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"Hyung, you look really skinny, are you eating right?" Taehyung asked as they signed out of the hospital. Jungkook walked behind them.
"I guess so...I mean I always eat three meals a day..." He said and looked away.
"Liar." Jimin whipped his head around. "How..." He pu"ed out his cheeks and pouted.
"Hyung, please eat proberly from now on, your condition would just get worse." They were outside now walking in the cool autum breeze.
Jungkook walked slowly behind the two of them.
Somehow he felt ashamed of himself.
Not knowing anything.
The orange leaves seemed to engulf the sidewalk, covering every grey space it had and filling it with bright yellow and orange.
"Yeah, yeah...I'm happy as long as Kookie is with me!" Jimin said, then he looked around.
"Jungkookie?" He looked back.
"Ah." Jimin smiled widely, but didn't approach him.
"Jungkookie, come on, don't lag behind." Jungkook looked at Taehyung and frowned, but followed up behind anyways.
"There you are..." Yoongi tapped on his phone annoyingly.
"Were the stars pleasing, I sure hope not cause we're behind our schedule because of you guys." Jin smiled and beckoned them to come closer.
"It's okay guys... we're just a little late for a fan sign and our concert's tonight...Yoongi, please be nicer to our members." He did a 'whatever' face and le#.
"Jimin, you look really pale..." Jin said as they got into their van.
"It's nothing..." He sneeked a glance at Jungkook and mini-glared him. Warning him not to mutter a word about his conditions. Because if he did it would be Jin first, I garuantee you, it would be Jin, then Namjoon. Obviously. Then Yoongi, Hoseok...It would be a total mess a#er everyone knows, but he's not going to let that happen.
Jungkook replied with a gulp and sat down beside him.
"Do not utter a single word Kookie...please." Jungkook nodded.
Taehyung later came and sat down on the other side of Jimin.
"You okay?"
"Need anything?" He shook his head.
The drive to the fan sign was short, they got o" and immediately heard screams. Jimin smiled.
'This might be the last time I get to see my fans.' Taehyung rested his hand gently on the back of his neck.
"Don't..." He could see tears in his eyes, Taehyung knew what Jimin was thinking. Jimin grinned, lowering his head.
They took their seats; Jimin sat between Jungkook and Taehyung and
rested his elbow on the rim of the table.
Then the crowd flooded in, one by one...all eager and excited, some squealing, even.
"I'll really miss this." He whispered. Jungkook lightly tap his foot against Jimin's.
"Don't say that." He said between gritted teeth. Jimin smiled genuinely.
"Thanks Kookie~" And linked his arm to Jungkook's, he pushed Jimin away from him.
"Wahh~ Jungkook's rejecting me again~ But I'm still love you!" Jungkook pushed him away further.
"Oh my gosh please stop."
The first bunch loaded in and Jimin treated them the usual, but clearly something was wrong.
"Jimin oppa, is something wrong?" A fan asked. Jimin smiled genuinely and shook his head.
"Of course not! I'm just a bit tired, that's all." The fan smiled dreamily at Jimin.
Jungkook nudged Jimin's leg, Jimin looked at him pleadingly.
The second, third rushed in. One a#er another, but one fan...
She was from America, so she had one small sticky note for him, he smiled and read the question. A cold shiver ran down his spine.
'If this was the last day of your life, what would you do?' She looked eagerly at Jimin with no clue whatsoever.
'I...' He mumbled catching the attention of Jungkook. Jimin smiled painfully and shrugged.
"I wonder what..." One tear fell from the corner of his eye, the fan was really surprised, constantly saying sorry.
Jimin waved his hand at her and pat her head. Smiled again and wrote down what he was thinking.
The fan seemed really pleased; she looked at him, then Jungkook and smiled.
"Yah! That fan was nice! One of them gave a bag of chips...I really enjoyed that." Jin smiled. Namjoon snickered.
"You just care about food don't you?" Jin slapped Namjoon arm, he yelped.
"You know me well enough to know that I like food way more than I do to you." Jin stopped, realizing what he had said, and then he turned around, blushing.
Namjoon did the same and looked the other way.
"I mean, I like food...not more than you...I just..."
"RAHHHH!!!" Hoseok burst out.
"Stop this lovely dovley! Get your selves a room." Everyone laughed with Hoseok, of course except one person.
"Jimin! Why the long face?" Taehyung asked, half laughing half serious.
"It's just...this fan, she asked a really interesting question." Taehyung listened eagerly.
"Taehyungie...if this was the last day of your life what you do?" Jimin gulped, he felt Taehyung's hand on his.
"You already know what I would do." Jimin held onto his hand. Tight.
They made their was to the stadium where their concert will be held tonight.
Something in Jimin's stomach churned.
They first sang House of Cards, Butterfly, Fire and ended o" with Cypher part 3. A#er the dry run everyone went to the back for makeup. Everything during the night was normal like any other.
Everything went fine during the solo songs. Taehyung made sure he was sticking next to Jimin most of the time, but at Cypher part 3...
"WELCOME TO THE MONSTER PLASA!" The crowd cheered loudly as the members walked along the stage waking and greeting everyone.
Jimin was running down one of the aisles alone.
Bad idea.
He staggered and tripped.
"Jimin!" Jungkook, luckily was infront of him when Jimin suddenly tripped.
He reached out his arms and caught Jimin from falling, he wrapped his arms protectively around Jimin's waist.
"Are you okay?" Jimin stuttered.
"J-Jungkookie~" He blushed, then Jungkook realized what he was doing, on stage. He then let go, a bit too quickly.
Jungkook pulled his cap low and staggered back to the main stage, cheeks flushing.
'What is happening to me?!'
Everyone celebrated a#er the successful concert.
Jimin stuck close to Taehyung.
"That probably was my last..."
"Jesus Jimin, don't say it." Taehyung pleaded, Jimin obeyed.
"I'm just...it kind of feels empty inside...I did my best today...but..." Jimin lowered his head and raised his shoulders into a hunch.
"I..." Jimin ran his fingers through his hair.
"It's good, it's all good." Taehyung pulled Jimin's head on his shoulder. Jimin didn't mind.
Jimin sat in his room alone with the lights o", he's been there for at least three hours, he missed dinner and no one seemed to notice. He sighed out loud and ru"led his wet hair around.
Jimin held his stomach, and his other hand on his mouth. He felt his hand on his forehead.
Not a good sign ...
He started to breath heavily, he hunched over and gripped on his quilt.
"Damn it..." He stood up slowly in the dark and tried to walk to the bathroom, but ending up falling down on the wooden floor.
"Jimin...?" Jungkook came back from dinner; he brought some chicken home cause he thought Jimin would want some...out of pity. Jungkook the lights, his widening.
"Hyung...?" He dropped the boxed of food and ran towards him. "Jimin?!" He shook his shoulders, and Jimin fluttered his eyes open. "Jungkookie, you came back." He smiled.
He shouldn't be smiling...
He immediately knocked his forehead to Jimin's. "You have a fever, get back in bed." He almost yelled.
"I'm completely fine..." He pushed, Jungkook sighed and picked Jimin up and threw him onto bed.
Jungkook took his chin in hand and starred at him.
"Do you want me to force you down?" Jimin shivered, Jungkook leaped onto Jimin's bed and pressed himself on top of Jimin.
"Jungkookie...?" Jungkook pushed Jimin's shoulder back on the bed and leaned forward.
"Kookie? Jungkook?!" Jimin panicked, he literally felt his fever rising. Jungkook didn't listen, their nose touched. Jimin could feel Jungkook's breath quicken.
"Jung...kookie..." Jimin felt his eyes close as Jungkook's lip fell forward.
"What am I..." Jungkook stopped, their lips inches away, he looked back down at his hyung. He was still breathy hard, but asleep. Jungkook's cheeks were now bright pink, he felt his heart beat two times faster.
Jimin looked cute when he's asleep. The way his chest rises and fall, his slightly opened mouth revealing his front two teeth. Jungkook touched Jimin black hair away from his beautiful, but closed eyes. He was too tired to get up, he felt his arm go weak as he flopped lightly on Jimin's firm chest.

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