinking about Daisy, it is just regular. When I think about drew, I can't stop. I know I am falling for him, and I know I got over Daisy. I decided to break the silence.

"So, I gotta tell you something!-"

We said at the same time

"No, you go first!" I said.

"N-never mind.." he said while hesitating.


At Drew's House (3:30PM) (Drew POV)

We had been there for a while. I wonder what Jake wanted to tell me back there. I had dropped Jake back at his house, and now I'm home. I was about to message Jake, until I heard the door ring. I went downstairs to check the door.

As I opened it, I couldn't believe who I saw.

"Hey drew!"

It was Roxy..

"Ugh, what do you want."

"Well, I wanted to grieve you your money back. I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore"

"You don't? Actually, I don't care. I wanted to stop anyway"

Roxy seemed a bit embarrassed. That must've been too hard.

"W-well, as an apology for last week when we went on a double date, I got something for you! Come over here!" She said.

I agreed, although I am still kinda confused.

"Riiight here!" She looked back maliciously.


Jake POV

I had to do it. I need to confess to drew! It is bugging me! I decided to make a love letter and deliver it to drew. I was heading to his house, and I couldn't believe my eyes.. tears starting filling me eyes, and I dropped my letter in a puddle..

He was kissing Roxy...

Worst of all, I saw it with my own eyes! I turned around. I ran as fast as I could. Probably the fastest I had ever ran!

Drew POV

I pulled away from Roxy quick

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I yelled

"It was just one last thing.. goodbye!" She said while running away. As she was walking, I saw Jake running the opposite direction. Oh my goodness... did he see us?! I ran after him, fast!

At the Park (lander confession references, eh? ):D )

Dang, how fast was this man?! He eventually stopped, and so did i.

"J-Jake.. that wasn't what it looked like.. I-"

"NO drew.. I guess I forgot about your little "girlfriend". Go on back to her, would you?!" He said. Tears starting running down my face.

"Jake.. please.. I don't like her. As a matter of fact, I hate her!"

Shock filled jakes face.

"Jake, the "thing" I wanted to tell you was, I really like you! Like, more than a friend! I have for a long time, and just wanted to cover it up with Zoey and Roxy!.. I'm sorry!"

"...Y-you really mean that..?" Jake asked.

"Yes, jakey.."

We stood in silence, staring in each others eyes.

"Well, what are you waiting for? You know you wanna kiss me!" I said teasingly

"W-what?!" Jake said.

Oh my- I didn't ask if he felt the same way! I feel so stupid! I-

Jake ran up to me, he had kissed me..

"Well, I never said I loved you but I also didn't say I liked you as a friend.." Jake said

"Wow, that's it?" I said teasingly.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just enjoy the moment?" He said.


We had a long moment. A moment I had been waiting for since I had met him. I can't believe we are at this point.

Jake, I love you!

Word Count: 1,059

Note from author: So much lander inspiration- anyways, this is the end of the book! I hoped everyone enjoyed the journey and enjoyed it in general! I hope you all will like my future fanfics! Thank you all!

-Chloe_GachaTubez 3>

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