Eleven months later
I woke up sore and in the arms of my husband who was still deep asleep, his dark blonde hair tousled during the night, his face calm.
I kissed his shoulder then eased out of the bed, trying my best not to wake him up though I usually did.
I scurried to the bathroom, wearing nothing but his dress shirt and washed up.
I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when the door opened and Ivan walked in, he was only wearing pants and his muscles were rippling without him having to try and I found myself staring when he leaned against the door.
"Love," he said as a greeting, his morning voice sending a flutter straight to my core.
I washed my mouth in the sink then smiled at him, he pushed off the door frame, went behind me, kissed my neck and pressed himself against me to let me know I wasn't the only one aroused.
"Any plans for today?" I asked, rubbing his arm. I was going to explode from excitement. There was something I needed and very much wanted to tell him ever since I found out and it was taking everything in me to keep quiet.
"It's an important day, of course we have plans," he said. Reaching in front of me for his toothbrush and the toothpaste. I propped myself on the counter and watched him brush his teeth.
"I really don't want a big celebration, Ivan, just family," I said, trying to be discreet about what gift I was gonna give him for our anniversary, well I hoped it was a gift.
He nodded, washed his mouth, then his face, dried himself, then pulled me to the edge of the counter, my legs wrapping around his waist and he kissed me with an intensity I was still trying to get used to.
"I can't believe it's been an entire year since we got married," I told him.
"You know, I always wondered how it would be to marry you again," he said after one kiss then dove in for another.
"I think it would be the same," I said, pulling back to look at his striking blue eyes and wondered if our kids would ever get his eyes.
"You didn't love me then, remember?" He replied, his fingers woving through my hair. "That would be different, and you didn't know I loved you,"
"You did?" I asked, in disbelief, running my hand down his abdomen.
"Yes, I realized it when you walked down the aisle, looking the way you did," He answered, taking my hand away from his body and kissing it.
"What? You can't mean that!"
"I do mean it, it was so easy, Nyah, so easy to fall in love with you. I fell without realizing it and I'm still falling in love with you every single day."
I smiled, if he kept this up, I might just die of happiness.~~~
Ivan drove us to an outdoor restaurant in the middle of a forest. It looked beautiful in the summer with all the trees and bushes a deep green and all the fruits and flowers adding color to the mix.
"I have to ask," I said, as we walked towards the entrance. "Is this restaurant yours?"
"Guess, do you know what it's called?" He asked, rubbing his thumb over my knuckle, our hands joined together.
I look at the front of the restaurant, my heart skipping a beat. Nyah's Kitchen.
"Ivan," I said, trying to suppress a smile but he was already smiling wide. "You're joking- this is a joke isn't it?" I playfully pushed his arm. "You named it that on purpose! You know I can't cook!"
He laughed, pulled me to his side and kissed my head. "I liked the sound of it, the sound of your name is my favourite thing,"
My heart swelled.
"Let's go see what Nyah's kitchen has to offer," I said.
"Hopefully not burned chicken,"
"Or sugared spaghetti," I added, joining in on the joke which earned another laugh out of him.~~~
My stomach felt like it was going to explode from how full I was. All of this food tasted so damn good and Ivan informed me that it was all his dad's recipes.
We were complete now, the whole family; Ivan, Kaian, Malachi, Eliana and Uncle Dev, seated around the large wooden table sharing this very important meal.
I stood up and so did Ivan and we looked at each other in surprise.
"Were you gonna say something?" I asked.
"You can go first," he said.
My nerves went on full alert, I was so nervous for this. "No, it's ok, you go," I said then sat back down, making no room for any more arguments.
He took a deep breath, looked at everyone at the table then at me.
"There was something I needed to ask you, Nyah," he began.
"Oh, um, go ahead," I smiled at him.
"Would you like to get married again?" He asked and I think my heart went still for a second. I stared at him, not knowing what to say and a flying French fry hitting him on the cheek was what made me snap out of it.
I looked in the direction of where it came from and Malachi was frowning at Ivan.
"That's not a very good way of proposing to someone, asshole,"
"You're proposing?" I asked as if what he just asked me could mean anything else.
He scowled at Malachi then went down on one knee, a small velvet box in his hand.
"I didn't do it right the last time," he began and my heart was beating so fast I could feel it in my ears. "Nyah, I know we've been married for an entire year now and being your husband is the best thing that's ever fucking happened to me. I've made mistakes before, and being the man that I am, I might make more in the future. But you bring out the best in me, you make my life so much better and there's nothing in this world that would make me want to be apart from you," he said, looking at me the entire time and I felt my cheeks wet with tears. "Please, my love, will you marry me again?" He asked.
I took his face in my hands and kissed him. I was so happy, we tumbled on the floor, our arms wrapped around each other. "Yes," I mumbled against his lips and I was so busy being held by him that I didn't even notice how beautiful the ring was.
It was a light green sapphire pear shaped diamond, a tiny diamond halo surrounding it and the band was gold, his name engraved in cursive. There was another ring, smaller and shaped like an upside down crown.
"There's two, Ivan," I mumbled, stating the obvious.
"One's the engagement ring and the other a promise ring," he said against my cheek, kissing me there. "A promise ring to remind you that everyday I live is another day that I love you more. Another day that I get to spend with you,"
"And here I was thinking you were sick of me," I joked, earning a few laughs from around the table.
He took off my old rings then put the new ones on. "Anybody could make me marry you a million times over and over again and even that wouldn't make me sick of you." He smiled, kissing my hand. I hugged him, then kissed him then hugged him again, unable to contain my happiness and around us, his siblings cheered along with uncle Dev.
He got up then helped me up, pulling me in for another kiss.
"Now, it's your turn, you were going to say something, weren't you?" He asked.
"Oh! Right, there is something I needed to say too," I smiled. "There really is no creative way for me to say this now that I was presented with this," I said, holding up my hand where my new engagement ring was. "But, Ivan and I are going to be parents!" I exclaimed.
Kaian choked on his drink, Eliana spat hers out to the side and Malachi nearly fell out of his chair, laughing at Ivan's reaction. My husband was staring at me, his mouth open in shock. Uncle Devon looked at me with a knowing smile, he knew because he was the one that had the suspicion and was the one that told me to get tested.
"What?" My husband and his siblings asked at the same time.
"I'm pregnant!" I smiled, facing Ivan and pointing at my belly.
"There's a baby in there?" He asked, looking dumbfounded.
"Yes, Ivan, there's a baby-" I was lifted of the ground and spun around, showered with kisses.
"So I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked, putting me down, his hands framing my face. I nodded and pressed a kiss to his lips.
He looked so happy my heart swelled.
"Fuck yeah, I'm gonna be a fucking aunt!" Eliana exclaimed.
"Wait, come here and sit down, we need to be careful now," Ivan said, pulling my chair back and pushing me down gently. "Are you comfortable?" He asked. "That's why you weren't drinking any wine," he said, pulling my chair closer to him even though we were already beside each other.
He took my hand, kissed the back of it, then kissed me on the cheek. I looked at him as he smiled at me and it was just the two of us again.
It was moments like these that made me realize just how much I loved him.
I've spent my whole life reading books in hopes of living my own happy ending and if our love was a book to read, it would be one I read over and over again. It didn't matter how many times the words or the events in our book were rearranged, it would always be the same; we would find each other and we would fall in love.
This will always be my favourite and will forever be my dream come true.

The Unspoken Vow
Storie d'amoreAn arranged marriage. An unexpected love story. ~~~ To her, happy ever afters only exist in books, and she believes that dreams are inevitable, but never expect them to become a reality, so she swears to never hope. To him, happy ever afters don't...