Chapter 3 -trip to America

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Last night it was snowing now it stopped today you r all going to America with the ceo & the asst managers now you all packing your things

You:jen did you see my charger
Jen: rose is charging with it
You: okay tell her after using keep it in my hand bag
Jen: okay
You: okay I am going change my clothes I am going upstairs
Jen : okay
You : jen & rose i don't know wear
Rose: can we 3 wear matching clothes
You & jen: yeah
Jen: do we have anything like that
Rose: let's go up and see
You all went up and saw your wardrobes
And you were thinking
Jen: guy's look at this we can wear this to airport
( She pointed the dress from each of you wadrobe)
The dresses you all going to wear



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Then you all wore it and your hairstyles

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Then you all wore it and your hairstyles

Then you all wore it and your hairstyles

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You (they both free hair)

Then you got ready you went down for breakfast

You all are cereal then you sat on the couch and started watching k drama waiting for the car you are going to the airport from office.

The car arrived then you all went to office
The luggage was in the car.

You: may i come in
Jk: come in
You : hello oppa
Jk: hello chae ( he was seeing his phone )
Then you sat down and started seeing you are phone because you don't have to do sehdulue

Then your phone rang it was Hye rin you had no idea why she calling you .You picked up

You: hello?( You put it in speaker because you were seeing something on your computer)
Hye: chae come down to my cabin
You : okay I am coming
You were going get and jungkook told chae go down and call Hye rin you said okay.( Clueless)
You went down and called Hye rin she also came up.
Hye rin: sir why did you call me
Jk: see Hye rin chae is only for people who are equal to her postion so chae for you she is madam so try to avoid calling her by her name got it
Hye rin: yes sir

Then Hye rin went down and then
You: oppa which time we are going to the airport
Jk: at 5.00 pm and chae pls tell everyone to call you madam got it
You : okay oppa
Jk: chae call the md
You called her ( she is iu)
Iu: sir may I come in
Jk : yes come in
Iu: sir why did you call me
Jk: so for a week we are going to america so pls take care of the company okay
Iu: okay sir

It was 1 .00 and you where hungry so you went down to cafeteria with jen and rose
You all ate tteobokki
Jen: when are we going to airport
You: 5.00
Rose: oh okay

At 4.50
Jk : chae the car driver had went parks company for work so you all come in my car okay tell them all
You: okay sir ( you told them all)
Jk: okay chae it is 4.55 Let's go okay
Then you both came down stairs together but you both never came down together because you always go before him so when you came down the whole office was looking at you
Girl 1: hey look at them both they are coming down to together
Girl2: yeah I think they are gf and bf
Girl3: yeah let's tell this too Hye rin
Girl3: Hye rin Hye rin
Hye rin : what
Girl 3 : look at them both they are coming together
Hye rin: what ( and tears started falling down from her eyes)
Boy1:hey man look at her how hot she is
Boy2: yeah man jungkook sir is lucky she is always with him
Boy1 : can I marry her deep sigh
Boy2: if we could also she won't because she is rich than and she will only marry guys like jungkook sir
You where confused why they are looking like that then you went near jungkook and whispered. Oppa why they all looking at us like this
Jk: I don't know just don't care let's go to the car
Already jen& rose and also jimin and tae was waiting there
You sat near jungkook in 1 St seat taeand jen sat together
Rose and jimin sat together
And then youcame ear jungkook ear and told oppa look at them why are they looking weird
Jk: I think they did they are 1 St kiss
You: what!!!!
Jk : you self ask them
You : can we play something
Both: yes
You : can we play truth or dare
Both: yes
You : okay tae oppa truth or dare
Tae: truth
You : okay,when was your frist kiss this for both of you
Tae: ummm it was tooooday y yyy
You : what !!!omg and jimin oppa
Jim: umm same as tae
Jk: omg really hyung congratulations
Jen & rose turn to the side blushing
Jim: okay you both are teasing us what about you jk who do you like
Jk: hyung I don't like anyone
Tae : don't lie I know who is it..
Jk : no don't tell
Jim : we will tell it after our meeting in america
jk: okie dokie hyung :)

The end of chapter

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