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Recap: Roxy is across from my desk. Me and Jake are sitting together. I don't get how or why she did that to Jake. It was wrong, and I want payback. I'll end things with her.. I will!

The problem is, she can probably spread horrible rumors. If she can manipulate daisy, she could probably manipulate the whole school! She is overpowered, someone needs to stop her. The teacher isn't here yet, so I got up out of my seat and went up to Roxy.

"We're done, alright"
"Heh, not on my watch.."
"What do you me-"
"HELP! Drew is..soooo mean.!"

What is she doing?! Is she framing me for something I didn't do?! Right when I was about to say something, the teacher ran in.

"What's going on here!"
"Drew hurt me!"

"WHAT?!" I said. She is a total liar!

"Drew! Go to the principals office, now!"

I can't believe this! She winked at me as I was walking. Bruh. This is unfair!

Jake POV

Why is drew going there? All I heard was 'Drew! go to the principals office, now!' From the teacher. Roxy obviously did something. I feel bad. I had the urge to follow, but I wasn't allowed. I decided to mess with zoey, to the point she told on me. I got sent to the principals office, and was right behind drew.

"Hey drew!" I shouted
"What are you doing here? Your supposed to be in class, jake!"
"Well, I wanted to mess with Zoey so here I am now."

Drew POV

He got sent to the principals office right after me? He clearly did it to be with me. I like that.

"Oh" I said. We headed to the principals office, and it felt like forever. If it were just me, it would've been so much worse. When we got in, we saw daisy and Sadie talking to the principal. I could tell jake was getting kinda nervous.

"Here, follow me" i said as I grabbed jakes hand

We stood there in silence as I pushed Jake against the wall (deja vu from that one Jailey scene in episode 6 ;D ) We saw daisy and Sadie walk out. And then Jake spoke up


He caught my attention, and that's when i realized what position we were in.

"Aah! I'm so sorry! L-let's just go" I said awkwardly.


Word Count: 401

Note from author: yep, another cliffhanger. Of course, I got inspired from that one Jailey scene in episode 6 XD - what do you think will happen next?

..maybe more Drew x Suffering >:D

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