First Day

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First chapter guys tell me if you like it!


Walking into the lighted hallway i walk to my assigned locker ready to get the day over with. Slowly moving to my first class i trudge to the biology class i have first period seeing some faces i dont quite like giving me nasty looks, staring me down the thing they always do. But something wasnt right there was a new person there that i have never seen before... I pick a seat close to the window and wait for the class to start but i have a gut feeling that someone is watching me. Turning around i see a pair of green glowing eyes staring into mine, the way he smirked make me shiver the feeling of him being near made me scared like there is danger near. 

I stare blankly at the teacher not knowing a thing of what he is saying all i can think about is him. I may not be a go getter but im gonna make it my mission to find out who this boy is.

The day passes and we all exit the school going to the parking lot, hoping into my black mustang i start the engine and head home. Know if you havent though this though i am kinda rich. I live in this fancy home and have fancy cars and fancy clothing i could have really anything i wanted if i asked for it. But i never really ask for anything i may look like one of  those nerd but at heart im a girly girl i dont show it because i dont want to be considered as a prick. But thats just how life is right? 

Pulling into the drive i slowly grab my things to find we have people moving into the house right by us. Shruging i open the door and say a small hello to my parent who have no time to stop what they are doing and say hi back. Closing the door to striping from my uniform i stand in my closet looking for something to wear. Grabbing my oversized grey sweater, white beany, shorts and a pair of white vans i go to my bathroom straightening my hair and doing my makeup. Grabbing my iphone i walk back to my room calling my friend Victoria.

-Phone Call-

C- Hey victoria we should hang lets go to park and walk around my parents wouldnt mind and i bet yours wouldnt either... pleaseee!

V- Fine but ur picking me up! 

C- see you in 5 girlfriend! -hangs up-

Hoping in the car i drive past the houses but before i got out of the addison i saw those same eyes i did before could he be the person that moved next to me? 

Arriving at the park me and victoria talk about our day till we see something that most never happends around these parts a fight like a gang of guys on one guy i felt back so i walked over to the group to see it the same guy from class the same day... 

Clearing ,my throut i shout for them to stop "Stop this is not the place to have you little fights know get the hell away from the poor kid" i say walking up to the guys. Like i said the one from class is there but there is 4 others one with blonde hair spiked to be a quif, one with brown hair which looks to be shaved down, one with black hair styled to perfection, and lastly one with brown hair and grey-blue eyes they poped to me but never like those green ones.

'arent you the guy from class' i say pointing to the one with curly hair with electric eyes

'why you must be cara i have heard of you, your not to bad as they say... i may have to try you out but yes i am im harry, harry styles. And why are you here inturupting this little shits beatings?

'well im here because i can know leave before the cops are called for this' i say strong feeling a little out of my place i can feel that he is getting more angryer by the minute it rays off him like the summer sun. The look on his face says more though, it scares me though it doesnt i shows me that there is something he is trying to say but just wont. He slowly walks away looking back at me smirking mouthing the words 'see you later babe'. And that was enough for me to leave and just go home and sit.

Sitting on my balconany i see there is a figure in the room across mine, and its just the person i want to see but hes not in anything but a towel hanging low on his hips. 

Without a sound i stand there as if i was not there with my glasses falling a push them up wishing i didnt because thats when he saw me, just the look gave me a heart attack the smirk it just gave me the worst butterflys ever i dont even know the guy and he makes me just want to hope on that! but what came next came to a shocker 

'well well well it seems little miss cara wants a show...' he says while taking his towel off putting on his boxers.

stumbling for words i smile and sit on the chair i have on the balcony and look up at the stars 'nope just came out here to think this is my thinking spot but you disruped me.' i must say i have hade a lot of courage today...

'well them why dont i join you with your thinking and we can get to know each other better..' harry says climbing over his railing to my balcony and sitting on the other chair beside me. Not paying attention to him i look to the stars wishing i wasnt here right know or anything. 

'so cara i have heard you not so 'popular' but you hang out with the lets say bad kids...' he drags the end out puting one of his large hands on my leg leaving it at its spot while his face gets closer and closer to mine. But in a quick move i turn away to answer to his question.

'Yes i do im not a goody goody you dont know a thing about me..' i say while playing with my heart neckles.

'I will soon you just see, you will be mine, you may be shy in school but i think i like the you i saw at the park.... you where very sexy sticking up for that boy but i dont like nice i like naughty... ' he says kissing my neck and rubbing my leg. Though i was about to answer the touch of his hands and lips where gone and he had went into his room leaving the doors open saying. 

'see you in the morning cara be up bright and early or i will get you up myself in my own ways...' he says closing the doors and disappering. 

Walking into my room i think of the sceen that just happend and lay in my bed slowly closing my eyes waiting for the next day to come as soon as possible.


thats the first chapter so i am most likely going to update tomorrow or sometime this week but vote and comment for this chapter and tell me if you like it and if you like it tell yo friends! 

-lexxx! ;) xxx

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