Chapter 12~ Plotting Over Breakfast

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♤Callie's POV♤

My hands immediatly raise above my head in an effort to protect myself from the falling chunks of stone. I don't use enough power though, and a rock hits my shoulder. I push as much Force power I have into my hands, my arms popping with the effort. I feel the last rock hit, and I look up warily, my hands locked in place.

An enormous rock and miscellaneous debris is being dangled precariously over my head, so I maneuver it carefully away, my arms screaming with pain. I drop the rubble to the side, stirring up dust. Coughing, I look to my left for Steve and Nat. Steve removes his shield from protecting Nat and him, and looks over at me.

"Are you ok?" He asks, noticing me clutching my arms tightly to numb the pain, but his voice is drained out by the sound of several helicopters slicing through the night.

His eyes tell me to get up and run to the woods. I see Nat us unconcious, so I hesitate, but Steve's face is stern. We get up and run fast to the cover of the dense woods, evading the search lights and the teams searching for our bodies in the rubble.

Now what? I project into Steve's mind. It's a way we communicate without talking, and he just thinks of what to say.

Just guide us to the main road, point us back to DC, and I'll handle the rest, Steve responds, and I take off through the woods, with Steve moving fast behind me. We run by the light of the moon towards DC, and away from everything we've ever known.

♤Steve's POV♤

I knock on Sam's door roughly, Nat out of my arms since regained conciuosness. The shades go up, and I see him standing there in his running gear. His eyes widen in suprise at the three of us standing there, disheveled, but he opens the door.

"I'm sorry about this, but we need a place to lay low," I apologize.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us," Nat adds tiredly. Sam steps aside to let us in.

"Not everyone," he gives Callie a welcoming look as she steps in first.

We take turns showering, Callie taking longer than usual. As in, 30 minutes long. Nat and I just finish discussing our trust in each other when Callie walks in, her wet hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun. Despite the warm spring air, she is in a long sleeve shirt that wraps around her thumbs, her shoulders hunched slightly.

"Hey girly," Nat greets in a friendly tone. "Warm enough in that shirt?"

Callie half smiles, going to sit next to her on the bed. My smile falls when I watch how she reacts to Nat's hug. She sort of shies away from it in a pained way.

"What's wrong?" I look at her knowingly. She meets me gaze.

"Nothing," she wavers slightly, and I glance at Nat, who gets my message and rolls up Callie's sleeves, causing her to groan in pain. I immediatly jump next to her and inspect her arms, which have round, reddish-purple bruises along her palms and up her arms.

"Callie!" I give her a glare. She huffs.

"I know! I'm sorry! I didn't want to bother you," she adds, making me sigh, exasparated.

"You'll never bother me," I assure her. "Nat, what happened?"

"Burst capillaries," she concludes, turning Callie's arm over gently. "What exactly happened when I was knocked unconcious back there?"

Callie explains that she used the Force to protect herself from falling debris when she felt a surge of extra power through her arms.

"That's probably why," Nat concludes. "Also, trauma causes it. I think we all are going through a bit of that," she looks up as Sam steps in, still in jogger uniform.

"I've made breakfast, if you guys, eat that sort of thing..." Sam trails off as he notices Callie's arms. "Need some bandages for those?" He asks, disappearing in the bathroom for a moment before returning with two bandages.

"You'll eventually need meds, but this will keep you in one piece for now," he smiles at Callie's thankful face as he wraps the bandages specifically.

"Sam, have you met Callie yet?" Nat asks, placing a hand on Callie's shoulder.

"Excuse me, Sam," I apologize, my 40's side slipping. "This is Callie. Callie; Sam Wilson."

"Hey," she greets as he finishes her arms. "Thanks."

"Anytime," Sam rises. "Now- breakfast."


We explain over breakfast that SHIELD is hunting us down, and Sam listens politly, chewing his bacon thoughtfully.

After we finish, Sam starts cleaning up, and, knowing she can trust Sam, Nat starts chipping away evidence.

"So, the question is who could launch a domestic missile strike in SHIELD?" she openly wonders. I sigh angrily.

"Pierce," I growl.

"Who just happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world," Callie leans back, throwing her arms up, then wincing when they thump back down.

"But," I look at her in sympathy. "He's not working alone. Zola's algorithm was on the Lumerium Star."

"So was Jasper Sitwell," Nat realizes.

"I suppose the question now is how do the three most wanted people kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight?" I sum up. Sam drops a file on the table in front of me.

"The answer is: you don't," he steps back, crossing his arms in a smug manner.

"What's this?" I gesture to it, standing up. Callie stands to get a better look as I open it, revealing a photo of two men.

"Call it a resume," Sam responds.

"You didn't say he was a para-rescue," Nat jumps up, inspecting the photo. I study it closely.

"Is this Riley?" I ask, my voice distinctly respectful. Sam nods.

"I heard they couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPG's," Nat rambles. "What did you use?"

"These," Sam presents another file, which I skim over brefiely, Callie over my shoulder. Well, for her height, my elbow.

"I thought you said you were a pilot," I look over at him. He smiles mischieviously out of the corner of his mouth.

"I never said pilot," Sam shakes his head.

"I can't ask you to do this, Sam," I sigh, looking over at him.

"Dude, Captain America needs my help. There's no better reason to get back in," Sam gives me a positive look. Callie shrugs her shoulders in agreement.

"Where can we get one of these things?" I ask him, and his face lights up, then goes back to business.

"The last one is at Fort Meade, behind three guarded gates and a 12 inch steel wall," Sam informs us. I look over at Nat, who shrugs, then at Callie, who has a knowing look on her face.

"Shouldn't be a problem," she says sweetly.
A.N- Hellooooooo, Wattpad! Sorry about these slow updates, Age of Ultron ideas have been sparking (hint hint) and school starts tomorrow for me. I love writing and seeing the joy it brings you all, so I'll try to keep it up. This book should be near finished! Thanks for the support♡ Happy Reading!

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