Since I met you

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'Oh my god. What's wrong with me? Why did I do that?'
I leaned my back against the door and slid down and sat on the ground. I put my face in hands and groaned. For some reason, I thought it would a great idea to mess with Syd. So I did, and I messed with myself too because I just made myself nervous being so close to her. 'That really backfired on me.'

I sighed and looked up. 'Okay, let's finish this shift and go home and then we can think about how dumb we are.' I stood up and headed back to work.

I went home and got some food. As I was eating, I kept going back to that moment. My cheeks started heating up and I tried my best to not think of it. 'I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable.'
I washed my dish and went to my room. I throw myself onto the bed and fall asleep.

A week passes since then, I had only seen Syd a couple of times during the week. I got home one day after work and went to my room after I ate. As I sat down on my bed, my phone went off. 'Who's messaging me now...oh shit.'
My phone lit up and the message came onto the screen.

Syd: Hey, are you busy?

I unlocked my phone and went to message her back, letting her know I had just gotten home and was free.

Sydney's POV
'Okay, okay. Chill out. Ask her to go for a walk with you. Nothing serious, just some casual...hanging out...stuff.'
I picked my phone up and sent her the message asking to hang out. A minute later I got a message back.

Y/N: Sure, I'll be right over.

I panicked a little, I didn't expect her to reply so fast. I quickly got up and went outside my room to tell Liam and my mom I'd be back later. I walked outside my house and sat down on the curb waiting for her. A few minutes later I see her car pull up to my house. She steps out and gives me a smile. "Hey." I greet her. She walks over to me and helps me up. "Hey, Syd." We stand there for a second with my hand still in hers before her eyes widen a bit and she lets go of my hand. "So...let's go?" She asks. I nod and we start walking. "Any particular reason you wanted to go for a walk?" I shake my head. "Just wanted to get out of the house, I guess. It was this or do some cocaine. You know, normal shit." She just laughs quietly at me. 'I love her laugh.'

As we walk around town, we take all the backroads. We talk about everything and anything. Every now and then she bumps into me playfully. We reach the railroad tracks and we stop to sit down for a bit. I look up at the sky and see dark clouds starting to form. "I think it might rain." "Hmm? Oh, yeah. Maybe. I don't mind the rain. It feels nice having it hit you, sometimes." I smile at her. We stay sitting and keep talking. Every now and then I look over at her hand. She has it set down on the floor next to mine. It's so close that if I just reached a little bit, I could hold her hand. My hand moves on its own and ends up on top of hers. 'You're fucking kidding. Fuckkkkk.'

I sit there, frozen. I look over at her and see her cheeks are red and a small smile on her face. I take it as a good sign and leave my hand there.

'Oh my god. Fuck, don't freak out. Please don't move your hand.'
I give her a small smile. She smiles back and leans her head back on the wall. We sit there in silence for a bit, just enjoying each others company. I move my hand and intertwine my fingers with hers. My hearts racing and the butterflies in my stomach are going insane. The smile on my face has gotten bigger and I can see her smile from the corner of my eye.

Sydney's POV
'I want to stay here forever with her like this. Just us, holding hands. Just us, together.'
I move over to her more and rest our hands on my lap. She leans her head over and lays it on my shoulder. I close my eyes and take in the moment. I don't think I've ever felt so happy like this since my dad died. I just sit there and listen to her breathe and enjoy the feeling of her hand in mine.

As we're sitting there, I feel a drop of water fall onto my face. A second later it starts to rain pretty bad. We stand up and run over to some shade. We laugh as we run, getting soaked in the process. Once we get under the roof of an old abandoned building, we catch our breath and laugh. We lean on the wall and just look out at the rain. It was peaceful. I turn to look at her. She's standing there against the wall, one hand on her chest playing with her necklace, the other in my hand. She's smiling that gorgeous smile she has. 'I want to kiss her.'

I decide to take the chance. I breathe in deep and turn to her completely. I pull her into me with her hand I was holding. She puts her hand on my shoulder and I move my other hand and hold the side of her face. We stare into each others eyes and my eyes look down to her beautiful lips. The lips I've been dying to kiss since I met her. I move in closer and she does the same. Then it happens.

Our lips collide and suddenly everything disappears. I can't hear the rain anymore. I don't feel the cold from my wet clothes anymore. All I can feel is her lips on mine, my hand on her face and my other hand holding her. I feel her hand move from my shoulder to my hair. It feels like there's electricity coursing through my veins. My heart flutters and I can feel my knees getting weak.
'I swear, the hold she has on me. I'd do anything for her.'

We stay there, in each other arms, kissing each other as the rain hits the roof we're under. Nothing else matters, only this moment.

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