Chapter 3: Mentioning.

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"You have a meeting with the Thirteen Crowns in around fifteen minutes."

The informant spoke with a slight anxiety, he could feel the schedule in his hands shake in his grasp.

"I see," Asmodues calmly responded, patting the cushion where his king slept. "I'll be out in five minutes, go check around the meeting room and report to me whether everyone had arrived yet."

The informant bowed to the door despite being unseen, "Leave it to me, Asmodues-sama." he replied, before walking away quietly.

Asmodues waited till the informant walked farther, waiting patiently for their footsteps to become more faint before glancing back to the king,

"I apologize, Iruma-sama, but I must attend to this meeting." he whispered, "Although, it seems we do have more time considering how uncaring the others seem to care about proper timing," he quietly cursed, "Damn them. . making me wait for thirty minutes after the time planned. ." he clenched his fists, recalling a not-very distant memory.

He stood up, staggering a bit as he felt a slight soreness in his legs.

"I'm not even thirty yet. ." he muttered while stretching his arms, or maybe he'd been sitting down to long.

The distance of the bed to the door wasn't far, he glanced back one last time before leaving.

"Sweet dreams, Iruma-sama. . not to worry, I'll be back soon." he said before the door clicked.


Through the hallways, a gloomy demon with blonde, medium-length, as well a black zig-zag through his hair, slouched whilst groaning upsettingly to himself.

"Shax-sama. ." whispered the informant, their hands folded behind their back. "I apologize, but you must maintain a straight posture as a Thirteen Crown."

Lied once again groaned, hearing what had to be the third complaint about his posture this morning.

"Yeah, yeah. ." he simply responded, straightening his back only slightly, he could hear the informant sigh from behind him.

Well, it's not like it mattered much. . they were inside the palace, it wasn't like anybody could see him anyways.

There were so many rules that applied to being a Thirteen Crownth, he was so sick of it sometimes.

Not to mention the 24/7 stalking informants that followed him almost everywhere. Sure, he was immature- they all were, but that didn't mean he needed a babysitter!

Seriously, he couldn't remember the last time he'd done something fun without being yelled, or lectured at for the next two hours for.

"Why are you following me again?" Lied asked with a slight agitation, the last days had been irritating as they were, he didn't need this.

"You've been put under twenty-four hour supervision for the next two weeks due to the gambling incident." they replied with a formal tone.

Lied clicked his tongue, "That was like, one time. . I think. Wasn't the scolding I got enough as punishment?"

"I'm afraid not, Shax-sama. I apologize. I have simply been put here under the honour of supervising you." bowed the informant.

"Who ordered you?" he could probably negotiate if this stupid supervising was ordered under anyone of the Misfits. .

"I. . cannot say." replied the informant anxiously.

"A hint, atleast? Are they apart of the Thirteen Crowns?" Lied raised a brow,

". . yes." the informant played with their fingers, hoping that their hint hadn't counted as betrayal.

"Oh," Lied hummed, "It was Azz-azz, huh?" he could feel his tongue drag saying the nickname.

"I-" the panic the informant expressed already revealed everything, it was obvious. Azz-azz was the one who put him under superivison.

Maybe he'd discuss it with him later during the meeting.

"No worries, I won't snitch." said Lied, as he leaned back to stretch his back and crack his knuckles.

The informant was quiet, they stood still in their place as they filled with their fingers. He looked at Lied anxiously despite the cloth that separated the wall between the informants face and Lied.

"But seriously," Lied sighed, scratching his head. "That guy. . hah, strict as always." he grinned.

The informant was quiet, simply walking behind Lied quietly with a nervous expression. Lied was never a fan of tension, "Where's he right now?" he spoke, hoping to break the awkward atmosphere.

"I. . I apologize, who are you looking for?" replied the informant,

"Who else if not dear Azz-azz?" the Thirteen Crown chuckled, turning his back to smile at the informant.

"Ah. ." the informant played with his fingers,

"He's been in Your Majesty's room. . it's been a few hours. ." muttered the informant towards the end, looking down with a pitiful expression.

Lied's grin disappeared at the mention, he turned his back yet again. ". . I see." he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Ah, sh*t. I'm already ten minutes late for the meeting."

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