Stay with me

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Sydney woke up that morning feeling slightly upset.

Last night
"Hey, did you get the groceries?" Sydney's mom walked in from work. "Uh, yeah I did. I actually had some help carrying them home." "Oh, really? Who?" "This new girl that works there. Her name is y/n."
"Y/n? I actually know her. She's a regular at the diner. I'm surprised you don't remember her..." Her mom trailed off as she looked through the mail. Sydney furrowed her brow in confusion but then left to her room.
She looked out her window at the rain that just started falling. She wondered what days y/n worked. If she knew, she could at least see her there. But how was she gonna find out when she worked? Maybe she'd just have to go to the market everyday until she figured it out. But how is she gonna do that without coming off as a stalker?
She sighed heavily and laid down on her bed. She stared at her ceiling with a frown. She just wanted to see her more often. She heard the door open so she went to see if it was her little brother. As she walked out of her room, Liam came home and they watched tv for a bit before Sydney went back to her room and fell asleep.

She got up and tried to think about how to go about figuring out her work schedule without being a creep. She decided just to go to the market and see if she was there. She walked over in the rain but it was only light rain so she wasn't worried about getting wet.

Once she got there, she looked around to see if she could spot her, but once she didn't find her, she felt upset. She turned around to leave when someone called out to her.
"Sydney, hey! What are you doing here? More groceries?" "Oh, no. I just came to get..." Sydney realized she had no excuse to be there. She quickly tried to think of one. She turned to look at the drinks. "Umm, I came to get a coke. And now I'm going to get it."

I gave her a weird look. 'She's acting strange...maybe she's just really socially awkward?'
She went to grab her drink and then walked over to the register. I rang her up and she gave me her cash. As I handed her the change, my hand touched hers a little longer than normal. I pulled my hand away and looked away in embarrassment. 'Fuck, I hope she doesn't think that was weird.'

Sydney's POV
'Fuck, fuck, fuck. Quick say something before she thinks it's weird.'
" about this rain?"
'You fucking idiot.'
She laughed. "Yeah, it's definitely coming down. Can you get home okay?" I looked out the window and saw a full blown storm. 'Well, shit. It wasn't raining this bad when I got in the store.'
"Uhh, I can probably run and I'll be fine."
"No, it's okay. Just stay with me and I'll give you a ride home when it calms down. Or do you need to be home now?"
I don't really need to be home until way later, mom is working later today so Liam is fine. Plus, I can stay with y/n for a while. "Yeah, I can stay."
"Okay, cool. You can sit back here with me."
She motioned for me to join her behind the register and she went to get an extra seat for me. I sat down and we sat in silence for a couple of minutes. 'What the fuck do I say?'
"What days do you work?" "I work Mondays and Tuesdays. Sometimes I'll work Thursday's but it depends. Why? You wanna see me at work?" She nudged me with her elbow and smirked at me. I laughed and blushed a little. "Just wanted to know."

"You know Syd, we've met before."
'Oh fuck.'
"Y-yeah. I-I know."
'No, you don't, dumbass.'
"Syd, it's okay if you don't remember, it was a bit ago. You had just moved here."
I thought back and it sorta came to me but it was really hazy. I don't really know. I looked at her shrugged. "I don't remember, honestly. Sorry..." "It's okay Syd, I wouldn't have remembered either if I didn't see your mom all the time."

We talked for about an hour and half before I decided it would be best for me to go home. I didn't want to but my mom was leaving in an hour and I knew I had to be there soon. We got to her car. It was nice. I wonder how her parents afforded it. "My parents didn't buy it. In case you were wondering. It was a gift from my aunt, she's loaded. " "O-oh, no no. I-I wasn't- it's a nice car."
'Better stop it there before I accidentally call her poor or something.'
We drove to my house and she parked. We sat in the car for a minute before I spoke. "Thanks for driving me." She smiled at me and my heart fluttered a little. 'What the fuck is with me.'
"It's no problem. I'll see you, Syd."
I smiled back at her and got out of the car. I walked to the door and unlocked it. I noticed she waited for me to get in before she pulled off. 'She's so sweet. Why the fuck does she talk to me and help me out? She must really not know how fucked up i am.'
I walked in and saw my mom. She told me Liam was gonna stay over at a friends house and she was gonna be working pretty late. "I called y/n's parents to ask if it was okay if she came over for the night just so you're not alone. Or you could go over there with her, she can pick you up when she gets off. I'm gonna be late and Liam is gonna be at a friends."
'Ah, fuck. Well, if she came here at least we'd be alone. Wait, what? No, alone as friends. That's all.'
"Yeah, sure she can come here. I'll call the store and tell her." "Okay I'm gonna go. Behave."
I waved my hand at her and she left. I called the store seeing if y/n would pick up. "Hello? How can I help you?"
"Hey, it's Sydney. Listen, I don't know if your parents told you about my mom calling but-" "Oh, hey. No, yeah they told me already. What do you wanna do?"

"Umm, you can come over here if you want? You can stay with me."
"Yeah, cool. I'll be there after work I have another hour. I'll see you then, bye." "Cool, bye."
'Fuck I gotta clean up.'
I cleaned up any mess in the house and I took a shower. I even shaved my legs, I know, fucking weird. I had no reason to. I heard a knock at the door and I went over to answer it.
"Hey, sorry I didn't call before I got off I just wanted to leave already." "It's okay, come in."
She walked in and closed the door and locked it. We went to the sofa and sat down next to each other. "Are you hungry? My mom left some money for a pizza if you want." "Yeah, that sounds good." We ordered and then we sat and watched tv while we waited. She looked a bit sad. "Hey, are you okay? You look kinda depressed."
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just...long day at work. I had a really rude customer and she- well let's just say she used a lot of colorful language to describe me." "That fucking sucks. People are such shit. I'm sorry that happened. If it helps, I think you're great and nice and sweet and I li-"
"Thanks, you're sweet, Syd." She smiled at me and laid her head on my shoulder. I blushed a little at how close she was.
'Fuckkk, that butterfly feeling again. What the fuck is that. I had it for Dina but it was because I liked her. I can't possibly like y/n. I've only known her for like a couple of days. Maybe I'm sick.'

We spent the night watching tv and eating. We went to my room afterwards and she changed into some clothes she brought with her. We laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling. It was quiet, but it wasnt awkward. It felt nice just to be with her. 'I wish it was always like this, I want to be around her more. I wonder if she feels the same.'

'I could stay like this with her forever.'

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