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"Jimin?" Was the first thing Taehyung said when he opened his door. "That's exactly what Jungkook said." Jimin giggled.
"Your treatment...you..." Taehyung stuttered. Jimin giggled and placed his hands on Taehyung's cheeks.
"Don't worry, I've given up already." Jimin laughed.
"It's really stupid to hope now...right?" Jimin's hand slid down to Taehyung's shoulders.
"I mean...look, I'll die anyway..." His shoulders started to quiver. "Jimin..." Taehyung took a hold of Jimin's waist and hugged him tight. "It's fine...it's alright..." Jimin shook his head desperately.
"Why don't you come in? Yoongi's here." Taehyung nearly whispered. "Sure."
"Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok!" Jimin knocked on their dorm room door.
"You're back!" Jin smiled.
"I'm back." Jimin grinned back.
"How's everything?" Namjoon ru"led Jimin's newly dyed blond hair.
"Good, everything's normal, I guess..." Jimin forced a smile at Hoseok.
"I'm gonna go, I just wanted to tell you guys I'm back." Hoseok ru"led his already messed up hair and grinned.
"Night, Jimin." "Night."
"Jimin, you can't just..." Jungkook said with as much strength as he could gather.
"There is no other way, Jungkookie." Jimin said as he flopped onto his messy bed.
Silence drowned their small dorm room; the cold breeze crept in. Jimin shivered and pulled the covers over his head.
"You better not die any time soon or I'll kill you." Jimin giggled, but immediately frowned. He knew he only had a month...does Jungkookie know? Or was he going to ask him just now?
"Jungkookie..." Jimin said underneath his blanket. He didn't hear a reply, but he kept on talking.
"Has Tae told you yet?" Still no reply.
"In a month...I'll be, you know..." There was silence again. Jimin was breathing hard under the covers so he surfaced.
"Jungkookie? Are you..." Jungkook was already asleep, leaning on the side of Jimin's bed. Jimin grinned and ru"led Jungkook's hair as lightly as possible.
"I'm sorry, Jungkook."
Jungkook woke up way later than he expected: it was 1pm. He rubbed his tired eyes and looked out the window at the perfect weather that day.
'Maybe we should go somewhere...it's Sunday a#er all...' He turned around at the still asleep Jimin and frowned.
'How long is he planning on to sleep?' He approached Jimin and shook his shoulders slightly.
"Wake up it's like 1, Jimin..."
"Wake up, Jin's making lunch...I think." He heard Jimin giggled as he sat up. His bed head is probably the cutest thing Jungkook has ever seen. It was flopping in every direction, but somehow Jungkook find it very...very cute.
"Get up." Jungkook grabbed Jimin's arm and dragged him out of bed. "Nooooo~ Let me sleep." Jimin whined.
"We're going somewhere." Jungkook said suddenly. Wait.
'Where are we gonna go?' He asked himself.
"Where...?" Jimin's eyes turned playful and looked at Jungkook. "The...um...amusement park." He said again, he was still not thinking
'HOW THE HELL ARE WE GONNA GO TO THE AMUSEMENT PARK?!' He asked himself again while dragging Jimin to the kitchen.
"Yay!" Jimin giggled again and put his arm around Jungkook. He pushed Jimin's arms o" and sat down with the others.
"So guys, we're gonna go to the amusement park." Jungkook said plainly. Jin's eyes immediately locked on Jungkook.
"YES." Jin almost whispered with water in his mouth. Namjoon laughed and told him to swallow it.
"We'll call ubers, it's okay." Yoongi suggested as he grabbed out his phone. "Amusement park?" Hoseok said out loud.
"Hasn't it been forever?" Then he stopped, remembering everything from last time he went on a ride....
"Actually, can I not..." Taehyung giggled.
"Nope, you're coming with us Hobi." Hoseok slouched on his seat.
"I'm scared...." Jimin smiled. He just wanted to be with them, even if it's the last thing he does.
They finally arrived with everything ready, hats, masks, and glasses. "Let's roll!" They first went on a rollercoaster for obvious reasons.
"Please guys..." Hoseok pleaded as Taehyung started to drag him towards the entrance.
"You've got to face your worst fears my friend!" Taehyung half joked.
"You've got to be kidding me..." Hoseok gulped as he watching the people scream while being turned upside down and upside again.
"Jiminie~" he whined again.
"It's okay...I'll go with you." Jimin smiled, Hoseok seemed calmer. Taehyung nudged him and glanced at the sign in front of gate.
'We suggest anyone with heart problems or cancer do not ride for safety' Taheyung didn't say anything but grabbed his arm and shook his head. "I got it..." He sighed and turned to Hoseok.
"Um...Is there any washroom nearby?" He asked Namjoon.
"Yeah right over..." Jimin le# before he finished. "What's up with him?" Yoongi slurped on his coke.
"I don't know, all I know now is that there's gonna be no one going with Hobi on this ride." Hoseok whined again.
"Stop whining and be a man!" Jungkook joked. "Hey, where did Taehyung go?"
"Jimin wait up!" Taehyung panted as he ran a#er Jimin, he grabbed Jimin's arm, stopping him. Jimin looked up, a hurt expression was written on his face. Taehyung stopped.
"What's wrong?" Jimin sat down, exhausted.
"I don't want this to be the last time I have fun with you guys." He finally said. Taehyung smiled and put his arm around Jimin, he rested his head against Jimin's shoulder.
"It's never the last time. You're always with us." Taehyung said as he put his hand on his heart.
"Right here, even though you don't know it." Jimin leaned his head against Taehyung's chest.
Jungkook le# a bit later a#er Jimin and Taehyung went 'missing'. He was half looking for a bathroom and half looking for Jimin. He walked around; he didn't have really a place to go. Then he noticed Jimin. Jungkook was about to approach him but stopped a#er he saw them together. Taehyung's head was right next to Jimin's, they were talking really so#ly so he couldn't hear. He didn't want to. He didn't like the sight of them together.
It made him feel frustrated, or angry even though he had no reason to. He lingered on the spot; thinking if he should go up to them. He didn't want to. He turned his heels and ran.
He didn't like the feeling; he didn't like it at all.

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