Chapter 27

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(20 years old - Early January)

"She's dead" Rosalind's words hung in the air like poison. Nobody moved an inch, the shock consuming all the air from our lungs. "A burned one blindsided us, by the time I managed to get rid of the god awful thing, there was nothing that could be done for Rose." Rosalind didn't sound one bit sincere but what proof did I have that what she just said wasn't true, no one besides the two of them were gone, and Rosalind never sounded sincere.

Ben was the first to leave, not being able to bear the news and not wanting to hear anymore. No matter how many words were said nothing can help with a loss like that. Bronte also left not too long after looking so pissed, her deadly stare might've been enough to kill Rosalind. I left not too long after, retreating to the solitude of my tent. I sat on the cold, firm, fabric ground staring at the tent zip. Lulling over a handful of different ideas. Feeling fear that I could lose Saul at any moment, feeling downhearted about Ben's loss, but most of all feeling culpable for Rose's death. I kept quiet when she brought up the idea of joining, I supported her decision when she broached the subject with Ben.

Though sometimes that is the way life ends up being. You can't predict the future nor can you stop it from happening. The author of time just keeps turning the page, so I suppose life will just have to be lived with one less friend and one burden more.


(21 years old - Late February)

"Bronte what the hell!? You can't just go and quit!" I lectured, as she packed her things into her bag.

"Not like I'm needed anyways. She got you wrapped around her finger." Bronte shot back, trying to deflect.

"Oh what's that supposed to mean." I replied, now getting annoyed with her and her accusations.

She paused her packing, turning to face me for the first time in this conversation. "How blind are you, Farah? She killed Rose, not some burned one, her. I can't seem to figure out why you support her, have you forgotten our Alfean days? Everyday you fall deeper and deeper down her rabbit hole. If you keep playing into her palm, by the end of this war I fear that your inner Rosalind will really shine through." She swallowed the emotion growing in her throat, trying to keep her cool. "Now if you excuse me, my time is over." She grabbed her bag and walked past me, but before leaving she paused, and left me with one last message; "Goodbye Farah."


AN- Sorry for the short chapter but I thought this was an important point that needed to be added in

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