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You pov:
Your 4 months pregnant & rose ' s 6 months pregnant  . Your belly started to grow big today your going to check up with rose
You got ready and you wore this

 Your belly started to grow big today your going to check up with roseYou got ready and you wore this

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And rose wore this

You 2 got inside the car and it dropped to the hospital

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You 2 got inside the car and it dropped to the hospital

You: hello unnie how are you
Lily( doc) : inam good sit down
Rose: unnie what about your baby
Doc: huh frist let yours born then I will think about mine and chae as told last time the
Today we will take a ultrasound
You: okay unnie
Doc: first rose come( her check up down) chae come
You went in and saw your baby for the first time
Then You went home
You: we are home oemma
Rose mom: did you the ultrasound dear
Rose: yes we did oemma
You and rose: I am so hungry!
Rose mom : wait we are cooking
You: okay mom
You sat on the sofa and started watching kdrama
You: look at it hhhahh!
Rose : yeah!heehhhe
You ate your lunch you felt tired so you slept in the sofa  and rose also
Then tae mom woke you 2 up
Tae mom: wake up !
You& rose: ahhh!
Tae mom: your husbands will so get refreshed
You: okay oemma
You and rose go up and get refreshed and wore this

You: hello unnie how are youLily( doc) : inam good sit downRose: unnie what about your babyDoc: huh frist let yours born then I will think about mine and chae as told last time the Today we will take a ultrasoundYou: okay unnieDoc: first rose come...

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And you and rose came down and started watching tv while drinking coffee ☕
Then at 7.00 you guys all ate dinner and then you went to ae cha ' s room and you where playing with her for sometime and you feed her and you also put her in sleep
And you came down it was 8.56 it' s when they come home
Ding dong you go to the entry and remove his coat and get his luggage and keep it on the sofa ( in the entry)
Jk:how are you
You: I am good
Jk: did you eat
You: yes go get refreshed I will serve the food
They 3 came down and you served the food and did the dishwashing and went upstairs and for sleeping.but you need a another pillow so you went and asked rose
You: can I get a pillow
Rose: sure take it
You: good night
The. You hear a knock on the door
It was Jennie
Jen: where is ae cha?
You: I made her sleep she is in her room
Jen: oh! Good night
Then jungkook came seeing the phone and sat next to you seeing the phone
And then he keeps it down
Jk: did give the print out for ultrasound
You: yes I did wanna see
You went and took the photo and showed it to jungkook
Jk: woah! She is growing yeah she is 1 year younger than others here yeah
You: let's sleep huh
You lay down on the other side and he was hugging you and sleeping

At the morning

You woke up and ge refreshed and go down and ate bread and jam and sat and started watching phone ..............

After some months today rose Is in the hospital today is her delivery date your is in a month

Doctor come' s out do any any two people in for her support

Jim: Jennie and chae you go
You: why!
Jim:you go I believe you
You and Jennie go inside you wear the blue dress
You: rose good luck
And it starts
And the baby is born the doctor clean it and give it to you
You: hello princess welcome to earth
Jen: your so lucky you have a big family
Doc: you self go out and give the baby
You: okay ( you take the blue out fit and you go out)
You come out
You: oppa your daughter ( you hand over the child to him)
Jim: is this my child
You: of course
Jim: you are so cute just wait for a month you will also get a sister
Ae cha: aunty what happened to rose aunty where is she
You:( lift her) nothing happened she's sleeping
Ae cha: who is she
You: your sister
Ae cha: my sister!!!!
You:: yeah !
Ae cha : she' s so cute!!
You: huh!
Jim: in a month a another baby sister will be there
Ae cha: really!!
jim: yes
Nurse: she's awake you can go see her
You all went in
Rose: where is the child
You: here
Rose: she looks like your brother
You: what is the name
Jimin: park hae won
Jk: chae your name also has won
You: wait what!
Jim: both of your names are rhyming chae won hae won
You: hmmm
Tae: what is name for your child
Jk: mi cha
Jim: another rhyming ae cha mi cha
You: yeah!!

After a month to day is the day your going to deliver your baby you got ready
Doc: do you need any body
You: no doctor
You sat on the bed
And after sometime you deliver the baby
The doctor goes out
Doc: everyone she delivered the baby she gave the baby to Jimin
Jim: welcome princess to earth
He gives it to jungkook
Jk: welcome home Jeon mi cha you wanna see you sisters
He showed it
Ae cha: now I have 2 sisters!!!
Tae: look at them they all have chae ' s eyes
Rose: yeah !!

Doctor: she' s awake you can go see her
They all came in and jungkook gave the baby to you
You: you look like your father
Jk: huh
Tae : you know chae they tree have your eyes
You: really
Tae: yeah look
You: yeah but how then you here a knock
All of they moms where there
Your mom: how are you
You: I am good
Your mom: give me the child
Jen mom: look all the three have ye same eyes as your daughter
You: but how mom
Rose mom: it ' sthe mix of the parents eyes
You: oh!
You got discharged and you got home

Jk mom: what is the name
You: mi cha
Jk mom: oh!!

The end of chapter 12

Just you and me ( ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔢) {Vocal Line] Season 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now