Chapter 8~ Memories and Lies

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♤Callie's POV♤

When I finally wake up the next morning, I decide to tune into Steve's mind, just to see what's happening back in DC. I rub my eyes, wiping some sand off of my shoulder from my uncomfortable sleeping quarters last night. I sit, cross-legged under a tree, and breathe deeply. I shut my eyes and I immediatly receive thoughts from Steve's mind. I'm so used to tuning into his thoughts that it's just natural instinct.

See, when I tune into thoughts, I don't see anything unless the mind I'm in wants me to. When we are on missions, Steve will sometimes think of a spot to meet, and if I read his mind, I can figure out where it is. This time, there is an over dose of snippets of memories. The thoughts move so fast, I can barely make them out. I see someone lying on a hospital bed, a runner, then a man with a metal arm.

The thoughts themselves overwhelm me, but the words that go with it echo through my head.



"Tell them I'm in pursuit."

"On your left."


"SHIELD comprimised."

"Fast, strong; has a metal arm."

"Don't do this to me."

My eyes snap open, and a strangled gasp escapes my mouth. I've never heard Steve's mind so...discombobulated. He sounds unsure, sad, and wary. It hurt me to feel him like that.

I try and shake off the feelings of death and wariness to get a move on my mission. I'm close, I'm sure of it, since the connection felt pretty strong when I fell asleep last night. It feels weaker now, probably because a part of mind is trying to decipher Steve's thoughts. I swing my bag over my shoulder and get up, following my gut to my destination. All the while, Steve's thoughts swarm the back of my mind like a nest of bees, stinging me every time I think way to hard about them.

I stop suddenly, attempting once again to clear the thoughts from my mind. I press the heels of my hands to my forehead, breathing as evenly as possible. When I look up, ready to continue, I double-take at the sign to the left of me.

"Well," I say aloud to myself. I continue down the road leading my instinct guide me. Now I had an idea where I am.

I've just crossed the border into New Jersey.

♤Steve's POV♤

Natasha and I are standing in a hospital room, where Fury's body lays, covered in a cloth so only his face is showing. The flash drive he gave me right before he was shot feels heavy in my pocket. I have no intention to mourn over his body at the moment, as I'm positive I just felt a connection with Callie. How, I'm not sure, but I just lean against the wall, waiting in case she comes back into my mind, watching Natasha stand next to Fury. This has really hit her hard; I've never seen her so broken.

"We need to take him," Agent Hill comes in and stands next to me, keeping her eyes forward and her voice as even as possible. I can hear the slight crack at the end, though. Natasha doesn't move from her spot beside her fallen boss.

"Natasha," I say gently, trying to get her to let go. She carrasses Fury's forehead softly, then abruptly turns on her heel and storms out of the room. I take off after her.

"Natasha," I say, more demanding this time. She spins around, her straight red hair whipping through the air.

"Why was Fury in your apartment?" She asks quickly, staring me down with piercing eyes. I fumble for an answer, because I'm not entirely sure.

Life's Greatest Lie (#2 in the BA Series)Where stories live. Discover now