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"There's a demon inside all us sinners and those who are... innocent"

"Eggs and bakery!" Klaus yelled cheerfully in a singsong voice with bells ringing across the hallway, it was too cheerful since it's only 7.08 am. I groaned as I glanced at Five's empty bed, that little shit must be up somewhere, guess I have to find where he is now. I hoisted myself up from the chair, I groaned and stretched my body as my back made a crack sound. That's what you get from sleeping in an armchair without maintaining a good sleeping body posture.

"Hiya sis, good morning, hope you're craving for eggs." "I'm craving for some more sleep and eggs thanks to you." "Splendid, go freshen up, I'll wait for you." After ten minutes, we both decided on going to Luther's room to wake him up. The door creaked open and wide, as Luther came out from the room half naked with his hairy body disgusted by my sight, he had blankets to cover his legs and under it.

"Oh there's the man! Someone pulled a disappearing act last night, what mischief did you get into?" Klaus interrogated him with a smug look and shoved his chest with the bells. "What? I didn't" Luther defended himself, "oh, no? Maybe I should ask her. Hello!" Klaus rang the bells again as a blonde woman inside his bedroom waved at us nervously. Luther gasped as Klaus only chuckled when the ape man closed the door, embarrassed. "The end of the world is near and yet you managed to pull a chick and sleep with her, knucklehead." I scolded him as seized Klaus's bell and smacked it lightly on his head. "Ow! That's uncalled for!" He whined like a baby for an ape. "Talk about being a leader of the academy, I need to rethink who's the better leader between him and Diego," I snickered dryly at him.

"Oh come on, don't be harsh to the fella N/N. And don't be such a shy big guy, you need it! Not a lot of ladies on the moon, I assume" Klaus cheered at him. Luther groaned as he turned into a flustered face, "Now you're gonna have to marry her!" Klaus squealed like a pig, he gasped at his vision of the wedding. "Keep your voice down!" Luther whispered, slightly yelling at his brother's antics. "Hey you know, I remember my first-"

"Klaus, it's not time for talking about your sex lives! Get to the point" I growled at him and rolled my eyes to the back of my head. If Klaus does the same, he might find his remaining brain cells behind his head. "Okay so Luther, meet me downstairs for a family meeting." Klaus sweatdropped at the sight of my unamused face, "and no dilly-dallying, all right? Chop, chop!" Klaus pointed and swung the bell at him, as we both headed down.

Downstairs, the Kitchen

Luther is visibly tired and exhausted physically-mentally, perhaps because of his fun late night activities or the apocalypse. Klaus went up to him and poured coffee in his cup, "here we go, this'll fix ya" he smiled brightly. The sensation of a familiar woosh swept beside me, as I glanced at Five with his blue nightgown. He turned his gaze towards me and greeted me good morning, and I returned the gesture. "How's your wound?" "Honestly, it feels like nothing so don't fret, darling." I nodded at him and blushed slightly when he called the nickname, still, I haven't got used to him being 'soft and flirty.' His eyes snapped at Luther's cup and snatched it away, as he sat down beside me and drank it, his face then turned into disgust, he scrunched his face.

"Jesus. Who do I gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee?" He complained and set the cup down, "alright can we get started?" Luther said as we all agreed. "Anyone seen any of the others? Diego? Allison? No?" Klaus asked and banged the table to make Luther wake up from his sleep, "there's no easy way to say this so I'm just gonna spit it out." Ben appeared at the chair in front of him as I waved at him and he did the same, "this is a bad idea" Klaus blurted out. Ben only rolled his eyes and slumped at his chair.

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