Chapter 4: Late.

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"I will now announce the presence of our Thirteen Crowns, please say "present" once I've said your name."

"Lord Agares Picero,"


"Lord Asmodues Alice,"


"Lord Allocer Schneider,"


"Lord Andro M. Jazz,"

"Over here."

"Lady Ix Elizabetta,"


"Lady Clara Valac,"

"Over here, Mr. Informant!"

"That is great, Lady Valac." said the informant, waving back at their superior, used to the gesture.

"Lord Caim Camui,"

"Lord Caim Camui?" repeated the infromant,

"Someone switch seats with him." said Jazz, pointing to the very normal sight of Caim simply daydreaming at Elizabetta's direction.

"Camui." said Amsodues sternly, glaring at the dazed individual.

"Ah- here, here." said Camui, snapped out of his daze once slapped by the back of his head.

"Lord Gaap Goemon,"

"I'm here."

"Lady Kerori Crocell,"


"Lord Shax Lied,"

"Lord Shax Lied?"

"Not again. ." Asmodues muttered to himself, his fists clenched hard enough for it to start shaking.

"Gozaru?" Gaap said, "Isn't he under supervision?" he tilted his head curiously.

Asmodues sighed, "He's somehow late even now despite being under supervision. ." he exhaled sharply. "Who else if not Shax Lied?"

"And I will burn to ashes whoever next raises their hand or says "me", do not test me today." Asmodues continued quickly, as he watched the room shut themselves of any refutation of tease.

"So. ." Andro tapped the table lightly, "Do we wait for him or-?"

"By the time he arrives, it'll probably already be midnigh-" said Kerori, before she was quickly, and unpredictably interrupted.

"Here, here!" panted Lied, slamming the doors while panting heavily.

"Where's your supervision?" asked Asmodues, glancing around Lied's area.

"Told 'em to wait outside because this is super serious and stuff." said Lied, panting between breaths. He inhaled sharply, "Anyways, I'm here." He actioned a thumb-ups in hoping to not get scolded.

"You-" Asmodues grabbed a fistful of his hair, "Go sit down, Shax."

"Oooh-" Andro teased, You're in tro-ouble~"

"Shut- shut your. . " panted Lied yet again, as he practically melted into his chair, causing it to stubble.

"Wow, he didn't even finish his sentence." muttered Sabnock, as he watched as Lied slammed his head onto the table, passed out from exhaustion. "We have got to start training again."

"That word is giving me PTSD." sighed Andro.

"I'm glad you're present, Lord Shax. ." muttered the informant quietly, as they checked off a name from their board.

"Lord Sabnock Sabro,"


"Lord Purson Soi,"

"Lord Pur-?"

"Oh, Purson Soi! Soi-soi!" imitated Clara, as she looked around the meeting room.

"Oh- sorry, sorry. Here." Purson raised his hand, snapped out of his thoughts, much to used to his ability and usual silence due to his family rule.

"Okay. ." the informant signed the board, "And Your Majesty-"

The informant clasped a hand to his mouth immediately, nearly dropping his check board.

The room fell silent.

Now, all eyes faced the informant, who trembled at the sight and tension of the rooms atmosphere.

The Thirteen Crowns staring at you. . it was an honourable, yet terrifying experience.

The informant quickly adjusted himself, "I- I apologize! All- all Thirteen Crowns are present, thank you for this honour!" quickly said the informant, as he scrambled and hurried himself to leave.

The doors closed loudly as the informant left. The tension dissipated, as the old classmates of the Misfits Class were left to themselves.

"One of the only things I like about meetings is not being under constant supervision." Lied huffed, as he leaned into his chair with a relaxed sigh.

"One of the only, he says." Andro lightly chuckled, doing the same as Lied'd done.

"It seems your true nature is showing now that we're left alone, huh?" Kerori sighed, lifting her arms on the table. Altough the gesture was usually accounted as rude, it wasn't like these guys were any better.

"Oh c'mon, we're long time friends, we should be comfortable around eachother." Lied said, as he stretched his arms in the air.

"That's enough." Asmodues interrupted, standing up catching the attention of the room.

"Let the meeting begin."

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