Chapter 8

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At the morning you wake up today's Saturday so you will be in home you wakeup frist jungkook was sleeping without waking him you came out of the room and went out you went downstairs
And started watching k drama 😂 rose also came and started watching with you and then jk and jimin came and also started watching k drama with you guys .
You: okay I am going to make some hot chocolate
Rose: wait I will help you
You and rose prepared hot chocolate and sat  on the sofa and continued watching
You: guys it is snowing!!!!!!
Jk: what! I thought of going out!! F**k!
Rose: guys it is so cold
You grabbed the bet sheet and cover your selfs and became cozy
You: where are the two MARRIED COUPLES
Jimin: I don't know
Then you hear the door opening
Rose: look jen is here
Jen: ahh!! When did you wake up!
You: just a 30 minutes before
Jen: oh!
You :come sit here (you make her sit with you)
You: oh ! Rose come here hug me it is so cold
Rose : coming
You all hugged together the boys where
Disgusted and left out
Then tae hyung came down
Jk: hyung! Come here
Tae : what!
Jk : pls take your wife and you cuddle with her because we need our girlfriends
Tae: okay jen come here pls (he sat on the other sofa )
Jen: what( tae pulled by her hand and made him diton his lap)
Jen: what are you doing
Tae: making me warm
Then jimin pulled rose and started cuddling her
You and jungkook was left you also started cuddling.
You: what are we going to do today?
Suddenly you got  a gmail
You read it
You: guys
Jk: what!
You: the kim company accepted
Jk: yeahh!!! What happened to you chae
You:  means we should work nothing else we can do
Jk: yeah
Then you all bathed and you guys and the guys went for bathing and then took all the pillows bedsheets from your room and made the sofa connected to eachother ( the other one is also a bigger one) and put a bedsheet on and put all the pillows and made a cozy area for work and they also came after bathing
Jk: wow what a cozy place
Jim& tae: yeah
Then you all sat and started working
Jen: guys i am hungry
You: me too
Tae: let's order some food
Tae opened and then
Tae: guys the server is closed so you can't oder food
Rose: what!
You: what happened rose
Rose: look there
There was a heavy snow as she told the current goes off
You , rose& jen: yeahhhhhhh!!!!!! ( Shouted)
Jim: why did you shout
Jen: you guys never spend your time together?
Tae: sometimes
You: oh! We are sorry we do this because last year it snowed like this and the current went and we 3 cooked some food and ate while talking and we were scared so we made like this and slept together and we played it was fun!
Jim: wow! This so fun I really want some time like this
Jk& tae: Mee too
Jen: we can do it now
You: yeah
Rose: yes
You: rose give me a paper so okay there are some jobs but this going to be a game so me and jungkook a  jimin& rose a team tae&jen a team
So I wrote some jobs we should do who comes frist after finishing the job will be the one who writes questions for truth or dare
Jk: I am ready
You rolled the papers
You& jk: to do the food
Jim& rose: to make the tv work ( the tv is not connected to the inventer)
Tae& jen: power supply for hot pot
You: 123
You all dashed you started cooking and now yo going to finished the last dish
But the others are still doing
Jk: guys food is ready
Jim:  f**k we would have done
Jen: s** t if we on this we would be the frist one
Jk: we won
Then you took the big fold a ble table and bkept it on top and kept the food and all of you sat down
Youall: thank you for the food
You started eating
You and jungkook started writing dares
Everyone finished and time for truth or dare

You: Okay when the red points it is truth when the blue it dare ( u spinned and it landed straight to rose) okay rose pick one ( she picked one and the dare was to kiss jimin(dare) )

Jk: yeah! I never seen my hyung kiss
Then they 2 came closer and kissed
You: yeahhhhhhh!!!
Jen: lastly!!
Jk: finally!!
Tae: the 1st  time!!
Jim: guys this is not fair you should also kiss
You: okay oppa if you win jk in stone paper scissors ( jk- rock Jim- paper and jimin won)
Jk: uhgggg!!
Jim: yes!! Okay 1st taehyung
They both kissed
And now it is you . You and jungkook kissed too
You: guys let's work you started working
Then you and jungkook where really tired jungkook laid on the corner of the sofa you laid on him and slept

Jen: guys look at them
Tae: aww! Cute
Jim: let them sleep they were the one who worked alot yesterday
Tae: really!
Jim: yeah( he yawned)
Rose : let's also sleep
They all slept

The end of chapter 8

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