After Bradley

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I fucking hate my life.

Everything has been so...weird since Bradley died.

Well, since I killed him.

It still messes with my head. I don't know how that happened. I just wanted him to stop talking. The amount of power I have is, honestly, kinda terrifying. Now, I don't know what to do.
Stan still hangs out with me, but I can tell he's scared of me. I mean, who wouldn't be? Having a freak psycho killer as a best friend? Yeah, totally not a risk.

Dina's not around anymore. Ever since Brad, it's like she's a permanent state of mourning. She just sits by herself wearing Brad's jacket. His family had his funeral and got his jacket cleaned. They gave it to her as a keepsake. I don't know how she wears it...he died in that jacket. Is it technically haunted? I don't fucking know. I don't expect her to get over it quickly. Or at all. I mean her ex's head exploded in front of her.

Not my best shining moment.

But it all happened a few months ago and she's the same as she was that day. Now that it's summer, she just stays home. She only leaves when her parents make her go somewhere with them. Otherwise, no one ever sees her.
Stan and I have spent our time trying to figure out who took my journal. That guy that came to me in the watchtower is definitely a suspect but so far he hasn't shown signs of knowing anything too personal. He's just showing me how to harness my power.

Will he use it to destroy this town and everyone in it?

But for now, he's actually helping me control this. Hopefully, he's not a freak psycho killer, too.
Anyways, I told mom I'd go grocery shopping while she worked. Liam's at a friends house. The list isn't super long, I can probably carry everything home.


As Sydney walked into the store, she passed by a girl she'd never seen before. She didn't think anything of it, she's not social, so of course she doesn't know people here. She gathered everything she needed and headed to the register. The same girl she saw was working the register. She smiled at Sydney. "Find everything you need?"
Sydney felt nervous, she didn't talk to many people. She also felt a little weird. She was never asked stuff like that, or well at least politely. She just smiled a little and nodded. The girl rang everything up and told her the total. "It's gonna be 44.57." Sydney handed her the cash and started grabbing the bags. It wasn't a lot but still more than she could carry. She'd just have to manage. The girl watched as she struggled to fit her bags in her hand and carry them. She felt bad.
"I'm gonna take my 30!" She yelled out to her coworker. "Hey, you don't have to do that alone. I'll help you take them wherever you're going if you want."
Sydney was surprised. She was about to say no, she didn't even know her.
"Okay, thanks."
Well, she couldn't really carry it herself.

They walked to her house. As they walked, there was an awkward silence. "So...what's your name?"
"Sydney. My name is Sydney Novak."
"Nice to meet you Sydney, my name is y/n l/n."
She gave Sydney a polite smile and they continued walking. Sydney felt weird, she wanted to talk to her but she didn't know how.
"So, how long have you worked there?"
"Oh, not long. I just got hired at the beginning of this summer. I wanted some extra cash, I only work a couple days out of the week."
"Oh, cool. I had never seen you before I figured you were new there or to town."
"Yeah, I've lived here my whole life but I went to a different school. My parents don't necessarily like this school...or town. But it's what we can afford, so."
"Do you take a bus there? To your other school?"
"No, I have a car. But I live pretty close to work so I don't bring it. I would've driven us to your house if I would've had it."
Sydney smiled. She was nice, especially considering on their first meeting she was helping her carry groceries home.

They got to her house and she set them down by her front door. "I don't wanna intrude into your house, is it okay if I leave them here?"
"Yeah, thanks a lot for helping me, that was really nice of you." Y/n smiled at Sydney and waved goodbye to her. "I'll see you around Sydney."
Sydney gave her a little two finger salute and y/n laughed softly.
"Yeah...see you."
Sydney put all her stuff away and sat down on her couch. She thought about y/n. 'I bet she's great. Probably a great friend, too. I probably won't see her again.' She felt upset about the fact that she was probably right. She had never seen her before, she might not again. She sighed and got up to get some peanut butter while she watched tv.

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