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Today's birthday of ae cha, mi cha ,you & jungkook
So for that you keep a party and of course you call all your employees and mi cha' s turning 3 and ae cha 4.
You all got ready in the same room in tae' s room
You all wore the same color( girls alone) this what you all wore



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Ae cha

Mi cha

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Mi cha

Hae won

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Hae won

They children didn't wear yet

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They children didn't wear yet

You: hae won ,mi cha , ae cha come we need to wear dress
They all came and you wore them and all the girls got ready the boys didn't
You: they are taking time come on every one Let's take a photo
They all came and you took a pick and you guys where bored so you sat on the bed
Mi cha: oemma I am hungry
You: really wait I will come
You go take 3 a cookies 🍪
You: everyone here eat
You here a knock
Rose open it
And you all where standing
Jim: Is this really my family
Jk: yeah!
Tae: you guys it is them only!
They all come in
Tae: ae cha is it you
Jk: mi cha is it you
Jim: hae is it you
Mi cha: it's mi cha only
Hae: i am hae
Ae cha: yes appa
Jk: they 3 look like angels
Mi cha : ( raised her hand ) appa lift me
Ae cha: me too
Hae: what about me
Jen: okay can we go down
You: yeah
You all came down
And i' s time to cut the cake you cut it
Everyone: happy birthday to you....,........
You: umm can you cut it and give pls
She gave it
Aecha,micha,hae: give me pls pls
You: wait first sit down here ( they sat) good girls
Where is your napkins ( here they show you)
Okay ( you spread it on them) and keep the plate
You should not spill anything on your dress okay
Jen: oh! Mrs . Jeon perfect is here
You: stop it! ( Hit her playfully)
Rose: as jen told before your going to be good mom
You: really
Jen: ae cha you like your sisters
Ae cha: yes!
Jen: micha you like your sisters
Micha: yeah!
You: hae do you like your sisters
Hae: yes
Rose: oh! look they are like us
Jen: yeah
Micha: oemma can I play there
You: don't get hurt or hurt your sisters
Mi cha: okay oemma thank you
They where playing then hae won suddenly fell then she started crying because that aunty slap her
Mi cha: oemma!!
You: what !
Mi cha: hae fell down
You: where is she!? Take me there
You saw hae won crying you went there
You: hae don't cry who hurt you
Hae: a aunty
You: which aunty come show me!
She pointed at hye rin
You: okay are you hurt
Hae: no
You: come on sit and play okay
Aecha: okay aunty
Then you go near jungkook and whisper
You: jungkook Hye rin slapped hae won
Jk: how do you know
You: micha told me
Jk ' s blood was boiling in anger and he told jimin and tae .the party ended everyone left and Hye rin was going to
Then jk stopped Hye rin
You: how dare you slap my brother ' s daughter you buffalo 🐃
Hye rin raised her hand put you hold it and twist it back
You: oh! Your trying to slap me ha not a chance ( you push her like that)
Hye rin: you! Chae you took everything from me you took my jungkook and also you married him
Before you I was the one who liked him then suddenly you come get married have a child
You know how it felt for me.
You: just go I am his wife waste of talking
She went
Jim: are you my sister?
You: why?
Jim: they way you twisted the ankle I was amazed
You: I know oppa😁
Then you all went to your rooms and as always today micha will be sleeping with you both
You changed into your pjs and you two where playing then jungkook came and he took his laptop and started working you two where sleepy so you
Both sleep and then jungkook finished his work and show you both
Jk: I have a bunny family ( he also huggs and sleeps)
At the morning you woke up and brush your teeth and go down and jen was awake
You: good morning 🌅
Jen: morning
You: are we going to office
Jen : I don't know
Then jimin comes
You: oppa should we come to office today
Jim: yes we are going
You: oh okay but I am happy that our moms are here so they will take care of them you look at the clock it was time you 3 rush and go wake up your partners they also got up and you all got ready and you went down and told your mom to take care of the children and you go to the car and you reach the office.
You went to your cabin and you started working
And then you got a call from kim companys
You: hello mrs Jeon speaking
Jisoo: oh I am jisoo from Kim's company and we told mr. Jeon we will be coming today just a reminder
You: oh! How many people and who
Jisoo: me and my husband and my son
You: oh! Okay
You : kook today the kim people are coming so send the car
Jk: oh! Okay

You: where they will stay
Jk: I have bought a separate house for them
You: oh okay
Jk: but your going to show them around Seoul okay 👍
You: what? Me alone no!!
Jk: no! Jen and rose will come with you
You: lastly! I am happy
You got a call It was jisoo
Jisoo: hello we landed
You: the car will arrive
Jk: they came
You: yeah!
Jk: you go with them the car is waiting
You:( okay you quickly got ready and you were going to go then jungkook call you pointing his lips asking for a kiss you go and give a quick kiss and go to the car)
You: driver go to Incheon airport
Dir: okay mam
You reach airport
You call jisoo
Then you saw them you go to them
You: hello I am Jeon chae
Jisoo: oh I am kim jisoo
Jin: I am kim seokjin and he is kim chul
You: oh hii let's go to car
At the car
You: uhnn jisoo what is your age
You: then your unnie
Jisoo: what is yours
You:25 what is her age
Jin: 4
You: oh.
Jisoo: you have kids?
You: yes unnie I have a daughter
Jin: oh.. You have a kid this young huh!
You: Mr .Kim we reached your home , I am sorry I can't come with you
Jin: it's okay!
You went to home you opened it
You: I am home!!
Then they three run and come and. Hug you

The end of chapter 13

Just you and me ( ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔢) {Vocal Line] Season 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now