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"The whiskey's bitterness hits the sweet spot. Would you like to share a bottle with me?"

"Why Vanya's" I blurted in confusion, Five snapped his head to face me after dozing himself to the young night sky. "Let's just say dear sister is the only one I can trust, and you. For now at least" He explained incoherently, in all honesty, I don't get the part why, exactly. He sighed, "Don't worry you'll know later, it's best if I explained it one time only," as he clasped his hand with mine and signaled we were going to teleport. Fun. It's like getting a massive diarrhea and a migraine in your system. I'm so not used to this.

Vanya 's apartment is rather cozy and homey, well from the window view at least, and there's no sign of someone being here at the moment. Meaning that I graciously, sarcasm intended, opened the window without any trouble. Well, it doesn't have a lock, to begin with. I didn't have any problems with opening windows, locked or not, since back then my brother used to give multiple locks to refrain me from going out of the windows.

He hopped to the apartment's room and offered his hand to help me. Princey bastard. I took his hand for support and jumped from the window's frame. He then sat on the soft comfy couch, waiting for Vanya's arrival. Him being devious, he patted his lap to tell me to sit on his lap, rolling my eyes. I complied. I looked at Five and then at his lap, Five grew impatient then grabbed my hips, and pulled me into his embrace, causing me to sit. He smiled at me, the sneaky cheshire cat smile, I huffed the air but enjoyed it anyway as we both started getting red cheeks.

We heard footsteps from the outside, assuming it was Vanya. She unlocked the door to make a clicking sound, hinges creaking, as she stepped into the room. Before she could turn on the lights first, Five turned on the lamp, causing her to be surprised by our visit,"Jesus" she hissed, glaring at Five, while he looked at Vanya completely unfrazzled. "You should have locks on your windows, Y/n here can open them in just one second" He sarcastically advised. "I live on the second floor" "Rapist can climb" He made a comeback. "You are so weird" She rolled her eyes, then closed the doors and sat on the couch.

"Y/n you're here too and is that blood" She averted her eyes at me then to Five's sleeves and the bloodied collar. "It's nothing" He replied, "What happened?" She asked me, "Nothing, really," I mumbled then looked at Five. "Why are you both here?" She asked, "Do you despise me and Five that much Van" I answered , pretending to be hurt by her question. "No it's not that, I- just why the sudden visit?" she hesitantly stuttered.

"I've decided you're the only one I can trust, both of you" he sighed. "Why me?" "Because you're ordinary" as she heard that her gaze softened up, "Five that is not nice-" "because you'll listen" he continued. "Okay," she said quickly as she stood up, going to the bathroom to grab some cotton and disinfectant. "Here" she handed me the stuff, Five rolled his sleeves showing us the bloodied wound. I unwrapped the cloth and dipped the cotton balls into the alcohol, rubbing it gently into Five's wound. Funny he didn't even flinch, rubbing alcohol can be a bitch sometimes.

"When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?" me and Vanya listened to him. "No," she said "Nothing, absolutely nothing except me and Y/n" His brows furrowed. "As far as I could tell, I and Y/n were the last people left alive.
I was pulled back by the destructive scene that plagued my memory, the buildings were destroyed, rumbled everywhere you see, fires on the buildings and Five looked so devastated. "I never figured out what killed the human race, but after Y/n left" He looked at me sadly "I did find something else. The date that it happens, the world ends in eight days" he summarized, leaving me and Vanya widen our eyes, completely shocked by his words.

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