Smile at me

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I woke up feeling so relaxed. I actually felt well rested. When I woke up I felt something on my chest. When I looked, y/n was asleep. Her head was on my chest and her arm was on me as well with her hand holding my shoulder. I was hugging her, too. I smiled.
'This feels nice. I don't think I've ever felt this happy and relaxed before. I don't want it to end.'
I tried my best to be quiet and I closed my eyes again to go back to sleep. Neither of us had anything to do in the morning so we could sleep in. I could smell the scent of her shampoo. It was nice. She looked cute as she slept.
'But, like, totally in a friend way. I barely know her.'

Sydney fell back asleep and they both stayed there holding each other. Neither of them wanted to move or leave. They felt truly comfortable in each others arms.
The sun came out with a harsh light shining through the window. Y/n woke up, squinting her eyes as the light blinded her. She groaned. "Fucking sun." She wanted to turn over to avoid the light but wanted to keep holding Sydney. So, she moved her head to where the light wasn't in her eyes anymore. She rested her head on Sydney's shoulder, right by her face. She hoped she wouldn't wake her up.

Eventually, they both woke up at the same time as there was a loud car that passed by Sydney's house. When they awoke, Sydney took in the position they were now in. They shifted in their sleep and now Sydney was almost on top of y/n. She had completely wrapped her arms around her and had her held to her chest. She got nervous. "I-uhh-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, like, trap you or anything." She mentally slapped herself. Y/n didn't mind the position, she was actually rather fond of it. It felt nice to be held by her and she was very warm. "No, it's okay. It was nice. Like, it was umm warm? Sorry. I dont know how to describe without it sounding creepy." They both laughed.

They got up and got changed and headed out to get something to eat. Liam was at the table eating. "Oh, hey, y/n. How are you?" Liam asked y/n. "I'm good, Liam, thanks. How are you doing?" Liam smiled. "Pretty good. I didn't know you spent the night, but I'm glad you're here." Y/n smiled at Liam. He was always very sweet.
"You guys know each other?" Sydney had no idea they knew each other. "Yeah, y/n is at the diner a lot. She sits at the bar where I sit when you would sit with Dina. We talk a lot. I show her my drawings, a lot. "
Sydney felt worse about not remembering y/n. Her mom and now her brother both know her much better than she does, they actually had an ongoing relationship with her, whereas Sydney couldn't even remember the fact that she had met her before.

After they ate, they headed out to y/n's car. "Thanks for having me over, I had fun." She smiled at Sydney. "I had fun, too. Thanks for coming over. Sorry if you felt weird with me holding you."
"No, no. It was nice. L-like, umm, I-I didn't mind it. I didn't feel weird, haha..." Y/n trailed off awkwardly. She didn't want Sydney to think that she liked it in a more than a friend way. "Uhh, yeah. I'll see you later." Sydney gave her a little smile and she pulled off. She watched as she drove off and felt a little twinge of hurt when she said that she didn't mind her holding her. She wanted her to say she liked it. But she knew she wouldn't have admitted that either and risk looking weird.

The next day
Sydney decided to call the store and see if y/n was there, maybe she could go see her.

Sydney's POV
I called the store hoping y/n wouldn't answer. "Hello, how can I help you." A guy answered the phone. 'Oh, thank fuck.'
"Umm, yeah, I was wondering if y/n was there?"
"Yes, she is. I can pass you ov-" "NO, IT's fine."  I cleared my throat after I nervously raised my voice at him. "Sorry about that, I saw a roach. Thanks." I hung up quickly. 'A roach?'

I decided to take Stan with me to see her so she wouldn't think I was stalking her, I could make an excuse that Stan and I were hanging out and came to get snacks. I walked to Stan's house and knocked on the door. He answered. "Hey! How's it going?" He looked at me with his goofy smile. "Good, I wanna get high?"

We went down to his basement and started smoking. We laid on the floor and talked about stupid shit before I brought up the market. "Hey...wouldn't it be, like, great if we had some snacks?" "Shit, you're a genius, Syd."
We got up and drove to the market. Stan stayed back to look for his wallet and I walked over to the door when I saw y/n talking to someone.

A few minutes earlier

I was cleaning up the counter when I noticed a girl walk in who looked sorta familiar. When she got to the register I recognized her. "Hey, Dina. How are you?" Dina gave me a sad smile. "I'm...okay. I guess." I felt bad for her. I knows she's been having a rough time. "That's good. Listen, I'm sorry about...everything. Im sorry for your loss. I know it was a bit ago, but I never got the chance to tell you." She looked at me with a sad expression. "Thanks, it's been really hard. I know we weren't together in the end but I still cared about him, even after he hurt me."
I remembered hearing about him and Jenny. That was really shitty of him.
"Well, I'm glad you got out today. It's a big step."
"I don't feel like it is. I mean, I got out of bed and came here to get some snacks and I'm just gonna go back home. I feel like I'm still not doing enough."
"Hey, that's not true." I walked around the register to stand next to her. "You got up today, got dressed, I'm assuming you brushed your teeth. You fixed your hair. It looks beautiful. You drove here and got off. Now, you're talking to me. You've done a lot, even if it doesn't seem like it. Maybe it seems like a small step but it's still a step. What happened to you is...a lot. Moving on is not gonna be easy but you're still trying. That's what counts. And, hey, I'm always here if you need anything."
She smiled a genuine smile at me. "Thank you, y/n. You've always been really nice."

Dina and I had met a few months before the incident. I met her at the diner and I would talk to her every now and then. She's always been sweet. "Of course. Also, don't worry about paying, it's on me today. Think of it as a little celebration gift for getting out of the house on your own ." "Thank you. I'll see you later." I gave her a hug.
"Bye, Dina."
As she gathered her things, I looked out the window and saw someone walking off pretty fast. Like an angry walk.
'Was that Syd?'

Sydney's POV
I started walking off after I saw her and Dina talking and then hugging. Stan ran behind me and asked what was wrong. "Nothing is wrong, I just don't feel like eating anymore. I'm gonna go home." "I can drive you back."
"No, it's fine." I continued walking off as he stood there, confused. I don't know what it was. Was it because Dina was talking to her when she hadn't spoken to me in months? Was it because seeing Dina reminded me of what happened with Bradley? Was it because y/n was talking to her? Was it because y/n hugged her and was smiling at her with her pretty, warm smile when she should be hugging me and smiling at me- 'Wait, what?'

I stopped dead in my tracks. 'Oh, fuck.'

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