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As Hannah is on her way home, her and Alex text the entire time. They both miss each other and they were sharing their thoughts about the whole thing. To her surprise, the first thing he thought when he saw her was that she was pretty, which made her feel all soft inside. Throughout the whole car ride the only thing she could think about was him, their kiss, their hugs, their everything. It felt so real, so special, it was something she never ever wanted to let go no matter what. She's never felt this way before about someone. She has had crushes before him, but none of them felt like this, none of them felt this amazing.

When she got home, she immediately went into her room and the two called. They talked for hours, as usual, and talked about how much they enjoyed each other's company. They also talked about the kiss, and the other stuff they did, the sexual stuff. It wasn't that Hannah regretted it because she did it with him, she regretted it only a little bit because the two werent together, they weren't dating. But honestly, part of her was okay with that, because in the end it was him, it wasn't some random guy at her school, it wasn't Braylon, it wasn't anyone else but him.

A few days later, Alex texted asking her all sorts of questions, she was confused, but she answered,

Alex: if I asked you to kiss me 100 times, would you?

I'd kiss you 200

Alex: Hannah
Alex: i like you

Hannah stared at her phone screen for a little bit, there's no way. She didn't think he did, he was trying so hard not to. But Alex did like her.

Hannah couldn't stop smiling, she even squealed, and she never does that. Of course, this doesn't mean the two of them were going to date, there were still so many problems in the way. Her parents, his mom, the distance, the past relationship issues.

She liked him, and he liked her. And that was the problem. They're supposed to be just friends, because there's no way they could date. Of course, they could ignore all those problems and date anyways, because it's true that every relationship has its obstacles, no relationship is perfect, but they both decided that it was too risky. If Hannah's parents found out she'd get her ass beat, and that was something neither of them wanted. Alex doesn't want to do long distance, if he dates someone he wants to be able to see them all the time, and so does Hannah.

Maybe to other people it might seem like what the two of them are doing, what they're deciding, isn't worth it. Some people say if they really liked each other they'd ignore all those obstacles and date anyways, but its one thing watching from the sidelines and another thing being apart of it. What Hannah and Alex have is more complicated then a 'screw everything let's date anyways', they want things they can't have, and those things that they want are important to them if they wanted to be in a relationship.

Sometimes, though, Hannah wishes that maybe they could do what everyone else was telling them. Sometimes she wishes that they could just ignore all the problems going on and just date anyways, she isn't sure if Alex has ever thought of that, but she has. But she has to remind herself, relationships like these don't last. And if  they do its probably because of some miracle, and knowing her luck, there isn't going to be a miracle any time soon.

So, Hannah and Alex carried on with how they were before, dating but not dating. They both liked each other, they didn't talk to other people, they'd tell each other they loved each other every single day, but they didn't date. And Hannah was okay with that, she was okay with what they had because in the end she still had him. She still had Alex there with her, as a friend, her best friend, and more.

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