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Jin and Namjoon strolled down the street in the cold evening of November. They've been having fun all day, amusement parks, and a lot of ice cream. But Jin had something on his mind; he had to tell someone about this.
"Namjoonie...something about...Jimin has been bothering me." Namjoon looked like he knew exactly what Jin meant. He place a hand on Jin's head and sighed.
"Namjoon, I'm really worried..." Namjoon nodded and smoothed Jin's hair down toe the bottom of his neck. Jin li!ed his chin up like a cat being petted.
"Something's up, we better keep our eyes out." They entered the newly opened ramen store by the corner and noticed some familiar faces.
"Taehyung? Hoseok and Yoongi?" Namjoon smiled and waved at their friends, they noticed and waved back, beckoning them to come.
"I thought you guys went to the movies." Jin said as he took o" his pink scarf Namjoon gave him.
"We did, but then we heard about this place," He gestured to the store. "And we had to come and check it out." Hoseok smirked.
"What are you two doing alone on a night like this?" Hoseok teased. Jin could feel the burn on his cheeks.
"Nothing much." Namjoon squeezed beside Jin and nudged his on his side. "Right?" Jin smiled.
"Right." They ordered and continued to talk, Jin decided to tell everyone about Jimin's weird behavior.
"Guy...I know this is sudden, but has anyone noticed Jimin being just a little bizarre these days?" Jin asked out of the blue, Taehyung choked on his ramen and took a long sip of his water.
'Did they notice...?' He though.
"I know right, he's been acting o" these days." Yoongi said as he took what
seemed to be his second takoyaki.
"Maybe Jimin is just tired, I mean what could go wrong with Jimin, am I right?" Everyone seemed a bit relieved, obviously except Taehyung.
'No...' He thought, taking the last Takoyaki, Yoongi's eyes followed it. 'I can't spill it now.'
"Hey hey, don't look so down...say." Hoseok said as he looked around the table.
"I heard there a new bar down the road, I heard from friends that it's pretty awesome." Yoongi suddenly looked excited as Namjoon shot Jin a look of confirmation as Jin shrugged, saying okay.
"Hello?" Hoseok waved his hands around. "Yeah, we hardly get any time o" anyway."
Jimin was awake on the couch, wide-awake, but Jungkook didn't take notice, he kept on turning back and forth for eggs and ingredients he needed. Jungkook had said before debut that he hated to be starred at, but Jimin never listens, actually, when has he ever listened? Jimin kept on starring at Jungkook moving swi!ly across the kitchen tiles as he placed a newly cook omelet on Jimin's side of the table. He took that as a sign for him to wake up.
"Jungkookie?" Jungkook looked back and sighed.
"Yes? Jimin come and eat, it's already like 9." They both took a seat across from each other. Jungkook's cheeks are still flushing from the incident an hour ago.
"I wonder where everyone else is..." As if they actually heard it, Jimin's phone started ringing.
"Speaking of the devils." Jimin mumbled, a smile spread across his face as he thought of hearing Taehyung's deep voice again.
"Hello?" Jimin could tell they were at somewhere loud. "Hello?" Jimin said again, louder this time.
"Jimin...hyung?" A deep voice rung through the line, but something was wrong.
"Taehyung? Where are you?" Jimin could hear the booming music and people yelling.
"Where are you?" Jimin asked again.
"Hmmm? Jimin...we're at this...this bar?" Jimin tensed up, Taehyung never handled 'bar' things well.
"Did you drink...?" Taehyung giggled as if Jimin said something funny. "A little..."
That's bad...that's really bad. Taehyung definitely cannot drink. Last time he actually drank was in high school, they were at the karaoke with all of them together. It was actually Jimin who told him to just 'try' it. He did... and the result is horrible. He acted like a whole new other person. He wasn't paying attention to anything we said and walked around as if he was an elastic band.
Without another word the call ended with a bang, like a really loud bang in the background. Jungkook still has no clue what happened, he starred at Jimin, waiting for something, anything. But Jimin had no intention of telling him; he has already su"ered enough from Jimin.
He stood up abruptly and stumbled a bit and held onto his chair. Jungkook stood up and went up to Jimin to help him.
"What's up? Is Taehyung okay...?" Jungkook asked. Jimin shook his head. He was too worried.
"I need to go...now." Jungkook held onto Jimin's arm tighter. "No...you're still not..." Jimin didn't listen and ran towards the door, not
bothering to wear shoes.
"Yah Jimin!" Jungkook gritted his teeth together and balled up his fists together. He didn't understand it, he grabbed a jacket for Jimin and ran a!er him, thinking...
'Is Taehyung that important to Jimin...?'
He ran down onto the streets and looked for someone short, and cute.
"Damn it..." Jungkook ran towards the newly opened bar, hoping Jimin would be there. He ran and ran, he didn't listen to all the fan girls calling a!er him. He sprinted around the corner and went into the bar. He didn't see any of them, Jimin nor Taehyung...
Jimin ran around blocks a!er blocked, bars a!er bars, not finding any trace of Taehyung or any of them. He started to feel nauseous again. He knew it was a bad idea to go out here so carelessly. He limped around in his pajamas as he strolled down the unfamiliar sidewalk barefooted.
'Where am I...?' He asked himself as he felt stares burn into his back. He heard murmurs... Is that Jimin...? From BTS? No way!...Should we talk to him?...He didn't bother, he fished his pockets for his phone, but realized that he didn't bring it with him.
'You are the dumbest person alive right now...' He thought, realizing his situation.
Jungkook's phone started to buzz as he looked at the screen.
He first thought of not answering, but then he realized no one has any idea where the hell Jimin is...and it's already near midnight. He slid his finger across the screen and brought the phone up his ear. He took a deep sigh and answered.
"This is Jungkook speaking." He could already hear Taehyung panting.
"Jungkookie..." He didn't sound... bad...what was Jimin so worried about?
"Hey, Jimin ran out the door right a!er you called him, what were you doing?" Jungkook could literally imagine Taehyung running his hand through his hair, frustrated.
"I just drank a little and for some stupid reason I called hyung and... and..." he sounded so scared.
"He knows how weird I behaved when I'm drunk, he probably got worried and now..." Jungkook could hear Taehyung choking on his tears.
"We can't find him." What...?
"You what?!" he yelled into the phone. He looked at his watch, it read 1:10 am.
"...It's 1 already...what were you thinking Taehyung? You knew..."
"I was drunk!" He yelled.
"You know Jimin well enough that if you did call he would sprint a!er you..." Jungkook balled his hands into fists again.
"He always cared about you more than me..." It came out as a whisper; Taehyung didn't seem to take notice.
"At this rate his condition would just get worse...Jungkook you have to help." Jungkook agreed and hung up, feeling unsatisfied as ever.
Jimin squint at the neon lights passing by him as he began to shiver from the cold night of November. His hands are held tightly to his side, he felt drops of sweat started to go down his cheeks. He wiped it away with the sleeve of his pajamas.
"Damn it...Taehyung, please be okay."
"Hey you." A cold voice called from behind, Jimin turned around
reluctantly and sighed.
"What." There were three of them, right then Jimin felt a bad vibe from them. He took a step away from them, they took a step closer.
"What?" He asked again, firmer this time. They smirked and took Jimin by his arms.
"You sure look nice." Jimin scowled and tried to free himself.
"Gross, I'm a guy!" Jimin noticed something that is definitely would be a problem. They are giants...well, comparing to Jimin of course. He felt like a dwarf from snow white meeting the prince.
"Doesn't matter, you're famous right?" His face completely faded.
"You...Jimin, you made my girlfriend leave me." The guy's face scowled just as fierce back at Jimin. Jimin snorted.
"That's not my fault, you should've took a better care of her." The guy pushed Jimin harshly against the cold walls. He slid down onto the wet sidewalk and held onto his side again, wincing at the pain.
"What? You can't even take this?" The guy took Jimin by his collar and threw him onto the sidewalk again.
"Ugh!" Jimin grunted. The other guy, the taller skinnier one kicked Jimin in the guts and stood on his face.
"That's what you deserve!" They continued this for another for what seemed about an hour. Jimin couldn't take it anymore as tears fell down his face.
"Please...stop..." He managed. The three smirked and ripped his top o". "So you think we're going to stop because you said so...?"
"Jimin!" Taehyung screamed as he ran down street a!er street. He was just hanging around with Hoseok and everyone when everything went dark, why did he call hyung?
He started running again, and suddenly heard shouting, he turned to corner...
Jimin couldn't breath...that all he could think right now as he gets kicked repeatedly on his stomach. He tasted blood. He tried to fight it o" at first, but now he's just given up.
"...Jimin?" The three stopped and turned towards the voice.
'Taehyung...' Jimin smiled as he lay quietly on the wet sidewalk, looking at the shadow standing there. The shadow started the throw punches at the guys, a!er the shadow driven them o" he hurried towards Jimin.
"Oh my ing god Jimin." Taehyung never swore, has his arm felt this firm before?
"Jimin...? Oh god Jimin...stay with me." He wrapped his arm around Jimin protectively and sighed.
"You didn't wear shoes? Here I got your jacket when I le!." He gave Jimin his jacket and zipped it up. He also took o" his toque and put it on Jimin bloody hair. Jimin felt his bloody knuckles and held it close to his lips.
"Are you...okay?" He asked weakly.
"Well, all I can tell right now is that you're not." Jimin could tell he was
trying to keep tears from falling.
"Oh god Jimin...you look so ed up right now...why did they do this to you?" He wiped the tear from Jimin cheeks along with some blood. His hands were shaking. Jimin started to focus on his face.
He wasn't Taehyung.
When Jimin realized whom it was his tears started to pour out.
"Why are you... here...?" Jimin cried.
"I thought you were... Taehyung...why are you...here?" He held Jimin firm in his arm and rocked back and forth.
"We were so worried..." He placed his lips on Jimin's bloody hair as Jimin cuddled in his arms like a toddler.
"Jungkook..." Jimin mumbled as white flakes of ice bundles started to slowly dri! their way onto Jimin's eyelashes and Jungkook's brown hair.
"I'm here."
"Jung...kook..." The last thing Jimin could remember was a siren coming towards their direction.

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