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"Hey I haven't seen you around. We just met, but want to be my girlfriend? I have lots of money~"

"Money, eh? How much are we talking?"
"More than a few thousands."
"Ok, but we don't even know each other's names?"
"I'm drew"
"I'm Roxy."

Roxy. That is a cute name, but this girl clearly isn't my type. I just want to make Jake jealous.

(The Next Day)

I went to school kinda earlier than usual. I don't really know why, but I did. Turns out, me and Roxy went to the same school. We started to talk, then I remembered a problem..

"..who is that?!" A mysterious but familiar voice said. It was Zoey..

"I'm his girlfriend" Roxy said. I had completely forgot about zoey... I need to think of an excuse, quick!

"Drewy, are you cheating on me?!" Zoey yelled

"Oh don't act like you don't! I've always known about your gold digging and how your cheating on me. That ends now! We're done!"

Zoey ran off crying. I can tell Roxy was a bit confused.

"Should I go or.?"

"No it's fine." I reassured her.

I heard Jake and Daisy walking around the corner. I didn't know he showed up early? And they went into the music room. I decided to follow them, just out of curiosity. Daisy and Jake kissed each other on the cheek, and it seemed like they were talking to the club. I managed to overhear some of the conversation.

"Hey guys. I had started dating daisy.. and I also wanted to let you know.."

this was it. He was gonna tell them he was leaving!

"I wanted to be with y'all 24/7. I was gonna tell drew after, but I really do love music! I was gonna hang out with you all at school, and him in the afternoon."

..what?.. he told me he'd be I just want him to myself! I don't get why had to be with nerds like them! ..Hailey had spotted me, and I saw her expression change from Proud into Angry. I quickly ran after she tapped Jake. I knew it was childish to go cry in a bathroom, so I just went to the rooftop. That place I first met Jake..
Flashback: (Drew POV)
I was walking randomly around the school, just to get to know places. Henry needed the bathroom, and Liam was obsessed with his locker for some reason. I walk up to this rooftop place, when I spot someone. Someone who looks really, really, bad.

"Are you ok?" I questioned.

The strawberry blonde boy turned around. I could tell he was crying.

"H-hey! Are you into Video Games or Consoles?" I asked.?
"O-oh.. yeah.. why?"
"Well, I can convince my dad to get some switches and we can play together if you'd like!"

I can tell something was bright about this kid. Something that filled my heart that my parents never gave me. I felt he loved me instantly, unlike almost everyone I know

Jake obviously knew I would come up here, considering he was behind me right now.

"Drew.. I'm guessing you heard everything?" What if I played dumb? What would happen?

"Hm? Heard what?" I asked, but he saw right through me.

"Drew look, I'm sorry. I should've told you before anyone else, ok? And, I told they club I would hang with with them during school hours, and you in the afternoon, which is way more time!"

He had a point. I sighed.

"Fine.. But! I would like to address something with you.."
"Oh un, what is it?"
I sighed. " I broke up with zoey."

Jake POV

He broke up with zoey? Part of me is happy about that. At least he doesn't have to be with a gold digger like her.

" I am now dating someone named Roxy. I would like to introduce her to you!" He calmly said.

That name sounded quite familiar. But, it's probably nothing.

"Oh ok, can we go see her now?" I asked.

I feel like I sounded too loud.

"Sure. I'll tell her to meet us up here." And that's what he did.

A few minutes have passed, and then drew pointed out that she was here...

"Wait, what?!" I screamed in horror..

Word Count: 716

Note from author: Hey folks! It is that time where this ends..but it only is a days' wait :D

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