Chapter 2: As Usual.

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In where Asmodues gives a long report about the Misfits and their current doings,

His included.


Four years, eight months and three weeks.

Four years since the last time he's ever tried instant noodles, and the last time the Misfits have had a full reunion.


A silent voice muttered throughout the cold, silent room. The only sound that's happened in what's been hours now.


He was greeted with no response, per usual.

With a soft voice, he sat gently on the bed that was the very spotlight of the room. Obviously, not the bed itself but the very individual who laid in it.

Asmodues gazed at the others face, noticing any slight changes.

"You're the same as ever, Iruma-sama. I'm glad." That means the servants here have been taking good care of the king, that's good. Otherwise, he would've definitely burned them to ashes.

"Ahem, I'll make this quick so as to not bother you." He pulled out from his coat a few pages of paper, clearing his throat.

"As usual, the Netherworld is at its peak. How could it be otherwise? It's under your guidance, after all." He chuckled,

"I'm sure you're curious about how we've been, not to worry. As your right-hand-man, this is only the simplest of my jobs." He flipped over a new page of paper,

"Stupid Clara is currently participating in charity, orphanages mostly and included. The children love her, and I don't know why." He could feel himself say with a bored voice, as he's always said even after years.

"Shax is a total gamble freak, I'm sure you're aware. Just last month, he spent nearly twenty-thousand ven in a casino he happens to own, he's currently banned from our access to the banks." Asmodues rolled his eyes, flipping over to a new page.

"Jazz is per usual. He's recently engulfed himself with a new job despite being a Thirteenth Crown, a bartender I think?"

"As for Allocer, he's currently an assistant at Babylus. He said he hasn't decided whether to be full-time or not because of his job as a Thirteen Crown as well."

"Crocell. . still in the Evidol industry. Nothing very new. Although, her new album did break through the top rankings. . again." It wasn't the first time, Crocell has been breaking through the top records even before the king's sleep.

"Elizabetta is as usual as always. Charming men left and right wherever, whenever. Her business is doing well as well." Elizabetta has always known many when it came to style, since high school.

"Camui. . hah, the usual. Taming animals and all, still the same with his devious actions." He felt his tongue sour, and proceeded to lift to another page.

"As for Sabnock, he's well. Still as hard-headed, stubborn and idiotic per usual." He chuckled, "We train together everyone once in a while, although he can be quite stubborn when it comes to his loss."

If Iruma-sama was here, he'd definitely have laughed at that.

"Gaap is fine. He's still enhancing his sword skills and is currently. . somewhere."

"Agares is the same, sleeping both day and night without a care in the world. His growth spurt had truly been unbelievable. Do you remember that, Iruma-sama?"

It's true, Agares's growth spurt had been a surprise for everyone. He'd become the shortest to the near tallest of the group. On that day, Agares had been scolded and yelled at by the group, mostly Shax really. Iruma-sama had gone through a lot to calm down everyone that day.

"Purson is the same. It seems he's developed a habit of appearing out of thin air and scaring others. Of course, not that it's news." He clenched his fists, he excluded the fact that Purson was also somewhat a blackmailer when there had been a moment to be.

"And as for me. ."

"I have not been very well, Iruma-sama."

"It's not that I'm sick or have developed any sort of disease, I'm perfectly fine, physically."

"It's been. . hard. Iruma-sama. Things aren't the same, not without you.".

His voice cracked,

"Everyday, I struggle to even get out of bed nowadays knowing well I can't see you. I miss working with you, working by your side."

"Everyone misses you, especially your family."

"I don't know how long I can do this. ."

"I apologize for complaining, I shouldn't be."

"So you should wake up, wake up and scold me for such reckless work. That I'm not a child. And that as an adult, I should be capable of handling matters on my own."

The room was silent.

His eyes gazed at the sleeping body before him. Iruma-sama's expression was as calm as water.

He was starting to lose it.

Is this how Amduscias-sama felt?

How pathetic. It's only been four years, yet Amsuscias-sama withstood without former Demon King Delkira for four centuries. He wasn't strong enough for that, no. Not in a billion years could he stand centuries without his soulmate.

He sat next to the king silently, completely silent even after his never-ending report.

The papers were scattered to the floor, Asmodues hadn't bothered to pick them up just yet.

He sat there, quietly. Watching him with a soft gaze, awaiting till the day he'd wake up.

As usual.

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