chapter 4

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You reached the airport
Then you got to know that it is a private jet
Then you went and sat in your seat
Then jen came band told you are sitting with jungkook
You: wait what!!!!!!
Jen: yes I am sitting with tae so sorry
Then jk came and sat with you
He was also seeing phone then suddenly he fell asleep on your shoulder and after sometime you also fell asleep on top of his head
Then tae and jimin came to see jk and talk and they saw him asleep on your shoulder

Tae:ommggg bro look at him sleeping on chae shoulder
Jim: yeah bro let s tell our girlfriends
Then they want and called them
They saw and was like
Jen.:  Omggggggggg
She shouted
Jungkook and you woke up
You and him: ahhh!
Jk:what happened why are you all here
You: yeah why
Tae: jungkook you slept on  chae shoulder and chae  fell a sleep on you
You: started blushing and turned to the side
Jk :whaaatt?really
Jim: yes
Jk: he also started blushing and bent down
Voice: we have reached america
You landed a car picked yup and left you at you hotel room
You rose and jen are in a room
Jim,tae and jk are in a room
You all refreshed and a sudden knock int was jimin
Jim: guys we need to go to the meeting in a half an hour so get ready
You all : okay!
And you all got ready and wore this

:  OmgggggggggShe shoutedJungkook and you woke upYou and him: ahhh!Jk:what happened why are you all hereYou: yeah whyTae: jungkook you slept on  chae shoulder and chae  fell a sleep on you You: started blushing and turned to the sideJk :whaaatt?re...

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Then you all got ready and you all went and knocked their door tae openedYou: we are ready Tae : oh we are also ready let's goThen you all went down And the car already arrivedAnd you reached Kim's companyAnd then you reached meeting roomIn the me...

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Then you all got ready and you all went and knocked their door tae opened
You: we are ready
Tae : oh we are also ready let's go
Then you all went down
And the car already arrived
And you reached Kim's company
And then you reached meeting room
In the meeting room
Everyone was speaking
Suddenly when you guys arrived the noise of your heels made them quite
Then they opened the door
All the eyes of the where on you and girls eyes where on jungkook
You all entered and sat down
And then you crossed your legs
Then kim seokjin entered with his sectery kim jisoo
They also sat down
And then started the meeting
And then a man
Raised his hand and
Man: excuse me sir but why jungkook sectery had crossed her legs in front of you
Seokjin: she  can because they are in more status
Man: no sir they are less than us
Seokjin: no butt.
You: excuse me but who are you to this company
Man: program director
You: do you who he is
Man: he is the asst manager
You: I am sorry but he is the ceo and I am his sectery got it
Man: I am sorry
You: let ' s continue
The meeting ended then while in car
Tae: chae they way you spoke in the meeting with the program director was amazing
You: thank you oppa
Jim: as tae told in south korea that we will tell who jungkook like
We will tell now
Jk: tell it indirectly
Tae: she is always next to him
You: ( jungfused)
Then you went you room then asked jen what did tae  tell
Jen: you didn't understand wait I will tell who is always near jungkook in Office
You: me
Jen: that means he likes you

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