Chapter 1

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AN- I'm gonna try a new and lazy sorta style of writing, just cause I'm so busy and it's a little less work for me, hope it isn't two bad.

There was a knock on the door of the newly instated headmistress of Alfea, it opened soon after and Beatrix strode in.
"Can I help you?" Rosalind asked, annoyed that she had to deal with this girl and her drama.
"The students don't support you. And they are not impressed with you taking over the school, they want Dowling." Beatrix said matter-of-factly
Rosalind looked up from her paperwork "Well then," she paused "I guess we'll just have to convince them otherwise."

*In The Winx Suite*
Bloom: Rosalind called a mandatory assembly
Stella rolled her eyes
Aisha: Well this is going to be fun
Musa: Such fun
Terra: Come on, I'm not going to get in trouble for being late because of you all
Stella: All right, coming. Hold your horses cowgirl.
And with that they all rushed out of the suit and to the assembly

*At The Assembly*
Andreas and Silva stood at opposite sides of the back row of student benches with Professor Harvey standing in the middle, probably as to make sure they weren't at each other's throats.
The students all took their seats and Rosalind waited, standing up front, for everyone to quiet down.
Rosalind: If you want the most out of your education here you better start backing the right horse. I am your headmistress now. Farah Dowling was weak, she wasn't meant to lead this school.
Silva and Harvey tensed but kept their cool unlike the Winx girls.
Musa: Miss Dowling is supposed to be up there, not you!
Bloom: Dowling is a hero, she's not weak. You're the coward here.
Rosalind expected this and was a little frustrated, but luckily she had a plan 'B' that would show them who they were really supporting.
"Well," Rosalind started "I was hoping to do this short and sweet, but I guess it's time for plan B, movie time." Rosalind snapped her fingers and the benches of students were in front of their previous headmistress trapped in stasis, obviously Rosalind's idea of karma.
Dowling looked defeated and tired and not her usual self, her hair was a mess and she had scratches and bruises that made it look like she'd put up a fight, just not a good enough one. Saul inhaled sharply and held his breath as he took in her appearance.
"Why don't we take a walk down memory lane, and you can see for yourselves what type of fairy you're supporting" Rosalind says as her eyes start to glow blue.
Dowling's face scrunched up slightly as if in pain and trying hard to deflect Rosalind's attempts to dig into her memories.
"Just trying to make this difficult, aren't you Farah?" Rosalind muttered to herself.

AN- I'm gonna do the first few memories in a narrative pov, but then try to do all the other memories in Farah's pov. I just am finding it hard to write in her pov when she's really young. Also the memories will all be in italic, and observations from the real time will be in normal writing.

A screen projected in front of the rows of students.

It was a dark scene, a small child, no more than two years in age, was being carried by her mother, following a man, presumably her father, through the dark woods. They entered through a portal and arrived in the First World, where the Big Ben could be seen in the background. Cries filled the air and the man walked over to his wife and child. "Shhh, Farah. Baby girl it'll be alright" The man soothed as his eyes turned a foggy grey and the crying subsided.

(5 years old)

The scene shifted into a dark room, but you could still make out the lilac coloured walls, with fairy lights that hung around the ceiling. The white wood picture frames sitting on the various shelves in between picture books and stuffed rabbits. There was a small shifting and the white silk blankets on the bed were pulled up over the pillow. A few moments later the door to the room creaked open revealing Farah's mother with a smile on her face. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and spoke in fake curiosity, "I wonder where my birthday girl is". Young Farah jumped up from under the covers, "Boo!" she shouted, while tackling her mother and both couldn't stop laughing.
A 'roar' could be heard and her father came stomping into the room with his hands in the air. Farah squealed as she tried to hide behind her mother. But then got dragged out and tickled by her parents.

Bloom was shocked. She looked so different, so young, peaceful and joyful. Bloom couldn't believe that this was her headmistress. I guess that's what war and Rosalind can do to you.


AN- So here is a little background quickly:

Basically her parents wanted nothing to do with magic and the Other World anymore so they took her to the First World and Farah grew up not knowing that magic was real.

Plan on doing one or two memories per chapter, might not be the best writing but hopefully you like the idea, even if it gets a lil cringe sometimes. The memories will be in Farah's POV because they are her memories, except for a few because I might find the idea I want to portray a little hard in her POV. (Also don't know if you caught the subtle hint but the parts of the story that take place in the First World are based in London.)


Farah's Mum is a Light Fairy, her name is Amber McLeod-Dowling (She is a big-shot lawyer)

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Farah's Mum is a Light Fairy, her name is Amber McLeod-Dowling (She is a big-shot lawyer)

Farah's Dad is a Mind Fairy, his name is Ethan Dowling, and Farah finds she can relate to him a lot

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Farah's Dad is a Mind Fairy, his name is Ethan Dowling, and Farah finds she can relate to him a lot. (He is a high school English teacher)

Young Farah: Younger Farah is pretty similar to older Farah in appearance, I just feel like she has darker hair, like a medium brown but that also has like a twinge of red

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Young Farah: Younger Farah is pretty similar to older Farah in appearance, I just feel like she has darker hair, like a medium brown but that also has like a twinge of red.

Teen Characters: Same as their older selves just younger. (Except of course Ben hasn't gone bald yet xD)

Hope you all enjoy and I hope to be publishing around Monday/Tuesday every week with a new chapter.

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