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" We only see each others in funerals, if only we can see each other all the time. It would be a bloody massacre, wouldn't it. "

Bzzz bzzz It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me. At tea ti- beep!

The girl yawned, awoken by her loud phone alarm song. She grabbed her phone lazily then stopped the alarm. 07.43 A.M, the phone read. She ruffled herself in the soft linen, smelling the warm perfume scent. As much as she wanted to enjoy the peaceful and perfect morning, her eyes were heavy and fell into slumber's temptation.

The sounds of distant honks and bird chirpings caused her to wake up. again. She's not a typical snow white to be awoken by flocks of birds. Truly, she starts the day with waking up like Anna from Arendelle. She groggily tried to open her eyes, then averted her attention and checked her phone to see it's already 08.52. She had to get up from her bed to start her day.

How miserable.

She lived in the mansion on her own, though things have changed. The mansion was still quite big, although the ballroom area still haven been restored over the years. Really, it was a pain in the ass when it came to cleaning the mansion, though on some occasions she called some of her personal maids and butlers. Though it was hard to keep her young identity, since she's very much older than she looks.

Her brothers moved out from the mansion after she disappeared, because the mansion just had so many memories that made a big reminder of the "death of their oh so beloved sister". Damian owned one of the custom car manufacturers in Cuba and as for Angus, he became a smokejumper in Alaska. Both of them had a major distance, yet they still keep in contact with each other every once in a while

When the brothers got word from the night of her disappearance for ten years, a whole decade or more, after her sudden return from falling down a vortex, created from the briefcase. It was actually only several hours during the apocalypse year, but for her case, the travel back made it much much longer. Her vortex made her land to the back of the academy, one night when she arrived, they were all having a reunion party. Or something like that.

The night her brothers received a call from Diego, they were thrilled to hear her sister coming back, believing the story that the Hargreeves siblings told them. Though in shock as well, their shocked faces showed that Y/n didn't even grow or become much older. It may be due to the fact that she had a brain injury that might prevent her from growing or the vortex's affects itselves. Nonetheless, she was welcomed back by all of the siblings, though some of them and the girl wished that Five made it with her as well.

With all of her morning mighty strength, she walked over to the bathroom to take a shower so her mind can get refreshed. After showering, she grabbed a towel then changed into some work outfits she found in the cabinet, and not forgetting to wear the orchid necklace. She owned a small little cafe not far from her mansion, it only takes a 7 minutes drive to that place.

Walking down the stairs, she then quickly paused herself, looking at a framed picture of her and Five posing in an old arcade. Everytime she glimpsed that same photograph, she couldn't help but smile softly and remember the faint memory. Snapping back at her thoughts, she rushed herself to get the keys from the drawer near the dining table and marched to the garage.

The car she chose to drive on this particular day is the classic black mate Albany VSTR, even with her tough looking car she literally owned a distinct light academia vibe cafe. But who's complaining, exactly no one. Starting the engines, she opened the garage doors revealing the road and drove her way to the cafe.

Some say that she is too young to drive or too naive to run a cafe, but her ability to do so flawlessly said otherwise. Along with her birth certificate and ID, she is proven to have reached a legal age .

After parking at the same usual spot she made her way to the cafe door. The cafe's signage spelt Orchid's Blend. Freshly baked croissants are godly delicious and warm, coffee and tea are brewing here and there behind the counter. Orchids are blooming and well taken care of by Mike's caring heart for each and every orchid flowers. At this hour, the cafe is not that busy, since there's only some college students studying and just some people grabbing their takeout breakfasts. Cling, the sound of the door bells chimed, echoing in the cafe's room.

"Good morning boss," the young manager greeted while handing some papers, bending down slightly due to her 13 year old short figure. "Morning Mike, how's the cafe holding up without me," she asked, then receiving the papers from his hands.

"Ah well unfortunately we may have a bit of a set back of the new hot brews menus," he said in a moody low tone. "Especially Octavia's famous hot latte coffee arts," he whispered. "But our cold teas are booming right now, some customers visit us more than once because of it." He showed the percentage and some excel tables to me.

"Hmm, tell Gina if she can promote more of her signatures, in cold brews. Last week, I tasted that damn iced green tea hazelnut she made. Divine, am I right?" She proudly scoffed at her employee's barista talent, drinking her morning coffee. "Certainly tasted so heavenly, should I add that to the menu boss?" He offered. "Go for it, and keep up the good work."

"Before I forget, give this to Octavia, I may not see her today but I would like a word with her when I come back. And schedule her in the afternoon's shifts for the time being. I'll be going now, I have... errands to do." She hands him a piece of envelope that contains cash in it.

''Alright boss, I'll inform Via about this, have a good day. " He smiled and led her figure to the door.

Time skip

"I'll ask one more time nicely, did you or did you not harass the girl in my own cafe." "No!" She shifted the gun to the middle aged man's left foot, blood was spewing so fast from his other foot. She mentally sighed to herself, she could've used the taser gun so there won't be any blood to clean later. Last week she got a word from her employees that the man had physically and verbally harassed Octavia during her night shift hours.

"I would never do such a thing-" "Are you trying to justify yourself as someone whose soul is innocent? How irrelevant"

"No No No! That was something that should've happened, I was drunk. No was suppose to know that"

"Please don't hurt me, I have a wife and kids to take care of" The man persisted while dropping his knees on the ground. "Your beloved family would love to see a perverted father and husband getting roughed up•

She glared with bloodshot eyes at the man who had been pleading to her, crawling at her presence pleading for forgiveness.

"It was a mistake, I swear to God" "Then Beg for mercy"

"Please I-'' She sliced his throat with her swiss army knife, carefully not to cut it so deep so he could still.. beg. Only she wanted to hear was him begging just for a little more while.

"Beg" She said, so intimidating that shot venoms in his ears. Her eyes jerked up to see a sudden live TV broadcast notification on the television, switching it to the news channel. She didn't really pay any attention to the current news.

"No I- '' His raspy words got cut so instantly, without wasting another second, she shot the pleading man to his head. His body rolled over to the vintage red rug, his face became so much paler than before. She never was known as a patient woman, but after a few seconds she did regret killing the man all because she needed to clean the bloody mess.

That is one thing she did not enjoy murdering non innocent people, hydroperoxide can be a pain to carry all around when you need to do the killing job. Unfortunately some drops of the blood drips got caught with the rug

After the quick job and finished cleaning the floor, she averted her gaze to the television slowly recognizing a face. "Breaking news, the police reported the body of an eccentric billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves" . As soon as she heard the bloodcurdling and confusing news, her body was in shock to hear about it.

She viewed him as a 'better' father figure than her own dad, she felt that he cared more about her in the most mind disturbing way. They may not have been a family, but there was still an abandoned 'father and daughter' relationship between them.

Sir Reginald Hargreeves death closed the distance between, bringing all of them back together once again.


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