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Jennie is 8 months pregnant from the day she is pregnant everyone one had a lot of work today tae oppa and then both went to office and me and rose are staying home today I am taking her for check up
In the hospital
You: may i come in doctor
Doc: come in
You: hello doctor
Doc : okay today as last time I told you I will tell the delivery date. Nurse file
She looked through the file and told
Doc : the delivery date is September 1
You: what!!!
Doc: why what happened
Jen: no it's her birthday and her bf ' s too that ' s why
Doc: you are really lucky

You went home and they and your moms ( jen mom too) and you came in
You: guys today the doctor told the delivery date
Jk: when is it
You: September 1
Jk: what on my birthday 🎉
You: on mine too
Tae mom: what a coincidence and you know the people who are born in the same will be like them
Means if it is a girl it will be like chae
If it's a boy it will be like jungkook
Tae: really good

At September 1 Jennie got pain so you all reached the hospital everyone one was waiting outside
Then the doctor came out with the child and told
Doc: it is a girl
You: what!
She gave the child to you
You: you know it your and mine and your uncle's birthday and I am turning 23 and he is turning into 24( You gave the child to taehyung)
And then everyone saw the child and you went home with Jennie
At home
Your mom had the child in her hand
Your mom: you know chae she has the same eyes as you
You: what!
Jen: yeah look you she also have a light brown eyes
You: but how!
Jen mom: Jennie has brown eyes and tae has black eyes that's why
You: oh..
Jk: what about our child
Your mom: you both have kind of same eyes it will be your eyes jungkook
Jim: wait we didn't celebrate the birthday
Tae: yeah right
You: what can we do
Jim: let's go and get cake chae
You: yeah let's go
Jk& rose: guys stop your going without us
You and Jim: are you jealous you- he is my brother Jim- she is my sister
Jk& rose: okay go
You went and came back and you celebrateted

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It is been a year your married with jk and jimin is
Married with rose and rose is  months pregnant
And then
Today morning
You and jungkook and tae and jimin went to office
Jen was staying with rose .
You : kook sign these papers pls
Jk: Okay hp( he signed and you took it from him and when keep it the desk you suddenly faint
Jk: chae what happen
He takes you to hospital
Doc: who is the husband of Jeon chae won
Jk: me doctor how is she
Doc: congratulations she ' s pregnant
Jk: what! Really doctor thank you
Then jimin and tae arrives
Jimin: what happened to my sister
Jk: hyung
Jim: hyung?
Jk: she ' s pregnant
Jim: what! Really congratulations jungkookah
Tae: lastly my girl has a another sibling
Then Jennie and rose arrives
Rose: what happened to her
Jimin:your going to be a aunt both of you
Jen: she' s pregnant
Jk: yes
Then nurse comes out
Nurse: you can go see her
They all came to see you
You: what happened to me
Jk: nothing
You: then why I am here
Jk: your pregnant
You: what!!! Really
Then you go to home
And jungkook call his parents
Jk: hello oemma
Jkmom:what honey
Jk: mom your going to be a grandma
Jkmom: what chae is pregnant
Jk: yes oemma
Jkmom: next flight is self I am coming there
Jk: okay mom

Jim: hello oemma
Your mom:hello jimin tell what
Jim: chae is pregnant
Your mom: what really
Jim: yeah
Your mom: you know I am already in flight for korea.
Jim: oh okay

Jim: oemma is coming today
Jk: even my mom
Jen: also mine
Tae: mine also
You: why everyone' s mom are coming
All of the : because all of our mom love you than me
You: really

Bell rang you went for opening
All they are moms where there
You: guys your mom's are here
All rushed there 😁
And you where sleepy so you went up for sleeping
Then jungkook came and hugged you from the back while sleeping
Jk: chae did you sleep
You: no I didn't but I am going to
Jk: okay you sleep I will also

Just you and me ( ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔢) {Vocal Line] Season 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now