Chapter 7~ One Less Leader

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By the way... this ^^^^^ is what Callie's face will look like in the books:)

♤Callie's POV♤

The darkness of the first day of my walking falls quickly, and, flustered, hot, and exhausted, I find a place to crash on the side of the road. I have, basically, nothing to wrap around me or lay on, so I use my backpack and DC sweatshirt. The night falls, and the occasional sound of a car zooming by makes me tired as I flip through my father's notes. Still, nothing on the location of the crystals.

I huff, exasparated, and fix my locks into a high ponytail, out of my face. I can feel the crystals somehow, and they're somewhere north. I have some sort of connection to them, and the Force is drawing me there. I wonder, if I fall asleep, will I lose the connection? The question fills my head, and I am suddenly afraid to shut my eyes. I know I have to, though. I can barely focus on anything two feet in front of me.

I think about trying to find Steve's thoughts, see what's going back on in DC. No, I think to myself firmly. You need to stay focused on your mission. Steve's fine.

With that, I reluctantly lay on my side, resting my head on my makeshift pillow and shutting my eyes. It isn't long before I drift into a deep sleep.

♤Steve's POV♤

I stand in the dark room, looking through the glass at the surgeons operating on Fury. I never really know whether to trust him, but he's still my boss. The bright lights keep me from feeling sleepy; no, I'm wide awake. There is no way I can leave the hospital.

Footsteps hurriedly enter the room, but I don't take my eyes off of the surgery. In the glass, though, I see the reflection of Natasha. She has a look of pure terror on her face, something I've never, and probably will never see again.

"Is Callie here? She should probably leave," Nat adds. I shake my head, not answering.

"Is he going to make it?" Her voice comes out as a whisper this time. I glance at her slightly.

"I don't know," I answer truthfully.

"Tell me about the shooter," Nat demands, her eyes glued to the scene unfolding in front of us. I rack my brain for what I remember.

"He's fast, he's strong...and he has a metal arm," I remember distinctively. More footsteps enter, and this time I look over to see Agent Maria Hill join us. Her face, expressionless, keeps her eyes focused on Fury's body through the glass.

"Ballistics?" Natasha keeps her questions coming. I pause, uncertain, still watching the surgery.

"Three slugs," Maria jumps in for me. "No rifling and completely untraceable."

"Soviet made?"


My pulse quickens as Fury's state of health drops more, if that's possible. The doctors start moving around fast, calling out orders in an attempt to bring his vitals back up.

"He's dropping!" The head surgeon says.

"Crash cart coming in," someone says, and then all of the words blend together, and I can't tell whose saying what.

"Nurse, help me with the gauzes, please. BP is dropping! Defilberator!"
Fury begins to flat line, and I shove my hands in my pockets, clenching my fists.

"Charge to one hundred."

"Don't do this to me, Nick," Nat's voice is low and quivering.

"Stand back! Three, two, one, clear!"
Fury's body violently jolts, but the pulse still stays flat.


"No pulse."

"Okay, charge to two hundred. Three, two, one, clear!"

Fury once again jolts violently, but still to no avail.



I watch in horror as the continue the process three more times, but nothing happens. I turn myself away, not wanting to watch this. I've seen enough death.

It seems like a huge weight is brought down on the room, and the doctors and surgeons begin removing their gloves.

"What's the time?"


"Time of death, 1:03."

I glance down guiltily at the flash drive in my palm. Nick Fury, who brought the Avengers together, gone.
He had been a father to Callie before I took matters into my own hands, gone.

A leader, director, and friend, gone.
Nick Fury is dead.
A.N- Or is he? Obviously, you've seen the movie, but still not saying anything. If you don't mind, feel free to check out my other story Trust My Rage. Thanks, and Happy Reading!

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