Bonus Epilogue

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Two Years Later

     We've come full circle now, Ivan and Nyah were getting married again and this one was more intimate, less guests and all that.
     Nyah was about to walk down the aisle and Ivan looked on, a content look on his face like he was genuinely happy and I guess he was. I haven't seen my brother this happy since before our dad died and I was fucking glad to see it.
     This family could use all the extra joy there was in this world.
     The music began to play, Nyah showed up at the end of the aisle, holding her uncle's arm and I watched the way Ivan looked at her. He didn't cry this time, just smiled at her as if she could give him all the answers to all of his problems. As if she was the one thing he was looking for in life and in a sense, maybe she was.
     I don't know how or why I thought about it, but suddenly, I was wondering if I could ever have something like that. Someone that made me feel like my world was complete.
     There was nothing missing in my life, I had everything I needed.
     Everything I wanted was within reach, and love?
     Love was the last fucking thing on that list.

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