Chapter 34

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(37 years old, Month later)

I woke up this morning with a terrible headache, and wasn't quite sure why. There wasn't anything to stress about - besides Rosalind still being free - and Saul was finally back to his full health, and the Burned Ones were dealt with for good.

Suddenly, a wave of unbearable nausea passed over me and I ran towards the washroom before emptying the contents of my stomach - which was barely anything.

And that's when I felt it. The shift. I sat down on the cold and grounding bathroom tiles, filled with mixed emotions. I'd only felt this once before, some 17 years ago, but I knew all too well what it meant. I wasn't sure if I should feel guilty, or happy, or scared. But I did know that I was going to tell Saul this time. He was going to know about his child.


(37 years old, Afternoon)

I had heard the chatter about the Solarians arriving and had instantly gone to investigate. That's when my eyes were filled with shock.

I saw Luna getting into one of the cars in the background, but my main concern was Saul being arrested. I caught a glance of Sky off to my right and Beatrix and someone else off to my left, but I paid no attention to them as I hurried down the front steps of Alfea towards Saul. I had almost made it to him when I was stopped by two Solarian guards.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked as I gestured to Saul, my tone of voice, very dangerous.

"Queen's orders ma'am." One of the guards replied, unfazed.

"Release him at once." I said, trying and failing once again to get to Saul.

"You have no power here anymore Farah." I turned towards the voice and was shocked when my eyes landed on Andreas. I didn't let my emotions show, quickly brushing my surprise away and instead giving him a glare. "Rosalind is making her return to power and doesn't look like you're the teacher's pet anymore. What a shame, must have really pissed her off."

I ignored Andreas' comments, using this opportunity to finally get to Saul. I reached him just before they'd reached one of the SUVs.

"We're going to get you out of this mess." I reassured him, my brow creased with stress as my hands rested on the sides of his face.

"Fay, I'll be fine. You've got bigger problems to worry about."

"I need you Saul." I said, my voice rushed. "We've been a team for the past 21 years. I'm not giving up on you now."

"Fay, it will be ok, you'll be ok."

"Saul," I shook my head, trying to find words. "I-I ca- I- I'm pregnant." I blurted out softly.

Saul was speechless for a moment, but that moment was a moment too long. I felt a strong tug on my arm and the guards readjusted their grip on Saul. Scrambling, I managed to break free for a minute and gave Saul one last kiss, not caring who was watching. "Everything will work out, Fay." Saul called to me as the Solarian guards pulled us in opposing directions.

The guards finally released their grip on me when Saul had been taken away in the SUV. That's when Andreas appeared again with another one of his smart-ass comments. "There really is no place for traitors like Saul here at Alfea, Farah."

It had been years since I'd listened to what Andreas had had to say. After you know him for so long you start to just block out all meaning of his words. But today was different. I swung at him, slapping him hard on the side of the face. "You're one to talk." I replied, teeth clenched in furry.

He worked his jaw for a moment before answering. "Nice to see you too Farah."

I soon realized that time was of the essence and there was no use wasting it on Andreas. I quickly brushed past him, and returned back to my office. That's when I realized I had less time than I'd intended. The bookshelf passage had been left opened, and I knew by whom. I took a deep breath before ducking into the tunnels, knowing where to find her. This was the end, she'd won, but that didn't mean I wouldn't give her a good fight. Though was a fight really the best idea? I paused in the dark tunnel, resting a hand on my abdomen, and that's when it became clear. This was quite possibly the clearest moment of my entire life. I knew what I was going to do, and I just hoped the Winx Girls had half a mind to know what they had to do.

So with one last deep breath, I turned the corner and came face to face with the one person who had caused all my pain.


AN- You're lucky I hate cliffhangers! Or else I would have left this as the ending.

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