a new world

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Y/N pov

I walked home (aka aizawa's house) knowing that the usj is tomorrow (I think don't judge me I'm not good at time lines ok) and I'm just glad that I can fight and that I have my hero licence so I can go a shit on them.

Now in my room I'm bored 'I think it would be cool to create a world for the first time' bringing up the menu I see 3 worlds end 'wonder what that means' my base 'ok make's sense' and dream smp 'wait WHAT!?!?' being the person I am I tapped/clicked? it and I'm in the community house 'what the fuk' I knew I would either 1. Get killed 2. Get a sword to my neck 3. Most likely get caught up in some kind of war 'i hope I can use my quirk here because I am way to young to die' I got up inventory and it worked to my relief I got a Ender pearl and teleported as far as I can (keep in mind this dream smp is real life not them streaming) I ended up a few trees away from L'manburg or manburg I honestly don't know which one it is.

Walking towards the walls I
See a furry (aka Fundy) in L'manburg uniform 'so this is still the first war' I walk over to him he runs to me "hiimfundywhatsyournameicantakeyoutomydad" (if you can't read it it says "hi I'm Fundy what's your name I can take you to my dad") being able to understand people say when talking fast can come in handy sometimes "hi Fundy I'm y/n and sure you can take me to your dad"

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