Chapter 15

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(18 years old - year three, specialists' annual debauched kegger)

The party was a blast so far and I had to admit even I was enjoying myself. I was in the middle of a beer pong game with Bronte against Andreas and Saul. It had been a pretty back and forth match and no magic had been used up until now... We each had one cup left and it was their turn. Saul tossed the ball and Bronte quickly nudged me. I concentrated on the ball trying to will it down, hoping it will slow the bounces making them smaller so the ball wouldn't possibly be able to land in the cup. The ball hit the rim and bounced out. Bronte grabbed the ball, she was a natural at this game. She tossed the ball and it landed in their cup.

Andreas: Ok now you two cheated somehow

"Drink up" I smirked, giving Bronte a high five.

The winx girls all looked at Bloom knowingly.

"What?" She asked, oblivious.

"I swear you are like a mini party Silva" Aisha explained quietly

"Am not!" Bloom defended herself

"If you could only remember half the parties you see the truth in what Aisha said" Terra whispered in reply.

After the game I walked around to Saul's side of the table. "You've gotta up your game" I said as I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Or maybe you two just gotta stop cheating 'little miss magic'." He teased

"Hey! I gotta practice somehow" I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a quick peck on the lips then checked the time on my watch. 11:54pm. Some might say the night was still young but I was still feeling a bit drained from my earlier session with Rosalind. And as for Saul, well he has had way too much to drink tonight already. "Come on," I nodded towards the exit of the east wing. "We're leaving" much to my surprise Saul obliged, giving a tired nod.

The school was deserted and we made sure not to be too exposed in case Rosalind came around any corner at any given time.

When we made it up to Saul suite I don't know how I was still standing as I was exhausted. I made sure things were in order before turning towards the door to leave. Before I could reach for the door handle I felt his hand grab at my scarred wrists, it stung for a moment but nothing too bad.

"Farah" He whispered as he turned me around to face him and pulled me close. He laid a few kisses along my jaw and neck and laced them down towards my collarbone as we backed up until I felt my back press against the wall.

"Saul" I said firmly as I moved my hands to his chest and moved my head an inch to the side. I knew where this was heading and it just didn't feel right, not like this. I felt his hand slip down to my thigh. "Saul." I repeated, my voice still firm but also laced with an overwhelmed undertone. He took a step back so that we were just an inch away. "Saul," I repeated but this time my voice was more soft "not like this. You're drunk and I should go get some sleep before tomorrow. And I don't want to have to worry about Rosalind." I didn't even wait for a response from him. I pushed past him and out the door. I didn't slow down or stop to think or process. I just headed straight for my suite and straight to bed wanting to get some rest before my busy day tomorrow.

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