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Two weeks. Another two weeks have gone by since you spoke to Sydney. After staying with your aunt for the weekend, you went home and called out of work for that week. You decided to sacrifice your little bit of extra cash to avoid her. Once the weekend came around again, there you were in the car driving away. It was driving Sydney insane. What was the problem? She knew you two had a fight but should you at least talk about it? Or not ice her out?

You unlocked your aunts front door, she was out for the day at work. 'Hey, sweetie, I'm gonna be at work late but I left you dinner in the fridge, just heat it up. I'll see you when I'm done and we can figure out this little problem!' You had filled her in on recent events with Sydney. A smile graced your lips and you set your things down. You walked over to the couch and sat down, turning on the tv to watch your favorite show. You felt like crap, you knew you were going overboard icing out Sydney but you were hurt. Sure, you weren't dating but there was obviously something going on between you. It made you feel like she was losing feelings for you. But there were days where it felt worse.

It made you feel like she never had them for you at all. Like it was a just a game for her, something to entertain her while she figures out her life. You were nothing but a toy.

You closed your eyes for a minute trying to rid yourself of the negative thoughts running through your mind. It never helped to think that way.

That night was spent with your aunt, drinking some wine, that you promised not to tell your mom about, and her trying to help you out. "sweetie, talk to her. honestly, what's the worst that could happen?"
"she could be a dick again."
"true, but it'll show you who she really is at the end of the day. if she is rude, you have a choice. is that who you want to be with? someone who hurts you this way?" She was right. You looked down at the glass in front of you. You swirled it around and sighed. "i guess i could give it a try."
She smiled and hugged you. You went to bed a bit later but sleep didn't find you. You stared up at the ceiling, your anxiety seeping in. 'what if it goes wrong? what do i do?' Your brows furrowed in frustration and you turned over, burying your face in your pillow. You silently groaned into it. 'i have a feeling this won't go well. at least for me.'

That morning you decided to take the risk. You drive back to town and parked behind the building where you and Sydney first kissed. The memory came back to you and you felt your lips curl up. 'how do i go back to that?'

You pulled your phone out and brought her contact up. 'please answer.' You pressed the call button and a few short rings later, she picked up.

'uhh, hey?'
"i need to talk to you. can you meet behind that building that we first-" You cut off. For some reason, you didn't wanna say it out loud.
"umm, where we usually meet."
'yeah, okay. i'll see you in a bit.' She hung up and you put your forehead on the steering wheel. 'make it more awkward, would you?'

Sydney's POV
'what the fuck do i do.'
I was freaking out over the fact that she not only finally called me but asked me to meet her. What did she want? Was she still mad? Was she asking me to go there so she could tell me to never talk to her again?

I went to the spot she asked me to. It was pretty hot outside. The sun shined down fiercely that not even the trees could offer enough shade. I waited underneath the roof of that abandoned building. It was the only place that gave some relief to the heat. A million different scenarios ran through my mind, the majority of them not playing out very well. 'shit.' I heard a car door open and close. I looked up and saw her walking towards me. My heart started racing and my hands felt sweaty. 'this is gross, why do my hands do this?'

"hey, sydney."
"hey. so...what's up?" I mentally slapped the shit out of myself. 'what's up? what the fuck.'
She just shrugged. "it's just been a lot of to process and a lot to think about." I stayed silent waiting for her to give me some kind of indication she didn't hate me.
"i don't know, sydney. that was really fucked up of you. the stuff you said and then the fact that you're so secretive all the time? it doesn't help."
I felt hurt. Yes, I messed up. I'm aware of it and I've been kicking myself in the ass for it, but she's been literally leaving town just to avoid me. I could feel myself getting ready to say something I'd regret. But I tried so hard not to. Besides, her being here was kind of driving me nuts. I can feel myself just lose all sense when she's around.

"you just up and leave without a word? you're over here on my ass about keeping things from you and you just disappear."
"it's not the same."
"it is. you didn't say a word to me, you've avoided me for like a while now."
"what's it's to you? thought i was being insecure."
"i didn't mean that."
"well it sure felt like it." She was leaning on the wall, her arms crossed and one foot up flat against the wall. Her head was tilted up and her eyes were focused on the sky. She didn't want to look at me. She didn't even want to talk to me. All I wanted was her to see me, to hear me, to talk to me.

"i'm sorry. i was pissed off and i say shit i don't mean."
"sounds like something you should work on." She's so pretty. Even now when she's getting mad at me and being so closed off, I find myself lost in her beauty. I sound so fucking creepy. This is why I can't have her around me all the time. She drives me crazy. "y/n." She shifted her gaze to me. I felt my stomach turn into a knot. "i'm sorry."

A sigh left her lips and she looked down to the ground, her expression changed into one of pain. "sydney, you really hurt me. you said some really mean things. i don't think i ever thought you were the kind of person to say that to me." I could tell she was holding back tears.

"i know. i'm really sorry. but you don't just leave like that. you talk to me. we figure it out." Out of nowhere, she slammed her fist back into the wall behind her.
"you hurt me. you treated me like shit." When she looked at me again, the pain was gone in her eyes and all I could see was anger. "you talked to me like i was nothing. what would us talking about this do? you wanna know why i disappeared? to get away from all this. it wasn't as if you gave a shit anyways." I felt my own anger coming up when she said that. "you think i don't care?"
"no. i don't think you do."
"how can you say that?"
"how could you? how was it so easy for you to talk to me like that?"
"i said i was sorry! but you just left! didn't say a fucking word to me. you just left. why didn't you at least tell me?" She scoffed at me and pushed herself off the wall.

"didn't think you'd care." She turned to leave and I caught up to her and grabbed her wrist. My body just acted on its own, I didn't even know what I was about to do. I pulled her back and she turned to face me. When she did, I let go of her wrist and grabbed her by the waist. My other hand went to the side of her face. I pulled her in and kissed her. It was deep, full of longing and desperation. I could feel her tense up but I felt her kiss me back. I turned her around so her back was to the building and started walking her back slowly. My tongue slipped into her mouth, and I pushed her back to the wall. I put my knee in between her legs and pressed my body against hers. I could barely breathe but I didn't want it to stop. My heart felt like it was gonna burst. I didn't want to let go of her. My hand moved from her waist to her hip. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

I broke off from the kiss and moved my lips to her jawline and to her neck. She was panting a bit and I could feel how fast her heart was beating. I left soft kisses on her neck and her hands went to my hair. I lifted my head back up and kissed her again. But this one was gentle. I put both my hands on the side of her face. We finally pulled away from each other and I put my forehead against hers. "don't ever say i don't care about you again. i do. i care about you more than anything and anyone. and i know i'm a shit person sometimes and i'm working on it. believe me, you're the only person who matters and i'm very aware of how much i'm fucking this up with you. just let me fix it. let me fix this. please."

I've never been one to beg. But for her, I'd do whatever it takes to fix my fuck ups.

For her, I'd do anything.

i know it's been a while my readers. i apologize, i'm working on the next chapter already. i'm gonna try to be a little more active! also, for those who also love our boy Link, i have a book for him, too. i've got a few things written up for that one so i'm polishing it up. i'm thinking of starting one for botw or totk, but i gotta have a good idea or else im gonna keep starting things i can't finish HAHA. anyways. i will try to get you all a new chapter soon, thank you for reading! love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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